
How did this happen?

Morning came and Clara slowly opened her eyes only to be met with Shaman's sleeping face.

'H-huh what happened?' Panicking for a moment she tried to move, only to realise that not only were her hands stuck underneath Shaman, but she was also being hugged by her in return.

'How did this even happen?' Clara felt her head spinning as the situation seemed too surreal while the happenings of the night before felt like a fading dream.

'Wait! Last night, That was real? Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?' Recalling what happened before she fell asleep, combined with the situation she was in finally convinced her that everything was real.

"Clara?" Shaman woke up from Clara's squirming and wondered what was wrong.

"O-oh I'm fine, just trying to process what the hell happened and figure out if this is real." Hearing Clara's explanation of the chaotic state her mind was in, Shaman could understand why Clara felt this way.

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