
You have a long road ahead, mister.

They were enjoying the moment however, it was short-lived when someone started knocking the door. 

Kyra's eyes widened and she almost fell off the bed but managed to scramble her way out of bed. 

"Shit! It should be Lisa and Sofia!", Kyra said frantically.

However, unlike Kyra, Oliver didn't move but continued to look at Kyra who was panicking. 

'Why is she panicking like this? Is..Is she regretting?' Oliver thought. But her actions a few seconds back didn't look that way but the other way around. 

If she is fine with this, why don't she want her friends to know?

"What would happen if they found out we are sharing the bed?" Oliver quietly asked however, the disappointment is obvious in his voice. 

Kyra stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Oliver. She was fixing her dress so that her friends won't be able to spot the red marks on her fair skin. 

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