
Chapter 2: Teenage Explorations


"See? He's got that look again!"

I rolled my eyes at Kenny Doyle and took another bite of my Salisbury steak. I wasn't sure why they called it a steak. It pretty much looked like a cross between meatloaf and a hamburger patty. But for now, I concentrated furiously on my food and made sure I didn't drift away to la la land again.

It was so easy to drift. Just last night, I'd cum three times with a beautiful woman. I'd had sex. I wasn't a virgin anymore. And the memories of what activities had taken place were simply so wonderful that I couldn't help but glow and smile beatifically.

The first time Keira had given me a blowjob, I walked around school with a calm serenity. I'd no longer had that manic urge to get off with a beautiful girl. Now that I'd actually had sex, I not only found that serenity, but also a cool confidence.

I was a true man. I was a functioning, productive male of the species. I'd had sex with a beautiful woman, and no one could take that away from me. No longer was I just another teenage virgin spending half of his day trying to figure out how to lose said virginity. No longer was I worried about orgasmic release. I knew it would come again. So absent of that concern, I had plenty of time to focus on other things. My world was simply ... clearer.

I held my head high as I cruised down the school's hallways. I wasn't just a leaf on the wind anymore. I was the wind itself, moving however and wherever I wanted.

Kenny had picked up my new attitude immediately. He said I looked different, but when he pried me about the sex question I just ignored him. There was nothing in the world that could get me to do or say anything that might lead to me no longer having sex with Keira.

So at lunch, as usual, he called in reinforcements. Once again, I had half the table staring at me to see for themselves if I was really different.

I guess I was.

I tired of staring at my food within two seconds. Instead, I simply picked my head up and focused in on each of my observers, one at a time. Individually, I dared them to say something. What could they do?

Abigail and Allison Sanders immediately backed down when I glared at them. Daniel Chen got a smirk on his face and nodded knowingly. Cassidy O'Leary canted her head and started to re-evaluate me. And then there was Megan Kwan, sitting right beside me. She was looking prettier and prettier, and after the fun I'd had with Keira last night, I started to imagine what it would be like doing the same to Megan tonight.

Megan was the first to speak. "You're right, he IS different."

"Yeah," Cassidy put in. "He's ... somehow stronger. And a little scary."

"Scary!" Abigail Sanders agreed, followed in stereo by Allison's agreement, "Scary!"

I sighed. "Will you stop talking as if I'm not here. And I'm not scary. I'm just the same old Ben."

"You seem more confident, Ben," Daniel pointed out.

"I'm telling you, Ben's having sex with someone," Kenny stated emphatically. "He's got that look."

Then almost immediately, everyone at the table turned and lasered their gaze on Megan.

The young girl suddenly saw the dozens of eyeballs locked onto her and she paled visibly. "No! No," she protested.

"No, we're not having sex!" I said loudly, drawing attention back to me.

"If not her, then who?" Cassidy glared accusingly at me.

"Will you guys cool it? Isn't it enough that I'm just feeling good about having a date tonight?" I reached to take Megan's hand on top of the table and squeezed it. "Look, everyone here knows I'm taking Megan out tonight."

I turned to look at her and without thinking, I moved my hand up to sweep her dark bangs out of her eyes and behind her ear. "A very pretty girl wants to spend a night out with me, and I couldn't be happier," I said sincerely.

Megan beamed happily and she squeezed my hand.

Then I whirled and glared at everyone else. "Now I'll thank you to butt out!"

The date was perfect.

Megan's parents greeted me and expressed some concern that their daughter was going out. She was their little girl and the idea of her being out with a boy scared them a bit. Still, Megan actually hadn't dated since the last time she went out with me, and the Kwan's seemed comforted that their daughter was going with a nice boy they already knew (me).

So when Megan came downstairs, we all suitably oohed and ahhed as the young lady had put on makeup, done her hair, and was wearing a cute but age- appropriate dress. Megan's appearance was far beyond her usual T-shirt, jeans, and ponytail daily approach.

Dinner was great. We went to a burger joint where we ran into a bunch of our other classmates. But after chatting a bit we got our own little booth and settled in to enjoy each other's company. Being prior friends, conversation came easily to us and I didn't have to force anything like I did occasionally on previous dates.

We then hurried to make our movie time. Since Megan was still just fifteen, her parents imposed a 10pm curfew. Once we got settled, Megan let me slide my hand into hers and we stayed like that for the entire movie.

Twice, I leaned over and kissed her. Neither time did she object.

Now in the darkness of the theater, usually around the second kiss I would start sliding my hand up from her waist towards a breast, gently moving in to cop a feel. Only two of my school dates had ever let me get that far. The others, including Megan, had reached up to stop my hand well before it got too close.

But I'd already had sex. I'd already suckled the bare nipples of a grown woman with nice big tits. I didn't need to get the cheap thrill of cupping a teenager's A- cups outside both her bra and her blouse. So when I kissed Megan, I didn't bother trying to cop a feel. I just enjoyed her presence and enjoyed the softness of her lips. It was a reflection of the way I felt about her. She was sweet, she was my friend, and I didn't want to treat her like a sex object.

But Megan wanted to feel a little more like a sex object. The third time I went to kiss her during the movie, she seemed pretty impatient. And when I pulled away to return my attention to the screen, Megan just huffed at me quietly, "Stop being such a nice guy, Ben."

Quickly, I turned my head back to hers with a questioning look. "Huh?"

Megan rolled her eyes and then she grabbed my hand and unceremoniously planted it on her boob. Reflexively, I tried to pull away, but she held my hand in place. And even through the padding of her bra and her blouse, I could feel the slight bump of a hard nipple denting the material.

I took the hint and began to squeeze Megan's boob, and this time when I leaned in to kiss her, she met me in a rush of passion.

We didn't go any further than that, although I did fondle her breasts when we kissed twice more before the movie ended. I didn't need to pressure Megan into any more than exactly what she wanted. After all, I knew Keira would be letting me go all the way later on.

At the end of the night, just outside her front door, I gave Megan a goodbye kiss that took her breath away.

The next day was a lazy Saturday. There was only a month to go before finals, but I was procrastinating my studying. In the morning, I met up with the guys to go to the batting cages. In typical teenage fashion, hitting the balls with bats turned into a contest of manliness. Or is that stupidity? In any case, we took turns covering our eyes and crotches with our hands, stepping in front of the fast-pitch hardballs and getting whacked while our supposed "friends" laughed like hyenas.

I went home bruised and battered, but felt I had successfully defended my male honor. Kenny was going to have a hard time living down the moment when he ducked out of the way of a ball at the last second. Even taking two more balls to the chest afterwards weren't enough to erase his shame.

After lunch, my little sister Brooke talked me into helping her with a 5000 piece puzzle she was working on, and we spent a couple of hours lying on the floor of the family room putting things together. The 14-year-old twerp wasn't quite so annoying when she had something to focus on.

In the afternoon, I heard the doorbell ring and my dad went to go get it. A moment later, I heard him say, "Oh, hi Keira."

At first, the name didn't register. But then when Miss McNeil walked into the family room, I suddenly realized my dad was talking to MY Keira. And on this warm mid-May day, she was positively stunning in a baby ringer T-shirt that hugged her tits, a short skirt, and wedge-heeled sandals, all of which showed off her long legs. She looked 21 again. Her dark hair was pulled back and her sparkling emerald eyes shone straight at me as she said, "Hi, Ben. Hi, Brooke."

Brooke politely replied, "Hello, Miss McNeil."

I just stared dumbly. What was she doing here? And good lord she looked hot! Fortunately, silence is the status quo for a teenage boy, so no one thought it odd that I hadn't responded. If I had, I probably would have slipped up and addressed her as Keira instead of Miss McNeil.

My mom came out just then and greeted our neighbor. "Well, hi, Keira! What's up?"

"Good afternoon, Beth. Well, I'd like to talk to you and Michael about Ben."

"What? Did he do something wrong?" My dad immediately put in with concern in his voice.

"Oh no, no. Ben has been wonderful. And he's been so helpful around the house these past couple of years." Keira turned her green gaze to me. "He's growing up into a fine young man."

"Yes he is," Mom agreed. "So what's going on then?"

"Well," Keira began and glanced down at the floor for a moment. "I was thinking to hire Ben."

"Hire?" Dad queried.

"I want to do some redecorating around the house. I want to convert the spare bedroom into a real home office. Repaint a bit. Change out some fixtures. I mean, for the past three years, I've left everything exactly the same way it was when Colin died. I didn't want things to change."

Keira took a deep breath and looked over at me. "But things HAVE changed, and I think it's time I started moving on. I can't just be widow McNeil forever."

Mom went over and hugged her neighbor and friend. "Good for you, Keira."

Dad was a little more practical. "But you want to hire Ben? He's good for fixing up odds and ends here and there, but he's not a professional contractor. And besides, he's still in school."

"Well, first off, I'm not doing anything drastic. No knocking down walls or anything like that. Just some paint, some fixtures, maybe assembling some furniture. Nothing he can't handle. I just don't see the need to pay all that money to some contractors. And besides, I'm in no rush. I was thinking maybe one afternoon a week for now. We'll figure something out when summer comes."

"Hmm..." Dad looked thoughtful. "What do you think, Ben?"

I blinked twice before answering a little too eagerly, "I'd LOVE to."

Brooke shot me an odd look, but I ignored her as I explained, "I mean, it's a big project and it'll all be under my control. I've never gotten to do something like that before. And you know I'd just get bored at home during the summer anyways."

"Maybe Saturdays?" Keira added. "I wouldn't want to take him away on a school night."

Mom shrugged. "Sounds okay to me. What do you think, Michael?" she asked my dad.

"I suppose. As long as Ben is willing to do it."

I nodded hurriedly.

"But no slacking off Ben," Dad warned. "If you take this job you have an obligation and responsibility to do it right."

"I will!" I grinned.

Then Dad paused. "Don't you even want to know how much you're being paid?"

Keira and I grinned at each other. If I had my way, I'd be paid in sex. But I didn't say that, stating only, "We'll work it out. Honestly, I'm not doing this for the money."

My parents beamed at me, believing I was solely motivated by my ambition to tackle a project on my own. If only they knew my ulterior motives as well.

"Well, I'm sure you'll pay him a fair wage, Keira. When do you want him to start?" Mom asked.

"How about right now?" Keira suggested. "We'll go over to my house and talk about what kind of projects I'm thinking about. And I'll have him home in time for dinner."

Twenty minutes later I was naked and flat on my back across Keira's bed. Post- ejaculation, my body felt like melting into the mattress as I was floating in a sea of pleasure.

Keira just scooped up the last glob of my cum from her lip and then popped it into her mouth, moaning, "Mmm ... yummy..."

Naked, she crawled onto the bed. Her swaying breasts captured my attention despite the orgasmic fog in my brain. "Have you ever eaten a pussy, Ben?"


"Will you?"

"For you, anything," I said in a deep and honest voice.

She chuckled. "You know, I believe that." Keira then rolled over onto her back and spread her legs to the sides, her knees in the air as she planted her feet onto the bed. "Now, Ben. If you're going to do this, you've got to do this right."

I nodded while moving around to put my head between her thighs. I looked down at the closed lips of her pussy, studying it and quickly identifying her hooded clit for future reference. "Teach me, Keira."

"You bet I will."

By the time I headed home, I'd picked up the basics of cunnilingus and I certainly knew more about thrusting and angling my cock in the missionary position.

I was also short about three quarts of semen. And when Keira had gone to empty all that out, we found out we'd been just in time since her period was just starting. She said she was going on the pill immediately and hoped to be done with her period by the next Saturday.

I gave my neighbor a passionate thank you kiss that left her breathless and then hurried home. I still had another thirty minutes before dinner, and as it turned out, I needed the extra time.

Brooke had wanted me to help her finish the puzzle. But when I lay down on the floor beside her, my little sister wrinkled up her nose and said, "You smell funny, Ben. What were you doing over there?"

My mind immediately started whirling. I hadn't thought about the possibility of smelling like sex. Would my parents smell me and figure it out? My jaw waggled up and down a few times before I managed to come up with, "I was moving furniture. I guess I got a little sweaty."

Brooke seemed to buy it, because all she said was, "Well you stink. Go take a shower or something."

I agreed and went to wash away the evidence of my illicit behavior.

Then at dinner, I daydreamed about making love.

On Monday, after calculating an intercept point midway between Megan's first and second periods, I hurried to that spot and only had to wait a minute before she came walking along, flanked by both Abigail and Allison Sanders. It was my first time seeing Megan since our date.

The girls were chattering on incessantly but Megan abruptly exited the conversation when she saw me waiting for her. "Ben!" she exclaimed happily and ran over to me.

She skidded to a halt about two feet away and clutched her binder to her chest with both forearms wrapped around it. "What are you doing here? Isn't your second period on the other side of the school?"

"Yeah, but I couldn't wait to see you again," I said charmingly. I wasn't really THAT pained with desire to see her again, but I figured it was what she wanted to hear. After all, I liked being with Megan and I DID want to be with her more.

I was right. Megan's face lit up, and then she blushed and smiled and started twisting slowly, as if she couldn't stand still.

I continued, "And I wanted to ask, will you go out with me again this Friday?"

"Yes! Of course!" She was positively effervescent.

"Great! Uh, we'll talk at lunch or something and figure out what you want to do." I grinned, Megan nodded, and the Sanders twins tittered three feet away.

"See ya later," Megan said dreamily as she turned to rejoin her friends.

Megan stayed in a perky mood all week. We sat side-by-side at lunch every day, and on Friday before our date, she tentatively reached out and held my hand as we walked to fifth period. The touch of her hand sent a pleasant buzz all through my body, and I would have loved to keep that feeling forever.

Seeing our fingers entwined, Cassidy started in on the teasing, but Megan defiantly gripped my hand and wouldn't let go. I was just happy a girl wanted to hold my hand in public.

Our date that night was a simple affair. Tacos were the dinner of choice and miniature golf was the romantic date spot. Megan had a quiet focus and precision about her, and I was rather embarrassed when she beat me. But I made up for it when I sunk the hole in one on the eighteenth to win us a free game for next time.

When the alarms went off and all the lights started flashing, Megan leaped into my arms with glee and hugged me while squealing excitedly. And even though I didn't NEED to cop a feel, it was just too tempting to grab some of Megan's ass while she was wrapped around my taller body.

Megan clearly felt my touch. But she didn't glare at me nor slap my hand away. In fact, she simply giggled and then rubbed her own buttcheeks at my hand. When I finally set her down, Megan got a very nice kiss for letting me touch her ass.

Saturday, unfortunately, turned out to be a grueling work day. Keira and I had done nothing but screw the previous Saturday and this time I actually had to do some work so we'd have something to show for it if anyone got suspicious.

Moving furniture around really did get me hot and sweaty. It was another warm day and inside the house it was becoming stifling. I commented on it and Keira teasingly told me to just work naked.

Grinning, I at least took my shirt off and went back to work. But one look at my bare chest and Keira promptly tackled me onto the couch, shucked my shorts, and then inhaled my cock. Then, after one quick cumload into her mouth just to get our rocks off, Keira decided to teach me doggy-style while she knelt on the couch cushions and braced herself against the backrest.

I had to admit, watching my dick spearing in and out of Keira's pussy from behind while I reached around and fondled her breasts was possibly the greatest experience of my life up until that point.

But then it was back to work. By the end of the day, the spare bedroom had been cleared out and a fresh coat of paint adorned the walls. And then just before I went home, Keira threw me onto her bed and taught me more about making love.


It was a Friday when Adrienne Dennis deigned to speak with me once again. I was just leaving the main quad after giving Megan a sweet kiss goodbye, and I was walking on air as I headed off for my next period.

Life was good. School was almost over. I had a budding romantic relationship with Megan, who would be my date later in the evening. And tomorrow, I planned on fucking Keira so many times that she would risk drowning in my cum. And to top things all off, when I'd measured myself this morning I was an even 5'10". As long as my growth spurt kept up, I'd easily be six feet by the start of my Junior year. So naturally, there was an extra spring in my step as I sauntered down the hallway.

"Heyyy, Ben," came the sultry, sweet voice from my left. I turned just in time to see Adrienne fall into step with me, her spray-on jeans hugging her every curve while her big tits wobbled enticingly in her too-tight top.

Despite my surprise, it took me less than a second to get my bearings. "Hey, Adrienne. What's up?"

"Nothing much. You're heading out to the 500-wing, right?"

"Yeah, Spanish in 503." I arched an eyebrow. Why would Adrienne Dennis know, or want to know, where my classes were?

"I'm in 507. U.S. History," she said. "I'll walk with you."

Confused, I couldn't help but say, "Uh, you've never walked with me before, Adrienne."

"Well, I make it a point to only walk with the best looking guys on campus. Now you qualify." She dropped her eyes obviously up and down my body. "Why? Don't you want me walking with you?" There was an extra purr in Adrienne's voice that set my heart racing.

Hmm, be within a few feet of one of the most gorgeous girls in the school, a girl who made Senior-class chicks jealous? Let the entire school know that Adrienne Dennis was walking to class with me? Sure, I could handle that. "Hey, hey, just didn't know I'd been promoted," I said casually.

"Well you have been. The girls have been talking about how good you're looking these last few weeks. You grew up overnight, Ben. Height, posture, confidence. It's like you're a whole new man."

I thought about Megan. Last semester, she hadn't wanted to date me anymore. Now, I honestly believed she would agree if I asked her to go steady. And I thought of Keira. I especially thought of what I wanted to do to her tomorrow. I grinned and said, "Yeah, I feel like a new man."

"And..." Adrienne's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "I have an ulterior motive, Ben."

That got my attention and I turned my head. I knew it was too good to be true. "Oh?"

"Could you ... give me a ride home today? Since you're just a few houses down and all." Adrienne smiled radiantly.

I canted my head in confusion. "Doesn't Robbie normally drive you home?"

She shrugged. "We broke up. We both want to see other people and figured we'd end it over the summer. But Donna Kincaid couldn't wait two more weeks." Adrienne spat the name of the Junior-class school slut like it was a filthy word.

"Uh, sure. Just meet me after school."

"Thanks," Adrienne smiled warmly at me. I was once again struck by how gorgeous she looked, and I fought not to let my eyes bounce down to her cleavage.

"But what are you going to do without Robbie driving you?" I asked.

The buxom blonde shrugged. "There's only two weeks of school left. I'll figure something out."

I bit down on my impulse to drive her to and from school every day. Despite her assurances to my "promotion", I still couldn't conceive that Adrienne Dennis, goddess from Heaven, would want to schlep around in my beater Toyota any more than she had to.

"Well, see you later," I said as we approached her classroom.

Adrienne slowed down and turned to face me with a pleasant smile on her face. "See you later, Ben."

"Mmm..." I hummed as I pulled away from Megan's lips. "See you in a few hours. I'll be there at six."

"I can't wait. Don't be late!" Megan giggled. For a second, it looked like she wanted to lean in for another kiss.

"Hey Ben!" A cheery voice interrupted. Both Megan and I turned to see Adrienne Dennis standing two feet away with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Oh, hey Adrienne. I'll be just a minute," I said before turning my attention back to Megan, who shot me a what-the-hell-is-she-doing-here glare at me. I stammered a few seconds while glancing back and forth between the two girls. "Uh, Adrienne lives a few doors down from me. She asked if I could give her a ride," I explained to Megan.

"Oh," Megan said, momentarily mollified. But she didn't stop from looking at Adrienne with undisguised repulsion.

"So I'll pick you up at six, okay?" I said reassuringly.

"Okay." Then Megan leaned into me for another kiss. She made it extra juicy, no doubt for our audience. And then my cute date turned away to meet her parents' minivan.

"Sorry about that," I scratched my head as I turned to head for the student parking lot.

Adrienne fell right into step with me. "No worries. I'm used to girls getting jealous of the way I look," she said matter-of-factly. "Your girlfriend?"

I pinched my eyebrows together. "Uh, not exactly. Tonight will be our third date. Well, fifth technically, but it's our third date."

"Well, good luck then, Ben," Adrienne grinned. "Girls'll usually put out on the third date."

I arched an eyebrow as I glanced over at the blonde, but she just smiled enigmatically.

No, Megan didn't put out that night. I didn't even get my hand into her crotch.

The night started off just a little frosty. I figured it had something to do with Adrienne but the last thing I wanted to do was bring up her name only to find out I'd guessed wrong.

I mean, getting defensive about Adrienne Dennis only to find out Megan was upset because of something in her home life wouldn't exactly reassure Megan that there was absolutely nothing going on between me and the buxom blonde, no matter how true it actually was.

But still, Megan warmed up after dinner and she became positively affectionate when I took her for a romantic stroll around one of the many man-made lakes in Orange County.

Later, in the parking lot, we ended up in the backseat making out. That was the first night Megan unsnapped her own bra, then took my hand and pulled it underneath her blouse, placing my palm over her naked breast. I fondled her boob, learning that she was much more tender than Keira was, so I had to be careful not to pinch too hard.

Megan also wouldn't let me see her breasts, only feel them underneath her clothes. And at the end of the night, she gave me a very passionate kiss and thanked me for not pushing her to do anything she wasn't ready for.

The very next day, while I was ripping up carpet and studying the how-to-guide for laying down laminate-wood flooring, I told Keira about Megan Kwan.

I'd been feeling slightly conflicted over my feelings between them, but since Keira was the one giving me regular sex and blowjobs, I wanted to make it clear to her that I'd give up Megan if Keira really wanted me to. It's not that I didn't like Megan. I liked her a lot. But Keira was the one putting out, so if I had to choose, I'd choose the one giving me regular sex.

When I explained this to Keira, she just shook her head and chuckled. "Don't be silly, Ben. Megan sounds like a nice girl and you deserve to have a real girlfriend in your life."

"But ... what about you?"

"Me? I'm not your girlfriend, Ben. I'm your adult neighbor whose just using your body for my pleasure and who could still go to jail for what we've been doing. I'm no girlfriend."

"But you don't mind if Megan and I end up ... doing stuff?"

"Do all you want." Keira shrugged. "Why? How far has she let you get?"

My storytelling came in fits and starts. At first, I felt weird about talking about Megan when all my instincts reminded me NOT to talk about a girl to anyone else. But somehow, I knew that Keira would be OK for me to confide in. It wasn't like she was going to spread rumors around the school, and with her experience, she might even be able to give me advice. So in the end I relaxed and told her just about everything.

"Well, if memory serves me right, the next step, she'll let you put your hand on her from outside her panties. You'd better hope she doesn't wear jeans, or it's never gonna work right." Keira started pacing as she thought about it. "Now what you need to do is figure out how to get her feeling really good from outside her panties. And if you do it right, she'll let your fingers inside her panties and then you can try getting her off."

She tapped her finger against her lip while she paced, and then without further ado, Keira marched over, grabbed my arm, and then pulled me over to the couch. She sat me down beside her and then quickly shimmied out of her skirt, leaving her wearing just her panties below the waist.

"Okay, Ben. Today's lesson: how to rub a girl. You ready?"

"Uh, I guess so."

"Well, let me put it this way. I'm not going to let YOU cum until after you get me off with just your fingers, got it?"

"What?" I protested. I'd been looking forward to some serious fucking today.

"I told you, Ben. Rule #1: You can't cum until you make sure the girl is satisfied. Remember?"

"I remember," I sighed.

"Okay." Keira took my hand and guided it down to her crotch. I felt the coarseness of her trimmed pubic thatch, and further down the slippery softness of my lover's vaginal lips. Keira smiled at me and said, "Let's begin."

"Oh my! Oh ... oh ... oh ... Ben! Ben! Oh, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

Megan threw her head back and arched her neck as the orgasm swept through her. And when she pressed herself against the backrest, she pinned my left arm with such force that I nearly lost my grip on her left boob. But her own bra trapped my hand against her naked breast and I continued fondling it while I leaned in and began planting little kisses along the sensitive skin of her neck.

That just caused Megan to squeal even louder and shake even harder while the wet tips of my right-hand fingers kept rubbing her clit. And for the first time in my life, I brought a teenage girl to orgasm.

Like Keira had predicted, once I'd started making Megan feel really good by rubbing outside her panties, I'd gotten her so worked up that she asked me to move my hand inside. Bringing Megan to an explosive orgasm seemed easy after Keira had made me practice and practice and practice on her the previous week.

After about thirty seconds, the writhing girl flailed out with her arm to bat my hand away from her pussy. I pulled my hand out from her panties and held it up in front of my face, studying the glistening moisture coating my fingers. And then experimentally, I leaned in and licked some of it off.

I'd been expecting Megan to taste the same as Keira. After all, pussy juice was pussy juice, right? But while the flavors were similar, they were also as different as the smell of their bodies. Keira was a bit muskier, richer. Megan had a lighter and sweeter flavor, like extra sugar in your coffee.

Speaking of Megan, she opened her eyes just in time to see me take another lick and then moaned, "Ohhh..." in further arousal.

I turned my head and arched an eyebrow at her. "What, you like seeing me do that?"

She nodded her head with a blissful expression on her face, and sighed, "Ben, I think I love you..."

"That's your orgasm talking," I chuckled, remembering Keira's words. "If you want to tell me again when you're ... well ... sober, then we'll have that conversation."

"Whatever," Megan sighed, not yet understanding. She leaned forward, grabbed my head, and stared into my eyes. "I love you, I love you, I love you." And then she kissed me.

We kissed for a good ten minutes it seemed, and when Megan finally pulled away, she blinked twice and I was able to see in her eyes that rational thought had returned. And with rational thought came a glimmer of doubt.

Megan looked down and started fixing her panties and smoothening her skirt. And in a very nervous voice, she asked, "Ben, where did you learn to do that?"


"You obviously don't have a ... a pussy of your own. Where did you learn to masturbate a girl like that? You've clearly done it before."

My face gave me away. Lying wasn't even possible. So nervously, I stammered, "Ye ... yeah. I've done that before."

"With who? Did Cassidy let you? Stephanie Vo?" Megan's voice cracked and her lower lip quivered. And in a small voice she added, "Adrienne?"

Both eyebrows went up this time and I licked my lips. But then Keira's Golden Rule popped into mind: Never, EVER, talk about what you've done with a girl. Period.

But I couldn't just stay silent. Megan rolled her eyes up to me, her big, soft, dark brown irises starting to look at me with a hint of fear. And I didn't want Megan to fear me. "I ... I can't tell you that, Megan. I'll admit that yes, I've done it before. But I'm not the kind of guy who'll blab about it, not even to you. And that means you can trust that I won't tell anyone, not even Kenny, what I've done with you, okay?"

Megan took a deep breath and then nodded. She didn't look happy, but she wasn't mad either. "Okay."

I opened my arms and Megan eagerly fell into my embrace. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. I also felt her hand fall onto the hard bone in my pants, and Megan gasped when her small hand reflexively squeezed around it. But then I saw the digital clock on my dashboard.

"We'd probably better get going. We don't want you to miss your curfew and have your parents ground you."

"Doesn't matter anymore," Megan said while still touching my cock experimentally through my pants. "Finals are next week."

"You're going to Elaine's party next Friday, right?" I asked the warm girl wrapped up in my hug.

"Of course. And then after that, since there's no more school, my parents said I can go out more than just Friday nights. Monday, Wednesday, whatever. We'll have all summer."

I let go of Megan immediately. "All summer? Okay then, front seat, miss. There is NO WAY I'm going to let you get grounded."

The next day, I was right on time at Keira's house for our regular Saturday home remodeling. She was paying me $7/hour this day to lay down the rest of the laminate flooring. I hadn't gotten much done the last time due to trying to figure it out in the first place. And we were also constantly taking little "breaks" to work up a sweat of a different nature. So I was actually making more like $14/hour since only half of my time was actually spent doing contract work.

"Hi, Ben." Keira smiled at me and I know I saw a lustful flash in her green eyes when she opened the door. She was wearing my favorite house robe, belted loosely with the top hanging open enough for me to see her deep cleavage. I felt a boner forming immediately. "How'd it go last night?"

I blushed as I thought of the previous night's activities. "Perfectly, Keira." I grinned as I walked into the house and she closed the door behind me. "Thank you. Really, thank you, thank you."

But Keira had already turned away to start heading for her bedroom. Halfway across the living room, she pulled her hands back and then the robe slid down into a puddle on the floor, leaving the beautiful brunette fully naked with her perky buttcheeks staring back at me. Even at 28, she had the ass of a teenager. "If you really want to thank me, Ben, why don't you come back to the bedroom and show me how grateful you really are."

Ten minutes later, I was naked and flat on my back while Keira bobbed her head up and down my cock. I thought of baseball. I thought of Biology homework. I thought of sweaty, ugly guys in the shower after gym class. Anything to keep my mind off of cumming.

"Good, Ben. I'm proud you've lasted this long," Keira smiled at me. "But you can let go now. I'm hungry for your cum and I want it NOW, okay?"

I managed wheeze, "Okay..." and then I released the tension in my ab muscles. Almost immediately all I could feel was the wonderfully warm and wet sensation of a beautiful woman's mouth showering love on my stiff rod, and then five seconds later my orgasm hit me with such force that my eyes rolled up into my head and I felt like my soul was being sucked out of me through my pecker.

A low rumble sounded in my ears, sounding like a distant groan that came closer and closer and closer until I realized that I was doing the groaning. And when I stopped, I found that I could hear the wet smacking sounds of Keira as she lapped up the last few bursts of semen I was jetting into her mouth.

The beautiful brunette woman was soon on top of me, crushing her tits into my chest while we kissed ecstatically. "Hmm ... I love doing that. And it was very tasty, Ben. Are you ready to return the favor?"

I felt myself already starting to get hard just thinking about burying my tongue into Keira's juicy pussy. It wasn't even the taste or the thrill of worshipping at that sacred altar that got me aroused. I wanted to see Keira whimpering and moaning my name while she writhed on the bed because of what I was doing to her. There is simply nothing sexier in the world than seeing a naked woman beg for you to fuck her.

Six minutes and two Keira orgasms later, that was exactly what happened. My face was drenched with pussy juice and she simply started licking it off my cheeks while I pounded my cock into her. I pistoned in and out of her clasping tunnel to the rhythmic litany of "Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!"

She came while I was mauling her breasts with my lips and tongue and teeth. She came while I ground my pelvic bone over her clit. And she came again when I started firing great wads of cum deep into the depths of her pussy, my hips hunching urgently between her widespread legs while I filled up my widowed neighbor with thick, hot jizz.

And when she let her head fall back against the pillow, Keira cradled me to her sweaty body and murmured, "You're getting GOOD."

Finals were ... finals. I mean, what can you do? You cram the last-night before the test and you hope your brain can retain about half of what you just crammed. You realize the answer to question 13 the moment you take two steps OUT of the classroom. And then you commiserate with your friends for twenty minutes while you discuss the test and realize just how much of a moron you were for not studying earlier.

"Oh, THAT's what that question was asking?"

"Really? I think I put '4x', not '4x squared'."

"Wait, what do you MEAN there was a question 5b?"

"Ah hell, my parents are gonna kill me when that report card comes out."

"Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When are you heading over to Elaine's place?"

The important thing was: school was out. The past was past, and anything short of hacking the database or sneaking into the records office wouldn't change your test scores.

So like any good teenager, I put the past behind me to be ignored and forgotten. And I focused on the future: it was now summer vacation.

Of course, what's the end of school without an end-of-school party? Elaine Fukuhara's parents had this big mansion in the rich kid's neighborhood. Well, most of the families in our Orange County city were pretty well off. But Elaine's parents were LOADED. I mean, they had freakin' live-in maids.

Anyways, by four in the afternoon Elaine and 30 of her closest friends were out back by the pool, celebrating our newfound freedom. Most of us had been to her house at one time or another, for birthday parties and or study groups or whatever. But this was the first year her parents were letting her have a REAL party.

There would be nominal adult supervision, or so our own parents were told. That pretty much meant that Elaine's parents would be gone doing their own thing, but the maids would be around ready to report if things got too out of control. Elaine's parents also laid down the ground rules. Beer was okay. But any sign of drugs and we'd get shut down.

I wasn't too worried. The thirty-odd people in attendance were all casual friends of ours, or at least acquaintances from the Sophomore class. And none ran with a bad crowd or were too out of control. I knew with certainty that at least ten of them had already lost their virginity, probably more. Almost all of them drank the occasional beer. And some of them had tried weed as well, but for the most part, we were all "good kids".

Still, as it turned out, two guys did try to bring some weed to the party, but Elaine bitched and threatened to kick them out. And the guys decided they could party well enough without the drugs. After all, there were eighteen girls walking around, most of them wearing bikinis.

And so I found myself relaxing on a hammock, swaying in the breeze with a swimsuited Megan Kwan pressed up to my right side with a beer can in my left hand. The smell of hamburgers grilling was on the air and the weather was just perfect. Life was good.

Stephanie Vo walked by with Thuy Tran and Emily Anderson. They stopped when they saw us and I rolled my head over towards them. "'Sup ladies."

"Aww, you guys look so cute together," Stephanie smiled. After our brief three- week thing in February, she'd always felt bad for dumping me. She also wasn't part of my inner crowd so she hadn't known as much about mine and Megan's budding relationship.

I glanced down at Megan, who just smiled. "Thanks, Steph," I replied.

"See you guys around," she said and then the three girls headed for the pool, making a beeline for James Kaito and some of his guy friends.

Meanwhile, Kenny was following after Rachel Tyler like a lost puppy. And Daniel Chen was hovering around his girlfriend Elaine like a trusted guard dog, helping manage the party and ready to sprint to wherever she pointed. Three other guys just sat in a line wearing oversized sunglasses, clearly ogling all the girl-flesh they could while trying to hide behind the mirrored shades.

I loved summer.

At 8pm the sun was just setting, typical for mid-June. While Megan and I walked back to the chairs after throwing away our cups and plates, I patted my belly and burped after my third double-burger. Megan just laughed and wondered where all that food went since I was still pretty skinny. "I'm a growing boy," I told her.

"Well stop growing so tall, Ben, or you're going to make me feel really awkward standing next to you." Megan's laugh was just a little out of control. She didn't weigh very much and she'd had three beers in the last hour.

"I dunno," I answered and then moved Megan right in front of me. "If I can get tall enough so that you're right here," I held my hand palm down right next to my crotch. "Then you'll be at the perfect height for..."

Megan giggled and slapped my hand, "Stop it, pervert."

"Can't help the way you make me feel, Megan."

She sighed in annoyance. "Ben, apparently you CAN. I've had to prod you to take every step forward. Since you've done such a good job keeping your hands off me, I'm beginning to think you don't think I'm very pretty."

I chuckled. "What, like this?" I reached up and grabbed both of her tits, not caring whether anyone saw us or not.

"Hey!" Megan giggled and slapped my hands away. I was as surprised by my boldness as she was. Perhaps I'd had a little too much to drink as well. But before I could apologize, Megan just leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

She let out a long exhalation and then rubbed her cheek into my bare chest. "Do you really want me to, Ben?"

"Want you to what?" I asked softly while I started rubbing her head.

Megan's voice was a whisper. "You know, when you were talking about me being at the right height to ... to ... well, you know, put my mouth on you?"

Immediately, my arms cinched tighter around Megan and my heartbeat sped up. But while I was a little buzzed, I wasn't so drunk that I lost control of my senses. "Uh, Megan, you know I'd never ask you do anything you weren't comfortable with."

She sighed happily. "I know. That's why I know I can trust you." And with that, my de facto girlfriend reached up to tug my head down towards her. I let her pull me and we soon met in a tender, sweet kiss.

When we broke away, Megan was flushed pink and she had a little smile on her face. "Hold on a minute." And before I could react, she spun around wobbily and then started off towards Elaine and Daniel.

I sat down on a nearby chair and wondered what was going on. I'd seen that kind of gleam in a woman's eye before. It was the gleam I saw in Keira's eyes when she was feeling rather aroused.

About thirty feet away, I saw Megan lean in to whisper something into Elaine's ear. Whatever she said, Elaine jerked back with a look of surprise, but then nodded and started gesturing with her hands. And when Megan started walking back to me, I saw Elaine giving me an amused grin from just past Megan's shoulder.

"Come on," Megan said hurriedly as she grabbed my hand and then simply started tugging me towards the house.

"See, there's that look again," Kenny called from his spot where he was huddling close to Rachel Tyler.

Megan just gave him the bird and pulled me inside. Very quickly, she brought me up the stairs and looked both ways before deciding to go left. Three seconds later she tugged on my hand to pull me into a spare bedroom and then closed the door behind us, locking it with finality.

"Megan, what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. It looked like Megan wanted to have sex with me or something, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

"Take off your trunks," she ordered while pointing.

"What?" The swimming trunks were the only stitch of clothing on my body, and I'd never been fully naked in front of Megan.

She slipped the shoulder straps to her one-piece swimsuit, tugging the sheer material to her waist before she bent and dropped the rest of the suit down to her ankles. I felt my breath catch as she undressed. Even though I'd touched her bare boob as well as put my fingers into her pussy, I'd only ever done so underneath her clothing and as such, I'd never seen Megan naked.

Until now.

Megan's body was clearly that of a 15-year-old girl, and a slightly underdeveloped one at that. Her breasts were still small, an A-cup at best. Her ribs were showing and her hips had only begun to taper outwards from her tiny waist. But even though her body wasn't nearly as developed as Keira's, Megan still had her very pretty face and silky black hair. And a naked girl was a naked girl. My dick certainly knew to respond.

And also, her pubic hair had fully grown in, marking her as an adult woman. It was something I'd only felt but not seen, and now that I looked at it, I could see that her bush was neatly trimmed down like Keira's had been, probably so that Megan could wear her swimsuit without feeling self-conscious. And as I remembered using my tongue and fingers to make Keira thrash on the bed in orgasmic ecstasy, I immediately began to wonder what it would be like to do that to Megan.

"C'mon, Ben, take off your trunks. I wanna see it," Megan said with just the hint of a slur in her voice. A brief warning bell went off in my head that I shouldn't do anything if she was drunk. She might not realize what she was asking for and might resent me afterwards.

But then, she was naked. And I was horny. So I pushed the concern aside and did as she asked.

Megan's eyes just went wide as my trunks hit the floor, and she gasped as my hard, angry erection began to bob in the air in front of her. No longer seven and three-eighths inches, I was now an even seven and a half. Perhaps instinctively, her hand came up from her waist, reaching towards my cock for a second before she got a little scared and pulled her hand back. A minute earlier, she'd been brash and confident and horny, demanding that I drop trou so that she could see my dick. But now that she could see it, her nerves were getting to her.

I didn't want to frighten her, so I moved to the bed and sat down on it, leaning back onto my hands and consciously trying to shrink myself so I didn't look so imposing. My cock on the other hand, was at full mast and doing its best to look imposing.

Megan bit her lip then and approached. Once she got to the foot of the bed, she knelt down to bring my dick to eye level, and I watched her eyes get even bigger as she stared the thing down from only a foot away. Clearly, this was Megan's first look at a real cock. And hesitantly, she reached her hand out to it.

I stifled a groan when I felt Megan's soft hands wrap around the shaft. She gasped and then looked up at me. "It's so ... hot!"

Well, with all the blood that was down there, I figured the damn thing was ten degrees hotter than the rest of my skin. And then experimentally, Megan began to run her hand up and down me.

It felt incredible. Somehow, Megan was gripping me with just the right amount of force and her fingers were so soft against my sensitive skin. And as I watched her small white hand gliding up and down my almost-purple cock, I felt the tension in my balls as they prepared to evacuate their contents up through my shaft.

But I didn't want to cum just yet. I knew I could probably get it up again, but some part of me decided that ejaculating now would bring a premature end to this playtime. So calling on all the control I'd been practicing with Keira, I took a few short breaths and then felt some relaxation come to my tight ab muscles.

One thing about Megan giving her first handjob, she didn't yet know how to really vary her stroking in order to get me off. She kept up a pretty steady rhythm without holding me too tightly, and I started to get used to the sensation. She was predictable. And when something's predictable, you're just better able to withstand the feeling. I felt like she could jack me all night long.

But still, it felt damn good and I knew that eventually, Megan would get me off if I didn't do something to change the situation. "Megan, come up here," I said through my labored breathing.

"But I want to keep doing this," she answered while staring straight at my cock in her hand.

"Just ... face the other way. You can keep playing, but I want to play with you too."

Recalling the pleasant memories of the last time I'd rubbed her clit, Megan quickly agreed and moved to climb onto the bed beside me. But instead of letting her lay down, I directed her so that she was on all fours directly on top of me, with her butt just inches from my face. "Ben, what are you doing?"

"I just want to get a closer look while you're looking too. I think they call this position the sixty-nine."

Megan giggled, "Sounds kinky." And then she went back to studying and slowly stroking my cock.

We were of different heights. From 5'4" to 5'10" may sound like a lot, but actually, the six inch difference wasn't that bad. Plus, Megan was really just looking at my dick, so when I tugged on her hips until her pussy was directly over my face, she didn't object and instead just kept fondling me.

I'd said before that I don't find a pussy all that attractive. But the mental note of what this funny-looking thing really was for DID excite me. And in Megan's excitement, the pink inner lips of her pussy were peeking out at me. I couldn't help it. I had to take a taste.

Now from our relative positions, Megan was able to hover just over my belly- button with her left hand next to my left hip to hold herself up while she jacked my cock with her right hand. She was in fact doing just that when I brought her hips down to my face and took a long, wet lick from clit all the way to her anus, and when I did that, Megan went absolutely NUTS.

Her legs immediately shot out to the sides, dropping the full weight of her torso onto my face, which also drove my tongue in between her folds. The rest of her body went rigid, and she screamed, "Holy SHIT!" in a panicked voice.

Well, when Megan locked up, I stopped immediately and waited to hear her shrill complaint and braced myself to be slapped somewhere. Our entire dating relationship, I'd let Megan make the first move every time. I just didn't want to pressure her. After all, every girl I'd ever tried to make the first move on had rebuffed me.

But this time, Megan just started wriggling her ass in my face as I heard her gasp, "Whatever the fuck you did, do it again!"

I heard the excitement in Megan's voice, and I started chuckling as I imagined her face contorted with pleasure the same way Keira looked whenever I went down on her. So getting a new grip on Megan's hips, I pushed her up so that she could support herself on her knees again, and then I proceeded to give Megan the finest first rug-munching a girl could ever ask for.

Calling on every technique Keira had taught me so far, I licked, I sucked, and I stiffened my tongue and put it just a bit into Megan's pussy. Megan wailed like a banshee, hollering how wonderful everything felt as she let loose without restraint. Her first orgasm came within three minutes. The second was two minutes later.

And as I pushed Megan into her third orgasm, causing her to cry in ecstasy, in her inebriated state while drunk on beer and orgasms, the young girl simply opened her mouth and shoved my cock inside.

I hadn't quite been prepared for that, since after I began eating her out she'd neglected to focus on stroking my dick. But once my pecker found itself surrounded by warmth and wetness, it knew what to do. And after being wound up from ten minutes of stroking by a cute 15-year-old girl, I was about to blow.

Baseball, Biology, and sweaty guys at the gym couldn't help me now. I managed to warn "Megan!" in a hoarse voice, and then all of a sudden I was erupting great gouts of white lava into the black-haired teen's mouth.

She choked almost immediately as the first was splattered against her throat, and she pulled her head off. Then all I could do was yell to the world that I was cumming while I gripped Megan's ass in my hands and continued spurting into the air.

With my hands on her ass, Megan's torso didn't move, but I felt her twisting this way and that, perhaps to try and get herself out of the firing line of my sperm cannon. But in the midst of my orgasm, I had no motor control to do anything to help her out except to squeeze her buttcheeks even tighter and hold her in place.

Eventually, finally, I stopped spurting and I let go of Megan. She quickly rolled off me and then turned around, giggling and laughing hysterically. And as her face came into view, I saw why. My little teen friend was absolutely COVERED in spunk. She had jizz running from her forehead to her cheeks, with one obvious line only broken by her eye when she blinked.

"Hmm, that didn't taste as bad as I thought it might. Cassidy said it was disgusting." And with that, Megan scooped a bit of jizz off her chin with one finger and popped it into her mouth, where she tasted it evaluatively. "It IS kind of salty, but not in a bad way. And I LOVE that it's YOUR cum, Ben."

"Well, you wear it well," I grinned, and Megan started laughing again. Then she rolled off the bed and went into the adjacent bathroom to wash her face off. I found some tissues and wiped my own face up as well.

A few minutes later, Megan came back fully naked and she practically dove into my arms. She'd found some mouthwash and rinsed herself out before kissing me. I didn't bother to tell her that she didn't need to.

I'd tell her the next time we did it.

Once again dressed in our swimsuits, I gave Megan a last kiss before opening the door. Perhaps I should have realized that her unrestrained screaming would alert the house to our activities. Perhaps I should have realized that the bedroom we were in overlooked the backyard, and thus said screaming would carry through the window glass to anyone below who cared to listen. But I hadn't realized these things before.

And when I opened the door, it was to see Cassidy, Abigail, Allison, Kenny, and Sung Joon standing in the hallway gawking at us.

Megan blushed. Then she went out first and started walking down the hallway. Cassidy was immediately by her side and the two girls began whispering animatedly. I was almost positive Megan was already giving Cassidy a blow-by- blow recap of exactly what we'd been doing in the bedroom. Abigail and Allison quickly followed after.

That left me with the two guys. And the second the girls went down the stairs, Kenny leaned in and asked, "Did you fuck her?"

I got a pained look on my face. "What?"

"Did you fuck her? Everyone could hear you both cumming."

"Man, I'm not saying a word." I rolled my eyes and then stalked out of the room, floating on air.

Kenny took one glance at my face and then started grinning. "You sly dog you!"

Sung quickly added, "How was she?"

I just shook my head in annoyance and strode away. "I need a beer, man."

The last two weeks of June were definitely the best two weeks of my entire life. Quite simply, I got off with a beautiful girl EVERY SINGLE DAY.

The Saturday after Elaine's party, I went to do contracting work at Keira's house, where I plugged her pipes full of semen, gave her tits a good waxing, and then hopped into the shower to make sure every square millimeter on her body was squeaky clean.

Then just for good measure, I plugged her pipes full of semen again.

On Sunday, Megan's parents let me take her out on a date since it was no longer a school night. We wound up at a popular makeout spot in the foothills with a halfway decent view of the city beneath us, not that either of us was looking at it. Megan wanted me to finger her to orgasm and then she went down on me, asking me to teach her how to give a proper blowjob.

I was only too happy to instruct her, using my knowledge of what Keira did to make me so happy. This time, Megan tried swallowing, and she was able to get most of it without choking.

On Monday, Megan ordered me to come to her house while her parents were at work. Ten seconds after I arrived, she ordered me to her bedroom and to strip. Then we got into a sixty-nine and orally pleasured each other until we were both sweaty, limp piles of flesh.

Then we did it again on Tuesday.

And Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Keira was right: make the girl happy and she'll keep coming back for more.

And that's not to mean I was getting by with just Megan's blowjobs. No, every weekday afternoon, I would work for four hours on Keira's house, as if it was my summer job. At least two of those hours were actually spent working, before Keira got home from her day job. But the rest of the time I spent rutting my dick inside Keira's clenching pussy, fine tuning my techniques for bringing her to the most amazing orgasms. She'd just finished her period the week before and we had all the time in the world to repeatedly plug her full of my hot cum.

Keira was a patient teacher, and I was a more than willing student, soaking up everything like a sponge. And it wasn't just how to have sex. She showed me how to touch the less obvious parts of a woman's body, like behind her knee or the small of her back while paying attention to the expressions on her face. She taught me about different ways of kissing, and how to read the moods of a girl and how to respond appropriately.

On Friday, Keira had the day off, so I rushed straight to Keira's place immediately after leaving Megan's, still with Megan's pussy juice on my face. Keira went crazy that day after tasting another girl on my lips, and the sex we had that afternoon absolutely blew my mind.

Oddly enough, Saturday was the closest I came to not having an orgasm, after being the day I could always look forward to as my day of sex.

Both sets of parents were home, making a rendezvous with either of my girls a little more complicated. Also, after going a week straight while being drained of all bodily fluids, I was actually a bit worn out. So Megan and I settled for a nice hour-long phone call before promising to pick up where we left off on Monday.

And so I spent most of my Saturday playing video games, doing another puzzle with Brooke, and taking the twins to see some tweener movie that bored me to tears.

I was actually playing video games just before dinner when the phone rang. Brandi waltzed over a minute later, handing me the cordless handset and barking, "Don't take too long. I'm expecting a call."

"Who is it?"

"I dunno. Some girl."

I rolled my eyes at my older sister and then put the receiver to my ear. "Hello?"

"Don't say anything out loud, Ben. It's Keira."

"Oh, hey," I tried to say as nonchalantly as possible. Brandi had already left the room and only the twins were still around, reading a couple of Brandi's old Babysitter's Club books.

"I need you, Ben," Keira husked with deep longing in her voice. "I've an itch inside me that only you can scratch. Can you come by for just a quickie?"

"Uh, sure, I guess," I blushed bright red and looked around, wondering if any of my sisters could tell how nervous I'd suddenly become.

"Just get up and leave. No one will notice if you're gone for a few minutes. If anyone asks, just say you got bored and went for a run around the block, okay?"


"Hurry, Ben," Keira moaned.

Getting up and walking with a purpose as if I knew exactly what I was doing and where I was going, I headed out the front door without anyone really noticing I'd left.

Jogging lightly, I darted my head left and right when I approached Keira's house to see if anyone was looking. And then I quickly hustled up to her front door and knocked.

The door flew open and Keira actually dragged me inside before quickly shutting the door. And then a second later, her robe was gone and she was naked as she bent over the couch with her ass pointing back at me. In an urgent tone, Keira begged, "Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me hard!"

My shorts were already on the floor.

Sunday, I talked my parents into letting Megan and I go for a drive. We were only out for an hour, but I managed to cum twice while getting her off three times. Then once the weekdays started, both Megan and Keira were right back into our usual routines. I spent the morning eating out Megan and blowing a load or two into the back of her throat. I then spent four hours in the afternoon finishing the contracting job and blowing a load or three into the back of Keira's throat or into her pussy.

If anything, sex the second week was much more urgent and much more intense. It was because we all knew that in just a few days, we wouldn't be able to have sex anymore.

See, every year, my family went up to this camp in WAY Northern California, almost to the Oregon border. We met up with family friends that we didn't see very often, usually staying for four weeks all at once. This year, we were leaving on Saturday, July 1st for the 11-hour drive and returning home four Saturdays later on the 29th.

That meant for four weeks I wouldn't be able to engage in oral play with Megan. That meant for four weeks I wouldn't be able to have sex with Keira. I usually looked forward to the annual trip. The camp had a waterslide, ziplines, rope swings, and plenty of other activities to keep a teenage boy occupied. But this year, I was dreading it. I mean, I had friends at the camp, including some very pretty girls and one very special childhood friend. But I had two sure things waiting for me with open mouths and pussies at home.

Given a choice between lots of sex or rope swings, what do you THINK a 16- year-old boy would pick?

I didn't know what would happen between us while I was gone. Would Megan find another guy to explore her budding sexuality with? Would she maybe give HIM her cherry while I was gone? Given what I knew about her, it didn't seem likely. But she was a young girl flush with new hormones, and who knew what was possible?

And as for the Keira situation, already the contracting work excuse had run its course. Four hours every weekday for the past two weeks let me finish everything by Wednesday. While that let us spend all four hours of Thursday romping naked through her house, it also meant we'd have to come up a new excuse when I returned; otherwise I might not be able to have sex with my beautiful 28-year-old neighbor anymore.

On that last Friday before summer camp, everything came to a head.

Friday started off like any other weekday. I slept in, waking up well after my parents had gone off to work. I got myself cereal and a bagel while Brandi roamed the house talking on the cordless phone. Brooke had already left to spend one last day with her friends. And little Eden and Emma were reading while Brandi officially babysat everyone.

Dutifully, I told Brandi when I left. She knew I was going to Megan's house and just replied her usual, "See ya later, alligator." It was a phrase she'd picked up when I was five.

Once at her house, Megan and I spent a lot of time talking and cuddling before our innocent little kisses picked up in temperature and intensity. Eventually, I got her top off and was suckling like a baby at her puffy nipples and fingering her clit, every now and again pressing my fingers into her slit and feeling the membrane of her maidenhead.

On some days, we sixty-nined to get each other off at the same time. But most days, like today, we switched off giving each other pleasure. I spent a whole half- hour getting Megan worked up, practicing the things Keira had taught me for building arousal and getting a girl to such a state where she was positively vibrating with sexual energy. And when I finally took Megan over the edge, she dumped so much honey onto my face that I felt like I was drowning.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." Megan crooned when she came down from her climax. "I am SOOO going to miss you until you get back."

"I'll miss you, too," I assured her.

Then, Megan spent a good fifteen minutes practicing everything I'd taught her about blowing me. And when she took me over the edge, she was able to swallow every drop without missing a beat. And before she could pull away, I quickly tugged Megan up to meet me and we kissed the lovers' kiss of passion and thanks.

When we finally parted, Megan sighed and smiled. "Cassidy still won't believe that you'll kiss me after cumming in my mouth."

I groaned. "I still can't believe you tell Cassidy everything that we're doing."

"She's my best friend," Megan complained. "She tells me everything she does, too."

"I know, I know. It's just weird, that's all. I don't think you'd like it if I told Kenny everything that we're doing."

"That's because Kenny can't keep his mouth shut," Megan giggled and then lay herself against my chest. I delighted in feeling her hard nipples pressing into my skin and reached an arm around her to palm one breast.

Megan sighed while I began rubbing and then started laughing again. "Besides, telling Cassidy about how awesome you are gets her sooo jealous of me. I keep telling her that she got the first shot at you and then dumped you." Megan giggled. "She moans constantly about blowing it. Says you're a lot better than any boyfriend she's ever had."

I chuckled at that. It wasn't like I harbored any grudges against Cassidy. We were friends. But it definitely padded the ego to know a girl who stopped going out with me less than a year ago was now regretting that decision.

Then Megan went really quiet and really still. It was sudden enough that it grabbed my attention and I turned to see her looking up at me with big eyes. And softly, she asked, "Ben, am I your girlfriend?"

I canted my head. "What, you mean like steady?"


I started smiling at the thought. I'd never had a girlfriend before. Not an official one that lasted longer than two months anyways. And I figured it would be nice. A girlfriend would be someone I could kiss and hold hands with in public, maybe even be a regular source of orgasms and pleasure. Guys around school who had girlfriends were also considered to have a higher status than the single guys, for the most part. So yeah, I'd like to have a girlfriend.

But did I really want Megan to be that girlfriend?

I liked Megan well enough. We'd been good friends and she was certainly growing up into a very pretty girl. I knew that by next year she'd more fully grow into her body and she'd be a babe. And I'd been very happy with her for the past month or so. But ... it wasn't like I really NEEDED Megan, specifically. I mean, it wasn't like I'd been crushing on her before we started going out. If anything, I had a crush on Keira. But I'd been dateless for a long time and then Megan had come along, asking ME to go out and I'd thought, 'Sure, why not?'

And since then, Megan let me touch her body and eat her out and she gave me blowjobs. The way we were going, if I became her boyfriend, I was pretty sure she'd start having sex with me soon. Getting the official title of boyfriend might also keep her from finding another guy while I was gone. Quite selfishly, I wanted Megan all to myself.

I'd been silent and thinking for a long while. Megan must have started to worry, because she asked hesitantly, "Ben?"

"Yes," I stated firmly and nodded my head for emphasis. Then I smiled and turned to kiss Megan on the nose. "Megan Mei-Yin Kwan, will you be my girlfriend?"

Megan's radiant smile was answer enough. And then she shyly verbalized, "Yes, Ben. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

I grinned and then we started up a fresh makeout session that lasted for ten minutes. Our tongues intertwined and we both kept slurping up our own saliva we were so excited. By the end of it, we were both out of breath and I'd rolled Megan onto her back while I leaned over her, panting softly.

And then with her eyes wide open, Megan searched into my eyes and asked in a voice so soft and quiet I wasn't sure I heard her right, "Do you want to have sex with me?"

I cocked my head. "Say that again?"

She licked her lips and then in a slightly stronger voice, repeated, "Do you want to have sex with me, Ben?

I was both shocked and energized at the same time. But trying to remain cool, I smiled as warmly and as encouragingly as possible while simultaneously only half-succeeding at controlling my excitement. "Of course I do, Megan."

Nervously, she flicked her gaze up and down my face before saying, "Then let's do it."

My dick was rock hard. I didn't think the sucker had a pair of ears, but it certainly had reacted to Megan's words. Still, my brain and conscience still had toeholds on the situation. I'd never pushed a girl to do anything she wasn't ready for and I wasn't about to start now. In a soothing voice, I asked, "Are you sure?"

Megan bit her lip and nodded up and down.

"Are you sure? You can't take this one back, Megan." My dick tried to start beating my body by bouncing off my stomach, angry with the rest of me for even questioning a girl after she'd said "let's do it".

"I'm sure," Megan said in a wavering voice that sounded anything but sure.

I was 16. I wanted sex. I wanted sex with Megan. And automatically, I started to move my hips over hers. I'd rolled on top of Keira and entered her enough times to know what I was doing. And ever so gently, I used my feet to part Megan's legs until she spread her own thighs for me, and I nudged my erection towards this 15-year-old girl's waiting folds. This was it. I was about to take Megan's virginity. I wanted in!

"Uh, Ben. I don't suppose you have a condom."

I stopped immediately and blinked twice. Condom? Why the hell would I have a condom? Keira was on the pill and I never expected to be having sex with Megan unless it was pre-planned. With a grimace, I admitted, "Uh, no."

Megan frowned and I scrunched up my face while I felt my cockhead nudging against her virginal labia. I was THIS close. In a strained voice, I asked, "You want me to stop?"

Megan thought about it for a few seconds, blinking quickly. I started to feel myself going just a little bit soft. There was clear worry in her eyes, years and years of her parents warning her not to bring shame to the family probably running through her head. She bit her lip again and then rolled her eyes up to me. And in a hopeful voice, she asked, "You can pull out in time, right?"

"Right," I nodded confidently while feeling the adrenaline thumping in my skull. I wanted to have sex! I wanted to have sex! I wanted to have sex! Lemme in!

She sighed and searched my eyes. "You're not a virgin, are you, Ben?" It was a statement, not a question.

I groaned, this conversation the LAST thing I wanted to be doing right now. "No, I'm not. That's why you can trust that I'll pull out," I said reassuringly. After all, many times Keira had wanted me to cum in her mouth after fucking her, so I was already familiar with that 'about-to-cum' feeling.

"With who?" Her voice trembled nervously.

I groaned again. "Megan, we've been over this. I'm not the kind of guy who'll talk about that sort of thing."

"I know, I know. I'm just ... I'm just scared," she said in a quiet voice.

"Scared of what?"

"You just seem so much more experienced than me. I love what we're doing, but I worry that if I don't have sex with you then I'm going to lose you. You'll leave for a month and then when you come back, you won't want me anymore."

"What?" As much as I wanted pussy, girl-drama is DEFINITELY a turn-off. I rolled to my side beside Megan, my cock still hard but the urge to fuck starting to wane.

I leaned down and looked into my new girlfriend's eyes. "Megan, I promised you I would never make you do anything you weren't ready for. Haven't I kept that promise?"

Her eyes darted back and forth at me nervously. "Yes."

"And didn't I just ask you to be my girlfriend?"


I smiled and stroked my hand over Megan's forehead. "Then stop worrying. You'll still be my girlfriend when I get home, no matter what."

"You mean that?"

"Yes," I put on the most honest and trustworthy expression I could. Then I sighed as my conscience kicked in. "And I don't think you're ready to have sex yet, are you?"

"Well..." she pouted, clearly still wanting to have sex but just as clearly uncertain.

"You don't HAVE to have sex with me just to keep me, Megan." Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. Why they hell was I not already on top of her thrusting away to my heart's content?

Megan grimaced and started shaking her head. "I'm still scared of it."

I sighed. "Then that's a 'no'. You're not ready."

Megan exhaled slowly, but with relief. Then she closed up her legs and turned onto her side. "I'm sorry, Ben."

"It's okay. Really, it's okay." I took a deep breath and then looked down at my dick. Even with everything that had gone on, the damn thing was still hard and throbbing. "Megan, honey?"

"Yes, Ben?" She looked upset with herself, angry for not being brave enough and yet relieved at the same time.

I stared forlornly at my erection. "Can I get another blowjob?"

Megan's eyes lit up with a way to still make me happy and she grinned. "Of course!"

Fifteen minutes later, I was dressed and standing at Megan's door. Megan was crying and hugging me and crying some more. She whined that she'd miss me and made me promise to send her a letter from camp. If she had her way, she'd have me write her a letter a day. But she dropped that idea when I got shocked and remarked, "Don't go all psycho-stalking girlfriend on me now."

Megan kissed me one last time and then sniffled. "Don't forget me."

"Of course not," I said reassuringly.

"I love you, Ben." Her voice cracked as she said it, and the tears were pouring down her cheeks.

I looked down for a second. I didn't really love Megan, but how else could I respond? Hey girl, I love what we're doing but I don't love you? Actually, I'm crushing on my 28-year-old widowed neighbor? That just wouldn't work. Megan was my girlfriend. And I DID care about her. I hoped that would be enough. So I shrugged and tossed her a casual, "Love ya, too."

By the time I got to Keira's, I was going crazy with lust. Yeah, I'd had two orgasms, but I wanted to FUCK.

I mean, come on, blowjobs are wonderful and all, but they're like chocolate bars compared to the most mouth-watering Porterhouse steak you've had in your whole life. The occasional Kit-kat or Hershey bar is great to snack on here and there. But when you want that steak ... chocolate just won't do.

In fact, I'd only been able to keep myself from raping Megan because I KNEW I could have sex later on with Keira. Sure, I wanted to respect Megan and not push her into anything she might regret later. Having sex with her that morning might make me happy for one day, but if she regretted it I would have a really hard time getting laid a second or third or fifteenth time with Megan down the road.

But once my naked dick was touching Megan's naked pussy lips, it had taken all of my self-control, and Megan's ill-timed request for a condom, to keep me from just diving in. If I hadn't known in the back of my head that I'd be visiting Keira in the afternoon, I'm not sure how things would have played out.

Megan's brand of chocolate had at least taken the edge off for a little while. But after an hour of video games and Brandi's pathetic idea of lunch, I was really horny again and actually getting a little twitchy with the urge to bury my cock into some pussy.

So when the time FINALLY came for me to head over to Keira's to ostensibly finish the contracting job, I was way more than ready to go.

Keira never knew what hit her.

I think it's fair to say that I practically raped her the instant I got in the door. If any of our neighbors had chosen to look at the front door when it opened, they probably would have seen me immediately lock the 28-year-old widow in a passionate kiss right in the doorway. My hands were immediately on her tits and I pushed her into the house just enough to kick the door closed.

We didn't even make it to the couch. My need was so great that I stumbled and got our feet entangled, causing us to fall flat on the floor where I sprawled Keira across the living room rug. I considered myself very fortunate that she was wearing a skirt that day, because inside ten seconds I'd opened my fly, moved her panties aside, and shoved my dick into her still relatively-dry snatch.

"Ben!" she winced in pain, but I paid her no mind as I kept scrabbling with my feet against the floor to gain traction and cram inch after inch into her pussy. I mauled her tits with my hands and kept raining kisses all over her face, and thankfully, Keira had started to lubricate by the time I got fully embedded.

And then I started thrusting.

It was hard. It was fast. It was even a little painful. The rug wasn't meant as a cushioning device, and I could feel my own knees banging against the floor while I rutted into Keira's complaint body, dominating her with my larger frame and heavier weight. But while she may not have been expecting me to take her so quickly and so harshly, she still wanted to fuck and she soon got into it, lunging her hips up to meet me and starting to chant, "Ben! Ben! Ben!"

Inside two minutes, I groaned and then emptied myself into her. I stopped breathing and my whole body just jerked spasmodically while I fired wad after wad of cum into my beautiful brunette neighbor's body. And only then did the craziness quiet down in my mind.

For a long minute, there were no sounds but that of both of us panting. I bent my head down so that my forehead was resting on the floor. Keira brought her arms up and around my back, stroking me lovingly. There was no way she'd had an orgasm, but she didn't seem upset by me breaking Rule #1.

"Ben, are you okay?" She asked in a soothing voice.

I groaned before slowly grunting, "Yeah."

"Something happen with Megan?"

I sighed and grunted in the same tone, "Yeah."

She went quiet again and rubbed my back. But after a while, I must have been getting too heavy for her because she pushed on my shoulders until I rolled myself off to flop onto my back.

Keira sat up and reached down to pull off her panties. Then, gingerly, she got up and retrieved some tissues to clean herself up before my cum stained her skirt. And finally, she went to sit on the sofa and patted the seat next to her.

I tucked away my limp penis and zipped up, then went to join her.

"What happened?" Keira asked as she put her hand on my knee.

So I told her.

I told her about the usual blowjobs and such. But what really piqued her interest was when Megan suggested we have sex. And as I explained how I talked Megan out of going through with it because I'd realized the young girl wasn't ready for sex, Keira was positively beaming at me. She hugged me and said with some moisture in her eyes, "Ben, I'm proud of you."

I blushed and felt guilty at the same time. "Yeah well, I'm not so proud of what I just did to you. I'm really sorry about that. It's just that I got so worked up at Megan's and I couldn't control myself any longer."

"That's okay," Keira smiled and touched my cheek. "Actually, it was a little fun. Every now and again, it's kinda nice ... well, not nice," she giggled. "But it's kinky to just be TAKEN and ravaged like that. We'll have to do it again sometime."

I sighed and the worry that had been building in my mind over the past few days welled up inside me. And in a scared voice that sounded more like a teenager than a fully-formed adult, I asked, "Will there be a sometime for us? When I get back?"

Keira's eyebrows canted to the sides and she touched my face again. "This can't last forever, Ben. I mean, I love what we're doing, and you've made me feel ALIVE again for the first time in years. But there's no future for us and the longer we continue the more likely we're going to get caught."

My heart sank. "I'm not asking for forever. I just want ... I just want longer, okay?"

She exhaled and then leaned forward until her forehead touched mine. I closed my eyes and felt the energy of her affection washing over me while she stroked my cheek. And then in that sweet voice I'd come to love so much, she said, "Let's just take it one day at a time, okay? Whatever happens, happens."

I sighed. "Okay."

"Now, what time were your parents coming over to see what you've accomplished?"

"Not until after dinner."

"Mmm..." Keira hummed. "Then we have the rest of the afternoon to play. Make it good, Ben. It's got to last me a whole month."

We made it good.

I knew Keira McNeil didn't want me falling in love with her, at least any more than I already had. Every time I'd shown an inclination to verbally express that I loved her, she would back off and remind me of our age gap and my lack of maturity in such matters. I was barely two months past my sixteenth birthday; what could I possibly know about real love? So most of our encounters were physical releases of pleasure. She was my teacher in the arts of lovemaking. She was my confidant and advisor to my relationship issues with Megan. And she could be a hard-driving homeowner when I was working on her house.

But that afternoon, we really made LOVE.

We started with a quick tour of the renovations. We even practiced a routine for how we would present the work to my parents when they came over after dinner. And then Keira wanted to try out the new desk, where I bent her over and took her from behind before blowing my load into her mouth.

Afterwards, I scooted her onto the desktop surface and ate her out to two more orgasms, after which my cock was hard again and Keira marveled at teenage recovery.

We then took a luxurious soak in the bathtub, complete with bubbles. Keira lit candles around the master bathroom, sat me down first, and then climbed in with her back against my chest.

I didn't go for her boobs right away. Instead, I wrapped my arms around her and just held her lovingly while she laid her head back over my shoulder. And this time, when I whispered how much I loved her, she just hummed happily and turned to nuzzle her nose against my neck.

Of course, I couldn't resist fondling her forever. The sight of her big, creamy orbs floating in the water tugged at me until I cupped both of them in my hands. And then I put to practical use all the things Keira had taught me about stroking a woman's body, finding all of her less obvious erogenous zones.

By the time I slipped two fingers into her pussy underwater while lightly thumbing her clit, Keira was panting and writhing on top of my body. My dick was hard and she was rubbing her lower back against it, repeatedly passing her spine back and forth across my erection as if its very presence made her much more aroused. And when I bent forward and kissed her neck while squeezing her left nipple and furiously rubbing my hand in her crotch, I brought Keira to a brief but satisfying climax.

She turned then, splashing some water out of the tub as she rotated to face me. It was an awkward fit, neither of us quite sure where to put our knees. But we worked it out and Keira bent forward to plant a very tender kiss on my lips. And when she finally pulled away, her eyes were half-lidded as she husked, "Let's get to the bed."

Sounded good to me. Keira was up first, and I paused to admire her beautiful naked body while dripping wet and glistening in the light. Her thighs were well- toned. Her waist screamed out to be held in my hands. And of course, her round breasts were quite literally mouth-watering. She grabbed a towel as she stepped out, and then smirked when she realized I was just watching her dry off instead of getting up myself.

"Come on, Ben. You can gawk when I'm dry, naked, and waiting for you on my bed."

I jumped to my feet and hurriedly began to dry off as well.

With her head start, Keira was done well before me. In the end, she was just idly patting her hair with the towel wrapped around her shoulders and covering her breasts while leaving her crotch bare.

I didn't quite get every drop of water off me, but I just couldn't wait any longer. My towel hit the floor and then a second later I'd scooped Keira into my arms. And while she shrieked in my ear, I hopped us the few feet over and into the Master Bedroom until I could drop her naked body onto the bed.

"Ben!" she squealed before I moved on top of her body. And then my tongue was in her mouth while my chest crushed down onto her tits, and Keira moaned while her hand snaked up and pulled me tightly against her.

My hands roamed everywhere. But eventually, I managed to clasp Keira's hands in mine. I pulled them up and pinned them back against the mattress above her head. And using just my hips, I shifted until my cock was centered against her moistened pussy, and with a quick flip of my hips I started to push myself inside her.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." Keira groaned while my shaft slowly filled her up. She tried to move her arms just once, but my hands held them fast against the mattress. And while I stared down at her blissful face from inches away, I groaned and pushed until we were fully joined together.

It was incredible. SHE felt incredible. I kissed her once again, then pulled away and gazed lovingly into her eyes, reveling in the sparkling green color she was flashing back at me. And then we MOVED.

I wasn't just pumping. I mean, I vaguely remembered an in and out motion, but it wasn't just me pushing back and forth into her relatively stationary pussy. I mean we MOVED. Keira's hips were bucking up at me but also rotating clockwise and counterclockwise. She shook side to side as if we were in the middle of an earthquake, and me and my dick followed wherever she went.

In, out, in, out, left, right, and round and round we went. My lips were on her lips. Her breath was in my face. Her nipples were in my mouth. Her teeth were at my neck.

Keira rubbed her clit against my pelvic bone. She ground it down against my cock shaft. And when we accidentally found her G-spot, I rammed her hard and fast for a few minutes until I set her off on just her first of many orgasms.

"Ungh! Ungh! Yes! Oh, yes! Like that! Ben! Harder!"

"Ugh! Urrrgh! Fuck! So tight! Keira! So good! So fucking good!"

Her heels drummed against my buttcheeks. I gripped her thighs in my hands and yanked her body against me. And she nearly popped my head off when her ankles crossed behind my neck. We were fucking. We were making love. We were EVERYTHING.

I lost track of how many times Keira came. I knew it was more than four. She was insatiable and in some kind of zone. Her pussy muscles rippled and clenched and spasmed constantly. One orgasm would wane just as the next began exploding in her brain.

At one point, she rolled us over without disengaging and athletically rode herself to a climax, her dark brown bangs flying into her face. But then it was my turn, as I felt the coiling pressure of orgasm starting to come over me.

I rolled us back over and lifted Keira's legs up, gripping her ankles and pinning them back by her own ears while I savagely thrust into her over and again. She reached up and grabbed my head behind my ears, kissing me fiercely and moaning, "Fill me up, Ben. Cum in my tight pussy and fill me up until I'm overflowing. Cum for me, baby. CUM!"

So I came. My hips lost the rhythm for a second before I spastically jerked forward so suddenly that even I wasn't expecting it. And when Keira felt the hot and wet warmth begin to flood her insides, she threw her head back and howled her latest climax, joining me in ecstasy while I shot a deluge of semen into her body.

Still folded in half, Keira twitched erratically while her head shook from side to side, and I was gasping for air as my pecker continued spurting more and more cum. Our orgasms were simply INCREDIBLE.

But you know what they about all good things...

When reality set back into our brains, we were both wheezing and exhausted. My heavy weight was once again pinning her down, but Keira just clutched me to her chest and didn't seem interested in letting me roll off of her.

When she got her breath back, Keira looked up at me and said, "Thank you, Ben."

"For what?"

She sighed and nuzzled our noses together before blinking and then giving me a serious look. "I think I'm ready to move on now, Ben. I've mourned long enough, and I'm ready to live my life again. You've done that for me. I'll always love Colin, but you've shown me that I CAN feel happiness again. Thank you."

I sensed an undercurrent of finality to her statement. It was as if I'd done my job, and now that my job was done, we would be moving on. Maybe not right away, but I already knew that things would be different when I got back from our trip. My relationship with Keira McNeil had peaked, and it was all downhill from here.

"I'll never forget you, Keira," I said honestly to the woman who first touched my heart.

Softly, all she said was, "I know."

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