
One Card Left

Alexandra fisted her hands to stop them from shaking. And still, they couldn't stop shaking. Her sword dropped from her hand as she couldn't find the energy to hold it. 

[He's gone… My husband… He's…My friends, everyone… They're… It's my fault…]

She couldn't wrap her mind around it. The fact she was the reason for this to happen, because she put her trust in the wrong person once again, made her will to live to dwindle. She wanted to go where everyone else is. She wanted to give up and accept her defeat.

[It's my fault…]

When she looked deeply into the Darkness' appearances, she found that the Darkness only used two forms to present itself to anyone—Calantar and Inanis. She figured out that Calantar and Inanis are the two personalities of the Darkness. Calantar is the entity who can love and help in the creation, while Inanis is the other side of Calantar who is jealous and was responsible for all the destruction.

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