

Ryu suddenly felt that his body was incredibly light and he couldn't help but chuckle. He could read Hope's thoughts without much effort and he knew what she must be feeling.

Indeed, he had boxed her in a bit too much. She was an alchemist first and foremost; everything else came secondary to her.

All things considered, it might actually be somewhat impressive that she could harm Reverend Dark Claw because his Godhood wasn't founded on combat at all.

He had been worried about her trying to help him because the qi would definitely harm her. But he hadn't considered the fact that she could use a pill to reverse his situation.

It didn't even seem like it had taken much effort from her… and that was when he realized something else.

He was likely not the only one with Fate affinity.

Why was it that Hope had been able to sense his existence? Why could she create pills that could reverse and change Fate?

Wasn't the answer to that obvious?

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