
He Froze!

"So harsh, Ah Jie," Producer Ryoshi whispered and she shrugged, "We are teaching them and are looking for the next big group. You can't tell me you didn't see the same thing."

"I actually like the rawness of Ping's voice. It is different and fits with his youth, but I agree that there are improvements and potential."

"For the 1st floor, I thought they did well. I like Shun's voice a lot. It wasn't on pitch the whole time, but he has this texture, a vulnerability and strength," Manager Bon stated and the others agreed.

"There was a part of the song that was missed. What happened?" Producer Ryoshi questioned and Shun saw eyes on him.

Before he could speak, Heeang spoke first and it made every fiber of his being burned with anger.

"I was getting ready to sing, but Shun took over my part. It shocked me, but I went along with it because Shun is older than me. I must respect my elders."

'This little piece of-! What the unholy, unrighteous, shameful child! How dare he lie!'

Shun squeezed the microphone in his hand.

"Shun, is that true?"

"When Heeang's part came, he did not start on time. I thought he forgotten his part so I sang it so he could remember. I was not trying to take his place or anything. I want all of us to succeed."

He stared straight at his mentors. If he were to turn to that liar, everyone would see his glare he would send. He saw them nod in agreement.

"This is a competition Shun. Although it is nice to think of your fellow trainees, you have to do what is best for you as well," Choreographer Miniji stated.

"I understand."

Shun really did. Now that he knew what Heeang was doing, he was just going to focus on himself. No more nice guy Shun!

"Who is the winner, judges?" The host questioned and they all presented their answer: Top floor.

"Winner for today is: 2nd floor. Well done. 1st floor, go to the elevator and return to your level. Tomorrow, the trainees will all face the relay obstacle early in the morning. Be ready."

Giving Ping a hug to calm the boy who was fuming from what was said, he pinched those cheeks and headed to the elevator. The ride down was quiet and Shun participated in no conversation. A few trainees tried to talk to him about what happened, but he just smiled it off with a shrug.

What was done was done.

Moving forward, he made the meal like he normally would, because he was not going to let Heeang's action be the fault of the others. Did he put in his tender love and care? Probably not like he would before, but at least they were fed. He headed to the confession room, his designated safe space, and sat on the chair with his head leaned back up to the ceiling.

"I am sure our mentors saw that I wasn't trying to take his part. He froze!" Shun rubbed his face and sat straight, "Whether it was on purpose or not, I don't want people to send any hate to him. He is still young and learning… Although him lying is really bad."

Rubbing his eyes, he hummed.

"We lost 2 battles already. The only chance I still have is to beat the obstacle race somehow. We weren't told what it was, but hopefully I am able to win and join Ping on the 2nd floor. I wonder if he is doing alright."

Shun smiled and said his goodbyes.

Up on the top floor, Ping was so upset, he was pacing the confession room.

"I can't believe Heeang would do that! Ah Shun is nice and feeds them because they won't cook for themselves. Taemeng said so! So, how could he just say lies about my gege?! We all saw what happened!" Ping crossed his arms and frowned with a scowl.

There was a knock on the door.

"Ping, it's me."

The young boy opened the door and Taemeng walked in.

"Could you believe that happened?! I am so mad!"

"Calm down."

"How can I?" Ping huffed and fisted his hands, "Ah Shun keeps losing because of them. Why aren't they supportive like my gege? Why are they being mean to him?"

Taemeng stared at the young boy and shook his head.

'Too emotional would lose one's head,' he reminded himself.

He waved at the camera and pulled the upset boy out of the room.

"Go to bed."

"I can't I-"

"Shun would want you to rest and not worry about him. He is your gege. You don't want him to worry, right?"

Ping frowned, but dropped his shoulder with a sigh. He would worry Shun, but if he did not worry, that meant he did not care and he cared deeply for his gege!

Outside of the competition, the internet was buzzing. Especially from Shun's official fan account on Weebo. Every clip, every image, every information one would need to know about him were on there. The dedicated fan even created a website just for him. Each live episode had subtitles in other languages for global fans to follow what was being said.

Currently, the bolded text on all places the fan was at said: Xiong Shun being sabotage! Here is what to do to help.

There were a list of options to take from calling the television producers to bombarding their Weebo accounts.

It worked.

People were.

There were so many complaints that the producers and company of the show were speaking behind the scenes of what to do.

"Let's bring in big name artists, so we don't lose views," one of the company heads spoke up.

"Like who?" The show director questioned.

They discussed for a long time, before they agreed to who will arrive. It might get controversial, but it would do wonders for the views.


The last challenge came and Shun almost felt relieved.

The best thing about the relay obstacle was that it was outside. The yard was huge and what Shun saw made him laugh. A large inflatable obstacle course, a bounce house, two huge inflatable balls, and so many crazy things were set up.

He glanced down to the boy wrapped around him like a koala to feel the buzzing excitement.

'How I missed this clinging boy.'

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