
Chapter 267 - Identifying the kidnapper

Yuna went ahead to check on the CCTV and Sha stayed behind to investigate Eric's disappearance. The guy said that Eric attacked him and left but he had also lost consciousness right after so someone might have even taken him away.

Only the ghost were invisible spectators.

As soon as he gazed around the other ghost, all ran away, leaving behind no trace.

"If you guys don't stop, I might have to absorb you all. Do you know what happens if I eat up spirits? You all cease to exist. Your soul diminishes from this world... is that what you all want?" with a mad grin he walked around.

The ghost just poked their heads out looking at him cautiously. "I saw some guy in a suit take your friend. He drove a black high-end car don't know the brand. Don't hurt us, okay? We just want to have a bit of fun before we leave for our afterlife..." the ghost all hid again.

One young ghost girl came up front hesitantly. "I saw him…."

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