

It was in AD 1444 that the first vampires were created in a public ceremony.The Greater Demon Hecate was summoned in a massive blood-based sacrifice held at the Court of Wallachia which is the modern-day Romania. In exchange for his impressive sacrifice and act of savagery, Hecate transformed Vlad III and a large majority of his court into the first vampires.The whole city was bathed in blood,while the council was called and the genocide of the whole Vampire race was called into motion.

Even Alexander didn't say anything as the number of humans killed was too much to turn a blind eye too and the involvement of a greater demon made it even more complicated as these people actually summoned him.

Vampires are extremely vulnerable to fire; though they are strong and durable, their bodies are weaker and less resistant to burning.Then there is Holy water and other common blessed materials such as angelically aligned swords are harmful to vampires and will scorch and burn their flesh. Holy, religious symbols—like a crucifix, a Bible, etc.—may be harmful to them if they hold weight for the target vampire, depending on their belief system while still mundane.Most new vampires, with religion in their life, are not able to speak holy names such as God's, but older vampires gain the ability through years of practice, Vampires can even train themselves to resist the pain caused by these religious names and objects.If a vampire did not ascribe to religious faith as mortals, they do not develop an aversion to holy symbols and names. Vampires cannot stand the direct light of the sun. A ray of sunlight will burn the skin of vampires and cause blisters to appear on their skin. Full exposure to the sun will cause them to burst into flame dramatically, quickly reducing them to ash.It would take walls to protect vampires from sunlight, while layers of cloth will simply be penetrated through by the light.For this reason, vampires are normally careful to remain dormant and inactive during daylight hours. Artificial light, such as that of gaslight or electric light, may cause discomfort in vampires if it is strong enough, but they are normally able to remain undamaged unless already very weak. Witchlight, being light of angelic origin, may harm vampires to a lesser extent than sunlight. The Sunlight Rune created by Alexander became the strongest weapons against vampires in the war.

An exception to this are "Daylighters", or vampires who are invulnerable to sunlight.But the numbers are really rare and how they came to be are not known.

Wooden Stakes crafted out of oak and piercing through a vampire's heart will slay them instantly.

Silver is toxic to vampires and causes them to experience pain, headaches, and nausea, though it will not kill them.

A handful of Shadow Hunters moves silently through the misty forest at a pace impossibly fast for the lack of sound.

Jason opens his stance and twirls the shaft of his spear, blurring the speed of its arc.It pierces straight through the heart of the Vampire.

Thousands of Vampires were rushing against the wall of Shields. The Shadows Hunters slide, plowing the earth as their feet are forced back.

A Vampire draws the first blood, grazing across the shoulder of a young Shadow Hunter. He cries out in anger, breathing hate into the Shadow hunter's will. Alexander strains as he and his men finally slow the tide of silk and wicker, steel and dark skin. They find a foothold that stops their backward movement, and all at once a thousand Vampiers eyes grow large with fear as Leonidas lowers his body, and pushes forward, thrusting through Vampires two at a time.Especially with Sunlight rune carved into their weapons caused the Vampires to turn into ashes upon contact.

The Captain rolls over the enemy without pause. Piercing through their heart or puncturing their lungs with such power that the air escapes the chest wounds in great geysers.

Alexander yelled"Push on!!!"

They push on, never breaking their impenetrable human wall.

Jason with swing of his sword cutting into Vampires throats, the cries of pain muffled as they fall and turn into nothing,but ashes.

Jason yells "Push!!!!"

They push on ...The Shadow hunters gather strength from Angels themselves, the vampires fall upon each other, one after the other.The cries of men, strange tongues from foreign lands, groans and screams drift out and fall back into ashes.

Catrina ordered slashing the head of incoming vampire "Clear ... to the right."

Scared Vampires, hearts pounding in hollow determination, fall quick prey to the skill of the Shadow hunters

Alexander sighed and yelled"No prisoners!"

Alexander was not one for genocide,but these vampires sacrificed a whole city to the demons for power,that is unacceptable.

A deafening advance, the Shadow Hunters repel the vampires with ease,killing the incalculable numbers and only remains were those that ran away before the fight.

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