
65. War Of The Heart


As the sun rose and the morning came I found myself comfily tucked in my bed with Joon closely holding me at his side. His sleepy smile was the first thing I saw, a calm and quiet followed as we simply bathed in the moment.

Joon mentioned that I'd fallen asleep after last nights wild endeavours and that him and Jin had made sure to clean me up and tuck me into bed. By that time it was so late that Joon had decided staying over was easier and hoped I didn't mind. Of course, I was glad he'd crawled in next to me and taken care of me.

He'd always treated me sweetly, with care, as though I was precious to him. Unfortunately our cuddles had to be cut short seeing as Joon and the rest of the boys had a full day of promotional events scheduled.

Joon made it a point to let me know he was taking one of my canned coffees out of the fridge on his way out. I scurried to the fridge and added a Katsu sandwich to top it off with, coffee alone wasn't a sustainable breakfast so I had to make sure Joon was eating enough for the busy day that lay ahead of him.

We parted ways with a soft kiss to the lips and a smitten wave on my part. The smile he left with should've put me at ease, but, lately my mind hadn't let that happen.

Instead, a darkness knocked on the back door, waiting to come in and get comfortable. Pestering me to no ends. I shower, throw on something casual then settle at the coffee table and attempt to spend my time writing. Which, proves to only lead to thoughts of conversation from the night before creeping in.

If Reira was to get arrested, would it solve the problem? Would that free them from the responsibilities they're locked in?

Could I do something about that? Even if I could, there was no way the boys would let me. They wouldn't put me in danger, and they wouldn't let me put myself in danger, either.

I can't tell them. I've got to do this on my own.

There was no guarantee, but, I wouldn't know unless I tried. Even if there was a small chance, it was better than just standing on the sidelines and watching the people I cared about fall to their inevitable demise.

There's no other way.

I can't let that happen.

No matter what.

But.. it's dangerous. So dangerous… I'm scared but… If I take the leap and save us, and I fall down… that's a fate I'll have to accept.

I've got to gain Reira's trust. It's well known he has a weakness for girls, me in particular. I'm going use that to my advantage. Evidence, there has to be some. Jin mentioned… Human trafficking by the sounds of it. Fuck. That's frightening.

I let out a deep sigh, put my thoughts aside momentarily as I made lunch. Afterwards I got a message from Koh letting me know what time he'd stop by to pick me up for tonight. With my mind set, I took an afternoon nap until it came time to go.

It was only Koh and I in the car as we drove to Reira's establishment. Apparently Tae had been held up with the busy promotional schedule and wouldn't arrive until later.

We hadn't spoken in a week. Guilt filled me, I wanted to apologise to him. But following the chaos of the shooting and how rattled Tae had been, I was at a loss with how to approach him. I wanted to run up to him, fling my arms around him and tell him I'm sorry over and over again.

The car pulls up and it's time to go. I refocus on my objective, walking through the halls to the dressing room I feel as weightless as a stone.

Tonight I entertained a new client, one that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. A high profile executive from SM Entertainment. I grew bored and irritated easily as he incessantly tried to scout me as a trainee, despite knowing nothing about me other than seeing I had a pretty face. The choice of dress for this evening being dusty pink and baby-doll didn't help, either. The small uncomfortable cough that came from Koh in the corner let me know he was on edge.

But, as usual, I sat and giggled at his advances. I'd become such a natural at faking a good time that I even started to believe it myself. When the client left Kaede pulled me up and let me know Reira wanted to see me in his office.

Was this it? The break I'd been looking for?

Unbeknown to Koh or Kaede, my stomach drops but I smile as I take the news and make my way there. Be brave.

As I reach the door to Reira's office I catch a glimpse of a tall figure with brown curly locks. He'd just stepped out of a room down the side hallway, keenly grabbing a bottle of cognac for a client he was having a nice night with. The boxy smile on his face fades and he's caught in his stride, those mysterious eyes of his residing on the sight of me. My heart cries.

I rip away from the sight of Tae and ask Koh to wait outside while I go in and talk with Reira. I didn't have time to get distracted right now.

Upon knocking I'm told to enter. The grandeur of his office is nothing short from the rest of the establishment. Lux green drapes covered tall windows, lounge chairs splayed across the room, the desk in which Reira is seated behind matches it all.

"Jia, How are we?" He hums, head raising from the papers before him to me.

"Good. Great, actually." I gave a relaxed smile before slipping into one of the lounge chairs and crossing my legs. Anticipation runs through me at what he's called me here for. I hold it in.

"Wonderful. Well, seeing as I managed to catch you before you left for the night," Reira sits back and opens a draw, pulling out a thick envelope and sliding it across his desk, "this is yours."

I tilted my head, eye the envelope for a moment before realising that it was my pay from last week.

"Oh, right. The last one came directly from Joon," I reached over and took it off the table, but something felt off, "This feels thicker than the last one."

"Mm. Well," Reira falters for a moment, "I put in a little extra in hopes that you'd accept it as an apology… For what happened last week."

Was I more confused or offended right now? Was he serious? I gave a light laugh.

"Oh no, you didn't need to do that…" I could use this. Run with it. "Honestly… I'm sorry I reacted that way, I was just so surprised."

Here goes nothing. Pull his strings.

"It's a little embarrassing to admit. But, I haven't stopped thinking about the way your lips tasted all week…" I laid it on thick but not unbelievably so. Keen glints in his eyes are what I was hoping for.

"But, Reira. You know… kissing me out in the open like that, it's too risky. If any of my boys were to see, it wouldn't be good for business."

"Mm, I'm well aware. You outweigh that risk by far."

"Ahhh. More please," I laughed, the level of flattery was just too funny.

"Jia, Shh. I'm serious. Don't be like that, you're hurting my feelings." Reira teased a pout, knowing full well I see right though his playboy ways. We really were cut from the same cloth.

"Give me your number, I wanna get to know you. Reira. The masks are becoming exhausting." I lull my head against the backing of the chair, lips at a small pout awaiting his response.

"If it doesn't work out with them you could always come to me. I'd treat you so well, whatever you want, it'd be yours."

"Is there a way for me to come to you without putting a target on my head for my betrayal?"

"Simple. I'll just buy you from them. I'm sure, even for them, there's a price they'd settle for."

"Even if I was to come with you, how can I be so sure you're serious about me? That you won't just throw me away as soon as a new cuter, younger girl comes along."

Reira laughs. "God you're so brazen. Yet cute, you know there's this irresistible innocence about you. It's why I'm so smitten with you. And, if you give me the chance, I'll show you, how serious about you I am."

Despite being on edge at his audacity I agree to give him a chance, we exchange numbers and make plans to meet on Sunday.

As I sit in the dressing room chair I swallow down my fear and guilt. Koh had questioned me as soon as I'd come out but I chalked it down to a friendly chat over a quick drink.

He dropped it after that. I felt more like myself as I walked towards the car. But, that sick feeling I'd been trying so desperately to swallow only regurgitates as I spot Tae sitting in the back seat of the car.

I quietly slip in to the seat beside him, neither of us say a word on the ride home but his presence is heavy. Just as I was about to get out Tae does first. I'm confused but, I step out too. My confusion only grows as Tae walks ahead of me, up the stairs and into my living space.

"Tae…? Is everything okay?" I finally break the silence.

"Get ready for bed, you must be tired." Tae ignores my question, he didn't sound mad, if anything, I couldn't make out how he felt at all. It was just so unreadable.

"Okay, I'll shower first." I didn't argue or push it any further, instead I just gave in and went to get ready for bed.

By the time I'd cleaned up, changed and crawled into bed, Tae was quick to do the same. We lay there, side by side, in silence for a while. It felt like we were a couple that'd been together for years, and, despite having fought, we're still there together sharing the same bed. My chest tightens in the silence. Then, the climax spills out of him.

"I don't care about whatever it is you're upto. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But, I'm not letting that come between us. I care about you too much. I realised that after leaving that night… I'd rather we fight and still sleep together like this, than not." I catch my breath. Streams of pent up anxiety spill down my cheeks. This was my doing, yet, here he was, refusing to abandon me.

"Tae. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." My tears spill, uncontrollably so.

"Shh. Please don't cry, I don't care about all that anymore, come here baby," Tae's warmth consumes me entirely as he yanks me roughly by the forearm into him.

Stay with me, please, just bear it a little longer, Tae. This war of hearts. I just want it to come to an end.

His body hushes my sobs.

His scent puts my mind at ease.

His love smothers my pain.

His lullaby gives way to my fatigue.

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