
Taking Over Hunters

Thump! Thump!

Compass Carburettor felt his heart thumping in alarm all of a sudden, unaware of the reason for the cause. Immediately after, he felt a portion of his strength being stolen, shocking him.

'Someone is stealing my strength.' He focused, realising immediately that the avenue to steal his strength hadn't been created. Meaning, there didn't exist an enemy that could steal his power.

Therefore, there was just one person that could do this.


"Gehera needs to touch me to unleash her Ruin of Amagoth on me. How did she do it…" He muttered before breaking into a smile, "I see, Stencil has my Anthozoa."

The moment the Relic came into existence, its trait influenced him, allowing him to bestow Anthozoa to anyone he pleased, one with all the Bullet Templates that it possessed at that point in time.

The Anthozoa in Stencil's hands could indeed be used as a pathway to channel Gehera's Ruin of Amagoth into him and siphon his powers.

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