
141. Confrontation

After sending the Mages out of the temple, Ben's clones dispel themselves to save Ben's MP. The Mages want to enter the temple again, but they are blocked by a transparent barrier that Ben made.

They try to breach it, but no one can do it even with their strongest spell. Ben made it with the best formation that he has learned in the Magic Library, after all. The barrier is made to be strong enough to block Deliora's attack, so there's no way it is weak.

"Damn, who is that guy actually?" asks Natsu pissedly while punching the barrier.

"He said he is a demon hunter and the spell that he used to block Deliora's attack looks like yours, Natsu. Is he a Slayer Mage too?" ponders Lucy.

"He must be a Devil Slayer, a type of slayer just like Dragon Slayer. They're even rarer than your kind, just like God Slayer because Demons don't usually teach their magic to humans like Dragon," says Zalty with a serious tone.

"Is that so? Wait! Why are you talking to us like friends?" asks Lucy in realization.

"Eh? Hehe, I just want to explain it," says Zalty sheepishly.

"That's a good explanation, but I'm still mad at you," says Natsu as he sends a fire punch at Zalty, which gets dodged.

Both sides move back to gather with their side and look at each other. They're just about to fight when suddenly they hear steps coming from the forest. They all look at the source and the Fairy Tail Mages are scared when they see the one who comes.

"E-E-ERZA!?" shouts the Fairy Tail Mages while hugging each other as they see Erza's angry face.

"W-Why are you here?" asks Natsu scaredly.

"I'm here to take back those who break the Guild's rules. Gray, you were sent to stop them, so why're you joining them now?" asks Erza.

Gray looks at Erza then at Lyon and he says, "Well, I-"


A loud explosion sound from the temple interrupts Gray's speech. They all look at it and see a massive explosion happening in the dome. It creates a big fire that covers half of the dome and shakes it, but the dome doesn't even crack.

"What a strong barrier," comments Lucy.

"What happens here? Explain everything!" orders Erza.

"A-AYE!" says Natsu, Lucy, and Happy together.

Lucy then explains everything to Erza, and the Titania looks at the barrier seriously.

"A Devil Slayer, a type of Slayer like Natsu as a Dragon Slayer, huh? So he is fighting a very strong Demon now?" asks Erza.

"Y-Yes," says Lucy.

"I understand the situation. That means we can leave everything to him and return to the Guild. Breaking Guild's rules isn't a small matter," says Erza very seriously.

"I know, but we can't leave just like this. The villagers are in danger because of these guys. We also don't know if that Devil Slayer can defeat that demon," says Natsu while pointing at Lyon's group.

"Is that it?" asks Erza.

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy can't say anything else, but Gray suddenly says, "Erza. I know this is breaking the Guild's rules and we will get punished. We will take that punishment, no, I will take that punishment. The villagers are in danger and we can't just leave it like that. We are not heartless people who can't feel others' suffering. And that will just ruin our Guild's name."

Gray says it very seriously that Natsu, Lucy, & Happy can't help but be amazed by it. Erza looks at Gray seriously before smiling and says "Alright. I will let you finish the job. But you'll still get punished after we returned."

"No problem," says the Fairy Tail Mages.

The Fairy Tail Mages then look at Lyon's group and only see Lyon there. They look around to find the others and then Lucy gets a realization.

"THIS IS BAD, THEY GO TO THE VILLAGE," says Lucy panicky.

"WHAT!?" says the others in surprise.

"Go and stop them, I will fight Lyon. Sorry, but this is our personal business," says Gray.

The others nod and leave.

"Let's finish this, Lyon," says Gray.

"Hmph, stop talking and just do it," says Lyon.

Both sides start their confrontation again with an addition in Fairy Tail's group. They just need to fight Lyon's group now and don't need to worry about Deliora. Although they're still not sure if Ben can defeat Deliora, especially Gray & Lyon.

In the temple, Ben has started his fight with Deliora. But he hasn't attacked and just evades Deliora's attacks. He wants to measure Deliora's power that is said to be very high.

"Is this it? Is this all you've got, Deliora? This doesn't match your legend at all. The Immortal Demon who has destroyed many places in the past and killed many strong Mages. This level of power doesn't show any of that. Sure, you're strong, but this is far from what I expected. It seems you've got weakened a lot while being trapped in that ice, huh?" asks Ben as he evades another beam.


The beam creates a big explosion behind Ben. Deliora is strong even now and Ben knows he can't defeat Deliora easily. But it's still far from Deliora's power that got described in many records.

"Well, you might recover to your full power if I give you time. But it will take too many days or weeks or months or even years. No one knows it precisely, so I can't do that. Besides, my job is to kill you, so I will do that," says Ben as he made a big purple magic circle in front of him.

Ben steps into the magic circle and passes it like a door while saying, "Gravity Mode: Devil Slayer Version!"

After stepping through the magic circle, Ben's body is covered in a purple aura. The aura also creates a pair of sharp ears & horns appear on his head. It also creates a long tail with an arrowhead tip on his back. Then there are big & sharp claws on his hands & feet too.

Deliora flinches and takes a step back after seeing Ben's transformation. He can feel a strong demonic aura coming from Ben now. Ben's power level isn't what scares him, but it's the majestic demon aura.

Ben extends his right hand towards Deliora and makes a grabbing motion. Deliora feels something grab his face and Ben suddenly flies toward him while pulling his right hand. It is one of gravity power usages, pulling.

The Gravity Pull also affects Deliora and his face gets pulled toward Ben. He wants to shoot another beam, but Ben arrives first in front of his face. Ben punches his face with a very strong fist with Gravity Push added to it.


Deliora's face gets hit and he flies to the barrier wall behind him. He crashes onto the barrier and shakes it before falling to the ground. Ben's punch makes him have disbelief & angry expression because no one else has ever done that before.

"ROAR!" roars Deliora in anger and he prepares another beam shot from his mouth.

"Beam again? So that's your only magic, or I must say curse," says Ben as he descends to the ground.

Deliora shoots his energy beam at Ben and it moves very fast. Ben pushes himself to the left with his Gravity Push and evades the beam. But Deliora moves his beam to follow Ben's movement.

"He can move it, huh?" ponders Ben as the beam gets closer to him.

Ben extends his right hand to Deliora's right foot and says, "Sun Devil's Gravity Pull!"

Deliora's left foot suddenly gets pulled forward and it makes him fall behind. His fall makes the beam goes up and hit the barrier. Ben's spell makes Deliora falls comically as if he's slipped on the ground amidst a battle.

"Well, sometimes strong opponents get defeated by something stupid," says Ben while tilting his head.

Deliora gets up and shakes his head while rubbing the bump on the back of his head.

"Sigh, but it seems he hasn't lost yet. What should I do to make him lose stupidly?" ponders Ben uselessly.

"ROAR!" screams Deliora angrily

"Oh, he's mad. Well, of course, he will," says Ben jokingly as he rushes at Deliora again while still thinking of how to defeat Deliora in a stupid way. What stupid thinking.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 176 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 187 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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