
An Ugly Loner

"He is a vicious carnation of evil that seeks to either destroy or enslave all life, and would stop at nothing to do so. Some of you here may have come into contact with those who have telepathically conversed with him, and perhaps a few of you here have actually spoken to him for yourself. His words are like honey filled with infinite temptation and to accept a deal with him almost always sounds completely worth it… But I assure you, it is all deceit." Gaia said as you looked around the gathering.

"The main power of Envy is his namesake. He can instil within you envious emotions that will corrupt your mind until you are fully branded with his authority. Yes you would gain impressive powers, and perhaps you would obtain the things that you envied so much, but ultimately, it is at the cost of your entire Soul.

If Envy ordered you to eat your own children, you would do it with a smile. If Envy ordered you to give him your mates, you would do it with a smile. If Envy ordered you to walk into his mouth and feed him with your entire body, you would do it with a smile.

That is what it means to be branded by a Sin. And that is why, all of us here must rise against him before he becomes too powerful. Rise against him whilst we still have a chance to resist, or… well, I'm sure you all understand by now. So long as Envy exists, we will NEVER have peace. So come, my brethren from the same Continent, let us band together to destroy Envy once and for all… before it is too late."

For a moment, silence spread across the gathering. But then all of a sudden:

"ROOOAAARRRRRRRR!!!" The Crystal Dragon King let out an explosive roar, quickly followed by Osmont the Supreme Fire Dragon, Misali the Supreme Water Dragon, and all the other Supreme Dragons.

And as if challenged, Drako the Divine Dragon King and the Divine Dragons that had accompanied him also began to let out loud roars. And like this, one by one, different groups of Beasts began to express their passion with sound. Only Jörma and her Snakes, Titania and her Elves, Apis, the Moonlit Wasps, the 3 legendary birds, and a few others, chose to remain quiet.

"Me and Envy cannot exist under the same sky!" Drako yelled, the ever-hot headed Dragon (despite his age), once more acting carelessly as if the incident with Jörma had never occurred.

Other like-minded people gave yells of assent and added their own things, but eventually, things calmed down and people fell quiet. But the mood had completely changed. Everyone's eyes glowed with energy, and a few uncontrolled auras were billowing excitedly.

War was coming! A war like never before!

War was often horrifying and filled with endless bloodshed, but it was also always filled with bountiful opportunities. After all, most of them here were Beasts! The corpses of their fallen enemies was one of their greatest nourishments! On top of that, didn't this grand mission mean they were becoming global?

If the trajectory of the words exchanged so far were to be taken into consideration, it was natural to think that in their plan of taking down Envy, they would be leaving the Continent to find him, instead of waiting for him to come here. Otherwise, why else would Chad come all the way here? Just to save their Continent instead of his own? What a joke!

So for the first time, they would be leaving their continent for another. It was a concept surrounded in danger and peril, but also plentiful benefits! What an opportunity! They didn't know how they'd do it, especially with the increasing danger of the Seas, but surely Gaia had a way if she was talking this far. They could barely suppress their aura from leaking out of excitement!

"You seem very confident, goddess Gaia. Does this mean you have a sure way to defeat Envy?"

Everyone turned their attention to the owner of the voice they were hearing for the first time, and a few faces twisted in disgust. The voice was… deep and steady, a feature that could be considered attractive to most people. But the appearance…

To put things simply, he was a toad. Literally a toad. Granted, a very large toad that was over 70 metres tall, but still a toad. His skin was pitch black in colour, save for the lighter coloured underbelly, but that was as far as 'normal' things went.

The toad was… covered from head to toe in obnoxious bright yellow coloured bumps, and each bump seemed to be leaking a greenish yellow liquid that was viscous in nature (going by how slowly it moved) and they released similar coloured fumes into the air that looked about as poisonous as 10 Hiculu's.

No wonder the closest person to him was 200 metres away. He must have smelled bad too. And those ugly yellow eyes? The creepy way that he sat? The odd undulations of his lower jaw muscles? His eyes that looked at 2 separate things every now and then? The sweaty-looking slickness of his overall body that had nothing do with his other liquids? Wow! What an ugly creature!

He was so ugly that it was impressive!

Still, they didn't react too much. They all knew of him. He was an impressive toad creature that had risen to where he was today on his own, hence why he wasn't surrounded by followers like most of the other rulers here. It was definitely something worthy of respect. If it weren't for the inherent toxicness of his powers that prevent people from coming too close, he definitely would have been recruited by one faction or another. His appearance? Naught but a breeze in the grand scheme of things.

Unfortunately, his personality, coupled with his toxicity that even he couldn't control very well prevented him from having many friends. He wasn't even strong enough to grab attention, being in the mere 1st stage of the 4th Realm, so he had been mostly ignored not just in the gathering, but also in real life. Nobody cared what he did in his filthy swamps, and if he were to keel over and die one day it would take a long time for people to notice, and only then because no matter how toxic he was, the corpse of a 4th Realm Beast was still the corpse of a 4th Realm Beast.

He was a loner through and through.

But it was this loner that had never done anything attention grabbing in his life before (other than rising to the 4th Realm), that was now daring to question goddess Gaia in front of all of them.

Hehe, who can relate? You? HAHAHA!

SolitaryMonarchcreators' thoughts
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