
Chapter 50 - The Carrot or The Stick?

My words were cold and filled with a promise of pain and suffering. I'd always been seen as apathetic or lacking emotion back on earth which most of the time was simply me being lazy or not putting effort into a response, but in this world, it especially helped when I was actively trying to clear all emotion from my voice. I didn't want to torture them. I was neither sadistic nor did I enjoy inflicting pain upon others, but these three had cause problems though it was still to be seen as to what extent. Perhaps when I found out then perhaps my feelings would be different.

All three looked in shock at my right hand which was no longer a hand at all, but multiple thin long blades flowing around each other, poised to strike. They were all thin, needle-like, and wouldn't kill unless hitting a vital spot. They were so thin it was hard to see the small details, but if someone looked close enough they would be able to see the serrated edges. Migi knew much about the human body and had clearly designed the blades to cause the most pain possible.

Lillian's crying increased and quickly turned into body-shaking sobs which grated on my ears. Dugress wasn't trying to speak but instead looked to be in a state of shock, staring numbly at my right hand. Matin seemed to be the calmest though I could tell he was on a razor's edge with the way his eyes were twitching and he seemed to be taking long deep breaths as best as he could through the gag.

It was a start and would make them more likely to answer my questions. If they were already this scared by the threat of pain then actual pain may very well break them, well if it was a lot, which it wouldn't be.

Time to get some answers, I thought, locking my gaze onto Lillian. She met my eyes for only an instant then hurriedly looked away, tears still flowing down them.

"I'm going to start with you lady Lillian," I said, and without needing to give a command to Migi the blades moved over to her, close enough to scrap across her skin, which increased her struggling and sobs.

"I won't hurt you, Lillian, if you cooperate, and tell me what I want to know, I might even improve your current living conditions," I said. "I'm going to remove the gag and you're going to remain silent unless I ask a question, understand?"

She nodded hurriedly and I glanced back to see both Richard and Susana looking at her coldly. It seemed that they were unperturbed which was a good thing. I needed advisors and allies who wouldn't balk at my actions or go all righteous on me. Lilah was stood by my side her blade ready. I doubted I'd be asking her to actually use it, since it seemed more built for killing than torture, though she was sure as hell an intimidating site, especially with those dark void eyes of hers, and the way she remained as still as a statue when not moving.

My dark wraith, I thought happily, sending a command to Migi to remove the gag from Lillian's mouth,

"Oh, gods! Please, your majesty, don't kill me, I had no choice, I had no choice, please!"

The loud and sobbing voice made me grimace and I shot her a cold look.

"Are you deaf as well as dumb," Richard said coldly "His majesty said not to speak unless spoken to."

Lillian's eyes grew wide and she went to apologize but stopped herself at the last second, though she didn't stop crying, which was honestly starting to piss me off. Normally when you hear a woman crying you feel sorry but Lillian's was like that of a spoilt child begging not to be punished. It didn't help her that I had no pity for her.

I waited for a few minutes until her crying died down slightly.

"Ok, first question," I said. "Are you a traitor working for Biroth?"

She shook her head wildly from side to side as if to deny it, and when she didn't answer immediately I sent a command to Migi to slightly press one of the needles into her skin, not enough to cause pain but enough to cause discomfort

Lillian gasped and shook.

"Yes, gods yes, I work for Biroth," She cried. "But not out of choice. He holds sway over me!"

"What sort of sway?" I asked, feeling an odd sense of wrongness coming from her. I couldn't quite place it, but a certain memory was trying to reveal itself to me, but I couldn't quite put my mind on it.

"My sister!" Lillian said. "He holds my sister hostage. If I do not do as I am told then she will suffer the consequences. Your majesty, I beg of you, she is just a little girl!"

"I never heard news of this," Susana said. "Last I was told, Rosin was still at your family's estate down south which is far from Biroths lands."

"She was taken," Lillian stated, still crying. "I received a summons from him the next day and when i answered it I was told of my task. Please, your majesty, mercy!"

Her tears had stopped flowing as much though she still let out an occasional sob and the two alongside her looked nervous. Dugress had finally snapped out of his shock and was staring at Lillian while Matin was giving her a hard look.

"We will see about mercy," I said coldly, still trying to recall the memory that seemed to be at the corner of my mind. "Next question, what was your main purpose in the palace. I'm assuming you were to gather and relay information but was there anything else and who did you meet to give the information to?"

She sniffled and shook and I cursed as the feeling of wrongness increased. What the hell am I missing here? I thought.

"I was told to find out what was occurring and who was doing what, mainly the nobles. I would receive small letters, placed into my pocket when I was out in the city, telling me of meeting place. I would go to the designated place at night and deliver all the information I had then repeat. That is all, your majesty."

The last words were said in a pleasing tone and I looked up to meet Lillian's eyes with my own. I saw fear, shock, hope, and...

I froze as her eyes shifted. It was only for a second but that was all it took for the memory to click into place and Lillian's eyes widened in reaction to the look of revelation that must have been on my face.

Pells words echoed in my mind.

'I've only met Lillian and she's extremely smart'

I looked back into Lillian's eyes as she changed.

Her struggling stopped, her eyes went cold and devoid of even the barest of emotion. Her mouth thinned and like a switch had been flipped, not a single tear escaped her eyes. When she next spoke it was in a cold voice.

"So you aren't as stupid as you look. The mask is gone, let's see if you can handle what lies beneath."


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