
Bond by Fate

"Wouldn't that be pretty much disappointing?"


"For you, I mean."


Kairen tilted his head to the side.

"I can't understand what you mean."


Reynold leaned back and rested his back on a pile of rock. He glanced at Daniel and then at Kairen. With his eyebrows raised, he seemed to be considering if it was ok if Daniel also heard their conversation. As if understanding this, the middle-aged Daniel took a step back.

"I can come back at another time."

Without waiting for an answer, Daniel turned around and walked out of the room. After he was gone, Reynold once again looked at Kairen.

"If I'd saved that brother of yours, meaning if I'd pulled him up from the gate, he would've never crossed worlds and would've never come to where you lived."

"...I know that! A lot of things would've changed if Ron didn't come to that world, I'm aware of that."

Kairen crossed his arms.

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