
434. Another Universe

After finding where the Dragon Gods went, Ben is preparing to go there too. Those Dragon Gods are threats to this world because, after a lot of investigations, Ben found out that Elefseria was right. Those Dragon Gods were worse than even Acnologia.

At the very least, Acnologia was honest with his desire to destroy the world and show that he was people's enemy. But those Dragon Gods were playing as Gods and protectors while having hidden agendas that endangered people's lives for their own benefit, which was getting stronger.

"Still, I never thought that they would live in a place I found years ago. Another universe just like Edolas, huh? This is a strange yet nice coincidence because it makes things easier."

The place that Ben meant is the universe where he found an abundant amount of magic power for his anima project. That means his animas are connected to the universe that is used by the Dragon Gods. All traces he found led him to that universe.

It will be easy to go there, but there is also a problem. Those Dragon Gods have been basked in that universe's thick ethernano for years, so they might've grown very powerful too. Maybe their claims of being as strong as Acnologia wasn't an empty lie, after all.

But it doesn't make him discouraged, he is getting excited instead. A battle maniac like him will surely love to fight powerful opponents. It makes him want to find the Dragon Gods in his timeline and fights them too.

Anyway, Ben is planning to go to that other universe using his anima. But he needs to modify it first so that he won't get detected as soon as he arrives there. He doesn't know if his power would disappear the moment he arrives there just like when he arrived in Edolas, so he needs to be careful.

It only takes a day for Ben to modify his anima so he won't get detected when he arrives there. He runs some simulations to check it and all the results are good. Now he just needs to use it to go there and he goes immediately.

"Elefseria, you stay on your guard until I return. I don't know what those guys are capable of, so we need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. They might escape here if they can't win against me or they might even kill me and come here. So stay on your guard and attack them as soon as possible if they come here."

"I understand, I will stay vigilant all the time. In case they came here, then I hoped that it would be the case of them running away. If they could defeat you, then there isn't hope for us to win against them."

"Then I'll try not to lose."

Ben smirks before he activates his new version of Anima. It is black now instead of blue like his original anima. This black anima is used specifically to send him back and forth between dimensions. It can only be used by him, not anyone else, like private transportation.

He bids farewell to Elefseria before activating the black anima magic circle below him. A thick black aura covers Ben's body and then he disappears. Elefseria can't feel his presence anymore, so the old man leaves because there's nothing he can do here.

Meanwhile, Ben appears in a place full of water. No, he is in fact, appears underwater, in other words, he sinks. Ben immediately swims to the surface before he runs out of air. He didn't breathe enough air to dive like this, so he needs to get out quickly.

After swimming up for a while and even boosting his swimming speed with magic, Ben finally reaches the surface. He breathes a lot of air while feeling relieved that he is still alive. It would be very bad if he die right when he has just arrived here.

Ben checks his surroundings to know where he is right now. There isn't anything but water around him, so he concludes that he is in the sea. Though he doesn't know which sea it is and where the land is either.

Finding a land is easy though because it's night now. So he just needs to find sources of light other than the moon. Though right now Ben is more focused on the abundance amount of ethernano here.

"I feel like my body will be refreshed anytime I breathe. No wonder those Dragon Gods like to live here. If this place is a Capital City, then Earthland is just a town. But well, thanks to that I could get a lot of magic power through my animas to increase the magic power in my town and continent."

Ben checks his body and it feels normal. He can feel his magic power just fine, so he should be able to use magic. Although there's something strange happening in his body. It is absorbing the magic power around him like a vacuum.

"Seems like the high amount of ethernano here has stimulated my magic container."

Ben's magic container has grown so much after all his training and achievements including killing Acnologia twice. It has become very thick and strong, but it couldn't expand too much because the magic power in his surroundings wasn't dense enough to stimulate its growth.

Now, the last thing hindering his growth has been removed due to this place's high magic power density. His magic container is finally free to grow to its maximum capacity. It absorbs the ethernano from the surrounding and its capacity keeps increasing.

Ben knows this is his best chance to get stronger, so he needs to use this chance well. He takes out an empty wood box from his magic storage and enters it. The box floats around on the ocean and Ben is meditating inside the box to focus on absorbing magic power.

His magic power increases rapidly, but he needs to control it. If his magic container expands too fast, then it will become weak and break. So he needs to control his absorption rate to let his magic container expand at a safe rate while maintaining its power to hold magic power.

His Sun Devil-Dragon-God Lacrima is glowing very brightly as it also expands and its colors become thicker. The red-black-gold colors that indicate his 3 Slayer Magic types are getting denser, which means his magic also grows as he absorbs more magic power.

It takes 3 days for Ben to finish strengthening himself to his current limit. But that limit is enough to help him conquer the world. Ben now feels like he could defeat Acnologia even without transforming even though it would be a very difficult battle.

Although this also means that he would be able to defeat Acnologia easily after transforming. His base power has increased a lot, so his power after transforming into a Dragon or using Force Modes has increased a lot too. Now his chance of defeating the unknown 5 Dragon Gods has surely risen.

"Still, based on Quorra's clock, it has been 3 days since I arrived here. But the sun doesn't show up at all in these 3 days, it's always night here. This place is an alternate universe of Earthland and Edolas, so it doesn't make sense that this planet has a different size or at least rotation speed. Something isn't right, and I feel like it will be fun to mess with this."

Ben was always considerate of his actions, but right now he feels the urge to do something about this full-night situation without even investigating anything yet. He is a Sun Devil-Dragon-God Slayer, so he really needs sun. It feels like he'll die if he doesn't see the sun for too long.

"I have gotten a lot of power that I feel like I can do anything now. Although I never did anything at this level before, I feel like I won't fail to do it in this place. I have a lot of magic power and this place is rich with ethernano. Nothing is holding me back here."

Ben grins while looking at the big full moon in the sky. If there is a moon, then there is a sun that gives its light to the moon. That means the other side of this planet is being shone by sunlight at full time just like how it is night here at full time.

This shouldn't be a natural phenomenon because the planet is rotating. So it should get sunlight and moonlight every day if nothing interferes. Though if there's really something that changes the natural order of this planet, then it must be powerful and the whole planet can be affected by it.

"It might be full night all over this planet. Magic is something that defies logic, so anything is possible. Well, let's look for the sun first."

Ben stands up and looks at the sky before shooting up at a very high speed. He can fly faster than ever now and he is actually close to the speed of light now. Although he needs to turn his body into solar energy.

He would shine very brightly if he doesn't use his Sun God Slayer Magic to fly. Ben doesn't want to gather attention for now, so he uses the black Sun God Slayer Magic in the dark sky while also masking his presence with another magic spell. He shouldn't be detected by anyone right now, so he can investigate outer space freely.

When he arrives in the outer space, Ben is surprised by what he sees. But he can't just look for too long because he is running out of air. So he returns to the atmosphere after a while to get oxygen again.

"Damn, this must be their doing."

What Ben just saw was this planet is surrounded by a veil that doesn't let the sunlight pass through. He doesn't know how this work yet, but he knows that this phenomenon is centered on the moon. So Ben looks at the moon and smirks as he makes a plan.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 482. World's Victor (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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