

' Fuck! She is still following me? '. Raven was gaining on him, and he needed to act fast. Luckily, he had a plethora of abilities he gained from Barmis, and instant-transmition was one of them. He could get to use it, to get out of the situation in a snap, or he could ask for a system transfer.

Both methods seemed a bit tamed to him, so he opted to use his sheer speed instead. Since his speed was well beyond both immeasurable and infinite at this moment. With the speed-force, no one would come to harm since it protected both him and them from the speed-force users' destruction... to a degree.

Within the next moment, time stopped for zane before he flew. Then, in the next, he disappeared instantly. Leaving no traces behind, only a gust of wind.

' What!? He's... he's gone? ' she thought, looking around the around the area, even expanding her senses more, but nothing came to fruition.

The second raven blinked, Zane's presence disappeared. This obviously puzzled her, since she couldn't get a reading from him any longer. The whole thing happened too fast. It was as if he had never even existed, akin to chasing a ghost.

Looking around the area for a bit longer, she realized it was for naught. Leaving as well.


~Outer space, on planet Jupiter~

" That was really close... she almost caught up to me. Well at least I get the time to figure things out. ".

He could guess why raven found him out. Simple deduction, really, but that wasn't the issue at the moment. He wanted to find a way to learn how to hide that 'type' of presence in the future. Given his knowledge about her abilites.

But, he had another issue to confront. One that had been plaguing him for a good while....

" System... I realized something ever since yesterday... going through Barmis memories, they were off.... Ever since I started analyzing his life over the past couple days. His power seemed oddly inconsistent. At some point, he's more than capable of wiping out an entire solar system, yet in a couple of months he is randomly multi-planetary at best... "

" Explain. "

Zane said, with an even more commanding tone than usual.


" Silence is only going to make it worse... "

- Zane... when a reincarnate reaches a certain level of power too quickly, a force 'balance' may occur to fix issues regarding the reincarnate -

' A...balance? '

" Continue... "

- This 'balance' is a sentient constant that will often change the reincarnates' abilites, with sealing, locking and removing them permanently until that power is earned within a respectable amount of time or method.... Demonstrating its ability to remove a level of power with Barmis. It seemed like he achieved a level of power too great early within his universe's limits, given your description. Those with rapid levels of growth often break the reality's rules of the verse if not balanced accordingly -

Zane was surprised, to a degree. It all made sense to him now. Barmis was fully aware of his random decline of abilites throughout his younger years, but he didn't know the cause of it, and he could not ask his system since it wasn't sentient like his own at all.

" So this 'balance'... it can come at anytime when there is a rapid fluctuation of power correct?... . wouldn't that mean it will eventually come for me? "

- Yes zane, the robs did it to make sure that the reincarnates didn't advance too quickly in strength, or posses too many reality shattering abilites especially beyond their universes capabilities... Remember when I told you that the shop feature was removed... this is what I was talking about. It often led to many 'balance' occurrences, which often took up too much of the robs time, so it was unanimously voted against because of its potential reality altering capabilities -


' The foreshadowing is fucking insane? Wasn't this back 40+ odd chapter ago? ' Zane said in his mind, rubbing his temple in the process.

But he quickly realized that so called 'balance' was 100% going to come for him. Although he trained, his consumption ability did a majority of the work. Surely the ability would be sealed or locked, possibly even removed permanently due to their nature.

" This is troubling... Is there any way to stop it? " Zane asked, in a frustrated tone.

- No... not at the level of power you are currently. When you reach the 'boundless' tier, it will no longer affect you -

' Fuck... so I need to play it carefully for a while... ' Zane said. He clearly wasn't as safe as he thought he was, not with this 'balance' thing existing. Especially when he was on the higher echelons of power.

- Be warned zane, attempting to fight against the 'balance' can allow you to lose your abilites and bloodline. So when it comes, accept the changes it brings -

" Yeah... thanks for the heads up "

No, don't as why.

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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