
31. Promise


It was an icy grey morning but Jungkook and I weren't going to let that stop us from going out to the park for our scheduled run. We'd just finished doing our stretches and seemed to be warmed up and in good spirits. I asked if he was ready as we reached the pathway in which he gave a thumbs up. We set off at a steady pace, from my peripherals I could see the hood of Kookies jumper bouncing slightly along with his hair.

I felt the material of my legging tug a little at the skin of my waist with every step. Fresh cold air hit my face and hands, seeing as it was the only part of me that wasn't covered by my jumper or leggings. I breathed deeply in and out as we kept going, we were now passing the lake which had a thin layer of ice formed over the top. It glistened against the faint light of the sun cracking over the horizon. Suddenly Jungkook stopped, I also came to a halt and looked at him.

"Sorry, my phones ringing. Can we have a break? I need to take this" He explained as he pulled his phone out and glanced down at it.

"Yeah sure, no rush" I waved it off. He gave a small smile before picking up the call and walking a little out of earshot. I turned back towards the lake and gazed out at it. It was beautiful, there were small rocks and trees on the lake bank that made it look picture perfect. I took a few steps closer off the concrete and onto the grass which gave a light crunch from the ice under my feet. That's when a tiny sound caught my ear. It was so faint I thought I'd imagined it.

There, on a rock, just on the bank was a white kitten. It's meows for help were so fragile. As I inspected it further I noticed that a tree was blocking the kittens path off the rock from behind so it's only way off was over the thin layer of ice.

Holy shit, how long had this poor thing been stuck there?! As I got closer I could see it shivering. "Kitty, hey, it's okay" I bent down beside the edge of the ice and tried to reach out to it but, there's no way I'd be able to grab it unless I leaned over the ice a bit.


This isn't good… But there's no way I can leave it there. Just looking at this tiny little guy freezing there alone on that rock.

Fuck it.

As I carefully put my palm on the ice I felt it burn cold. I took a deep breath and tried to put up with it, after it got a bit numb I put a bit more pressure. Slowly seemed fine. The ice wasn't cracking so I moved forward and knelt as carefully as I could on the ice. I slowly reached out, the kitten was still meowing desperately which only pushed me further to try and get him outta there. Finally, I felt his soft fluffy fur in my palm as I scooped him up. Now, all I had to do was gently throw him back on the bank then back up slowly the way I'd come. The kitty made a small plop sound as I threw him a short distance behind me to the grass.


A sharp freeze engulfed my arm. The lattices of ice rippled. It gave way from underneath. I was falling forward. In an instant everything went dark. Shock from sudden cold hit me. I gasped but couldn't scream.

I can't move. My whole body was freeze burning.

Fuck I'm going to die.

Everything went numb. I couldn't feel a thing.

Fear crept in to every crevice of my being, drowning me in its depths.

I open my eyes. I faintly hear Kooks voice before I glimpse him leaning over me. Was it my mind playing tricks on me? Time was disfigured. My body is shaking violently, I crack my eyes open again, reality flickering in and out, I see cars and buildings whizzing past. I was being held. Kookie was panting.

I'm numb. I can't control the shaking. My body is so weak. I fall out of reality, the sounds of the street become more faint, a door slams shut. Through numbness I feel a rug beneath me.

"Jia. Stay with me" The urgency in Kooks voice pulls my attention. I try and focus on him but it's so hard. With force my jumper is ripped off me, next my leggings.

"Jungkook, it's-" I can barely get the words out, it takes all of my strength to keep conscious and not fall into nothingness. "Just hold on. Im gonna warm you up. It's going to be okay" I can hear his own voice shaking. I feel my bra being unclipped, and then, my underwear being slid down. I was only naked for a second before Kookie ran to my bedroom and wrapped my big blanket around me.

Slowly, I started to be able to focus on what was happening around me. Jungkook sat before me drenched, doe-eyes on me as I sat wrapped in a blanket on my living room floor.

"Kookie. I'm okay" I breathed. The numbness in my body slowly was starting to disappear.

"Fuck. Thank god. You scared the hell out of me" his teeth chattered and his shivers started to get worse. "Kook. You need to take off those wet clothes too." I didn't have enough strength to help him, all I could do was clutch the blanket around me. "Im fine, don't worry about me." He shook his head but I knew that wasn't the truth.

"Don't be stubborn. Your shaking so much" Kook hesitated for a second, I thought he was going to argue but, he slowly peeled off his jumper to reveal his wet bare chest. Our eyes locked for a moment as he lingered at the waist band of his pants so I closed my eyes.

Then, I felt Kook open up the blanket from around me. Air hit my body before the ice cold of his bare skin replaced it. Kook had lifted me up onto his lap before wrapping the blanket back around the both of us. I could feel him shaking beneath me. After a little while I regained some feeling. "Are you getting warmer?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm not shaking as badly" he gave a small breath then wrapped his arms around my back and pressed me harder against him. Our chests pressed together.

As warmth returned the more I could feel how closely we were pressed together. His skin on mine. I reposition and sit on his thigh, knees tucked as my feet touch the small space of carpet in between Jungkooks crossed legs.

I lift my arms over his shoulders and hold him. Even though I'd been rescued from the depths of that cold lake trickles of icy guilt started to pour into my mind.

"You're still so cold though" I mumbled. It was because of me. "I'll be okay. You're warming me up" Kookie rested his head in the crevice of my neck and we stayed huddled together for a while longer. He was right, as time went by I could feel the heat building between us but I needed to apologise.

"I'm really sorry… this is my fault" I peered down at Kook who pulled away and looked at me plainly. He runs his hands through my wet hair and nods. Maybe it was a mixture of guilt and fear that lingered. That feeling of being submerged, possibly even near death…

"Yeah. It is. You're always doing risky things, getting yourself into trouble. Isn't this the third time I've had to carry you home?" Kook furrowed his brows. The high running emotions I'd kept at bay finally spilt as his words hit me.

"I'm sorry… I'll try and be more ca-" Kook closes his eyes and gently kissed me.

Why are you the one who always seems to be saving me..

Tears trickled down my cheeks, Kookies soft lips moved from mine to my cheeks. He placed small kisses where my tears had been.

"Please don't cry" he whispered. "I'm trying, but I can't help it" I whimpered between soft sobs. Kook gave a small groan before gripping my waist roughly with one hand and pulling my thigh around him with the other so I was wrapped around him and unable to move.

"Kookie" I gasped, only for him to run his hand up through my hair and then push my lips down into his. With his head tilted backwards I drove my tongue deeper into his mouth. His hands gripped my waist again and he thrusted hard up against me, I felt him thick and hard as it slid between my bare folds. It was all happening so fast. Every time his tongue slid over mine, the feeling of him between my thighs, it was a pure rush. The tension. It was all being released at once.

"Can I?" Kooks voice broke me out of my lust filled trance. His big brown doe eyes connected with mine. I was sitting on the tip of him, the slightest movement and he'd be inside me.

I nodded slowly, at a loss for words. I clung around his shoulders as he slowly plunged his entire length in to me. His groans as he did sent shivers through me.

Kook did most of the work as he lifted me by the hips and drove himself deeper and deeper into me. I held on for dear life as he did, until, he slowed down. "Are you coming?" My voice barely escaping me as I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Mm. Are you?" Jungkook kissed my ear softly as he asked. "Yeah, I'm so close. Don't stop" I buried my head into his neck and sucked lightly. He picked up speed again and after a few deep thrusts I felt him shoot hard inside me. It sent me over, I tried to squeeze my legs together as I came but the thickness of Kooks torso was in the way and the intensity of the climax hit me.

We were both left panting, Kook fell on his back and I toppled over onto his chest. The blanket fell open from behind me and we both lay there naked and trying to catch our breaths. I curled up on top of him. Drained from how high strung everything had been.

"Can you promise me something?" Kook spoke softly.

"What is it?"

"You won't do anything stupid and die while I'm gone?"

"Gone? Where are you going?" I lifted my head and peered into his face.

"I was going to tell you after our run. My agency is sending me off to America for dance training. I should be back by the start of next semester but it depends" He said plainly.

"I don't want you to leave… Is that too selfish of me?". He gave a small sigh. "I don't really want to go either but I have to."

"I'll promise then. I'll be here waiting for you. Alive and well". Kook chuckles.

"Good. If I've got you waiting for me then I'll have to train hard so I can get back to you quicker" A small smirk creeps up.

"Pfft. You should train hard regardless!" I exclaimed. A small moments silence passed before Kook spoke again.

"Jia. I'm serious, don't be careless while I'm gone. I'm so worried something might happen, you have to promise". I rested my head back on his chest, I traced small circles on his other pec. "I promise. I didn't know you worried that much…".

"Of course I do. You're the first-" he stopped mid sentence.

"First? What's first? First kiss?" I questioned. Peering up.

"Nevermind. I'll tell you after I get back" he looked to the side, avoiding my gaze.

"Huh? No fair, just tell me now" I protested.

"No. Don't be so impatient" Kook laughs and pinched my nose.

With a promise and new found feelings Jungkook left. It was the last time I would see him for a while. It was hard to say goodbye. After everything that had transpired between us I didn't want to let him go so soon. But, a bright sunrise lay just on the horizon. Who knew what would await us when he came back. I wished him the best of luck overseas. Knowing Jungkook I'm sure everything would work out for him. And I'd patiently wait for him to return.

The next two weeks would be full of exams. Everyone was so busy, including myself so there was no time to see each other. After those two weeks had passed everyone else except Hoseok and Yoongi had left Seoul for the holidays. They deserved a nice break after their hard work and I hoped they could all relax and recharge while they were gone.

I focused on work and saving money now that i had more free time. I'd seen Yoongi in passing occasionally, we'd stopped to chat and he was basically doing the same thing as I was. Trying to save up and write songs. Christmas was near approaching and I was excited to spend some quality time with Hoseok and Yoongi. Despite trying to save I also wanted to take a rest too.

 I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who is reading, hope you're all keeping well! 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know :)

Gasaiicreators' thoughts
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