
This is tough...

After my little altercarion, the warrior looking curious, started to walk around me, as if trying to understand what I am. If I was was in her shoes, I would be doing the same. So I let it go on... for the next ten minutes.

"So when are you going to stop looking/analyzing me?", I said, trying anything to stop her at this point, it was getting a but tedious to just sit here at her mercy. And it didn't make it any better knowing the fact that she could potentially one shot me. Too many factors here.

Looking me in the eyes, she fidgited and squirmed for a milisecond, losing eye contact with me and finally stopped. Taking out her sword out of her sheath, pointing it in the opposite direction, I pointed towards it as well, making a walking sign with my to fingers to test a little theory of mine, signaling If she wanted me to go in that direction, just to make sure. Seemingly understanding my intent, she nodded. So that meant their people might have minor human qualities, this is somewhat good news.

I turned around and walked towards it, trying to figure out what I could do now, I couldn't just simply follow her? I didn't want to be noticed, at least not yet. But it wouldn't matter, she had intellect, as well as martial prowess that dwarfs mine, by a pretty wide margin too. I could tell, she was a warrior... and a strong one at that. Even if I somehow used my abilities to gain some distance, I don't know what she'll do. I shrugged in my mind, essentially. I had no way of possible escaping, and an even lower chance of keeping my life intact while doing so, I needed more time to see what she and her people can do, then I can go from there.

Without much talking and walking, I kept feeling an intense glare behind me, and everytime I turned around, she'd look me dead in the eyes before swiftly turning away. It was weird but I just went with it, at least she isn't harming me. While thinking to myself, I needed more training, my body felt as if it was in earth's gravity as of now, which meant I could start me grind once more, I wanted to focus on my martial arts right now, and learn some more I had known in my last endeavour, and on my list was 'ultra instinct',or a version of instinctual movement, essentially becoming garou when he's uncoincious, but aiming to be like goku instead and not so uncoincious.

Being lost in my thoughts, I had reached her village, It was large I suppose. It looked like a small tribe of people but instead of shacks for houses, it was futuristic buildings, with a cyber-punk feel to it, and everything was mainly royal blue and shiny black in color. Getting closer and approaching the entrance of the village, I saw two guards, appearing to be at least 7 feet tall or more. Before I could think of anything else, my captor came in front of me, I knew of what she was doing, and I stayed back while she spoke with them. My main objective for now was to overcome this annoying language barrier.

After some time and indignant looks, they let us by, but clearly not wanting an unknown to enter into their territory so causally. I looked straight ahead, to see all sorts of people here, but they looked relatively the same, with different color pallets, most being various shades of blue and some being various shades of red, while the blue ones are more dominant of the bunch. This mean that there were other villages or better put, there were most likely tribes that have these specific colored people.

And boy, it doesn't seem they take kindly to oddities at all, I kept getting stared at, most just mild curiousity, while a very select few have looks of disgust. I didn't really care either way, since I most likely won't be here long anyway, a month tops? If that much at all.

After walking for a couple of minutes, we stopped, when we seemingly reached her home, she turned to me, giving me a 'don't run look'. I shrugged, I wasn't planning on it, but I wouldn't be swept along either.

She reached the entrance before scanning her eyes by a scanner by the door, It opened and she walked in signaling me to follow too.

Inside the home looked somewhat normal, and extremely put together, she hadn't had much of decorations, and only had weapons on the wall ranging from high tech pistols, to high tech assault rifles and possible snipers as well. It was a soldier's dream here.

cutting off my previous thoughts. I thought to myself about getting back to earth, I'm not even sure if it's the same anymore, knowing the R.O.B, he most definitely made some changes and the problem was. I was gonna have to go in not knowing anything. A bit annoying and a little exciting, hopefully it's not too outlandish.

Looking back at me, she took out too metal bracers out of thin air, disappearing in front of me, and putting them on my arms before before I could blink. I felt immense resistance from them, equivalent to putting on my wrist weights but obviously not at its maximum value. Should serve as good exercise I felt suppose. I looked at her before she pointed down on the floor, showing a sign of staying here.

Before quickly leaving. So know I play the waiting game, I sighed to myself. looking around a bit, I saw numerous books to the right side of her home, and on the opposite, I saw to what I presumed to a kitchen. Going towards the books, I picked it up with a bit of the home struggle, with the goal of teaching myself the language, wondering how fast I could do it.








Another chapter for your likes, hope you all enjoy

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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