
USJ: Lunch Crisis and Preparation

It was the lunch where every one of these U.A. students would panic...but our main character gave no absolute damn, she was just happily eating her lunch with Shoto, Himiko, and Momo...while some extras tag along...

The reason why Kaga hates to eat with others is that they're noisy...they eat noisily...spoon and fork clatter, the usual. It's to be noted that Kaga's sense of hearing is very sensitive, so if you're a sloppy eater...she can basically hear you chew and clatter.

'Maybe I should ask for noise-canceling ear aids? I'm pretty sure a sudden sound attack can catch me off guard, so I think it's best to take precaution', Kaga thought and still hearing the chewing of other people.

"U-um, Asakura-san, what's your background if I may ask. The teachers seem to know you and you even have a car at the age of 15!", Uraraka asked Kaga who was eating.

Kaga thought if she should say anything but Shoto beat her to it, "Princess of Japan", he said it in a manner that you wouldn't know if he was joking or not.

Kaga was about to retort the idea but was stopped yet again...this time by Momo, "With her family's influence, they're basically the Royal Family"

"Right, right, Kaga is an Ojou~!", Himiko added...tossing fuel to the fire which Kaga blushed in embarrassment since technically they were correct...the unofficial Royal Family...they basically control Japan and Asia's economy, Support Gear, Medical Technology, Construction when there's a disaster almost every time, and some other minor things.

"""EHH!?""", the table exclaimed which got the attention of other tables, but ignored it in the end.

"Amazing! You being a Princess is so Manly!"

"Wow, a Princess that can also sing and play many instruments!"


"Are you living under a rock? She sings on HeroTube with Todoroki-san!"

The table kept talking with Kaga being the subject, while Kaga could only glare at Shoto who was the cause of this, as revenge she used her tails to rub a certain part of him...which angered it a little.

Kaga had a smug expression, "Shoto, I need to directly go home for these couple of days after school, so we can't hang out for a while", which basically means 'Go F-ck yourself' politely.

But before Shoto could say anything the alarms of the school sounded.





Kaga was now basically in hell, with the alarm blaring and people screaming from time to time her ears were twitching from the overload of everything.

Shoto eventually Kaga's pained expression, and just covered her fox ears for her while giving them a good scratch from time to time.

"Don't you think we should also evacuate?", Momo said after seeing most of her classmates joined in on the crowd.

Himiko watching this couldn't help but giggle but still continued to eat, but eventually, the alarm stopped but the human stampede is still ongoing.

Kaga who managed to gain her bearings decided to do something so that the needless shouting can stop, Kaga looked towards the running crowd and decided to use a miniature [Ice Age] on them.


Soon, everyone was frozen in place and not knowing why they're covered in ice, some even thought that was an attack. But Momo saw the intention of Kaga immediately, and swiftly created a megaphone.

'A megaphone? Really? I swear if that squeaks', Kaga thought since a high-pitched whistle was certainly annoying...sometimes she's wondering if having super hearing is a gift or a curse.


Momo said while using the megaphone, after finishing her speech, Kaga promptly removed her ice as if nothing was even there. Though the students who acted rashly were ashamed, especially those from the Heroics Department, they ran like headless chickens...the first years to be exact.

Shortly after the students dispersed themselves once again to their respective classroom, but Kaga was swiftly combing through the emotions of each and every one of the students thinking that there should be one with malicious intentions within the crowd.

'Those League of Villains should now be acting! But why can't I feel anything? If it's malicious intentions I should at least be able to spot them easily! But there are just students panicking, shame, anxiety, or even scared'

Kaga thought and effectively kept scanning everyone since no is a good time to scan when a chunk of students are crowded.

Then Kaga almost bumped into a student and easily evades him, 'What on Earth is wrong with that guy? Lifeless as a doll, geez, might as well dead', I thought and began walking back to class.

'Wait a minute...'

'Lifeless as a doll...lifeless! That's it! Doesn't emit emotion, but controlled like a remote!', Kaga then proceeds to remember the guy, he was as average can get. He was only caught since it was the only time she felt nothing from a person.


Though just as she was just about to walk, her phone rang, 'I wonder who it is? Oh, it's O'clock-san!'

"Hello? Asakura speaking."

[You got an army waiting for you at your school, just waiting to storm the place, probably through a warm quirk, I'm watching them now...kept my distance though]

"How many?"

[Nearly 200 is my best estimate, they also got some weird monsters, black in color too, you got three of those buff guys. They're almost similar to those Villain Factory Monsters]

'200 will kill the class! Especially those three black ones!'

"You got time to help?"

[Sure, why not]

"I just want you to help the students if there's one in need, that's all"

[No problem, you got me my quirk back anyway! See ya soon]

*Beep* *Beep*

'An army of thugs, I, Shoto, and Himiko can finish them easy, but those three black ones...hard. Truthfully speaking I haven't tested my physical prowess, I may be fast but I don't think power-wise I can hulk it out normally...unless I use [Blood Break]'

"Huh...stressful! Best call Father Enji for backup!"


[Kaga? Isn't it school time? Why are you calling?]

"Father Enji! I need help!"

[WHAT? What happened! Where are you!?]

"I don't need help yet, but can you arrive at school secretly, the USJ to be exact? A lot of villains will attack and I want my classmates to gain experience, so can you do me a solid?"

[How many? And how strong? You wouldn't be calling if there weren't any strong enemies]

"Nearly 200 weak street thugs, and three Villains that can contend with All Might for a minute?"

[...I will bring the entire Endeavor Agency, and I have been waiting to test my new improved power...the blue flames are nearly white]

"Go after the black ones only! Those are the villains that can contend with All Might for a short while, but they are experimented monsters so you can go all out!"

[Very well, we will secretly station around the USJ then, talk to the school too Kaga, be careful]

"Yes, yes, no worries~!"




[12:50 P.M.]

"For the foundation skill of Heroics, we'll study today something different. It was decided you'll be supervised by a three-man team comprising me, All Might, and somebody else", Aizawa said while on the podium.

"Sensei, what'll we be doing!?", Sero asked excitedly

"Be the Hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster...It's the TRIAL OF RESCUE!", Aizawa said as he pulled out a flashcard labeled 'RESCUE'

"Trial of rescue...sounds a bit difficult this time around..."


"C'mon, dumbass, that's what a Hero's whole job is! I'm chomping at the bit!"

"If it's a flood, then that environment's my specialty. Kero"

"Don't get ahead of yourselves, as I was saying, this time, it's entirely up to each of you whether or not you wear your costume.

Some of your costumes probably aren't adapted to the task at hand, after all. The training area is fairly far away, so we'll get there by bus, that's all go get prepared", Aizawa said as he pressed a button to pop all the costumes out.

Kaga, however, walked to Aizawa when the class cleared out.

"Aizawa-sensei, there will be a villain attack later once we arrive within USJ so I want you to also include Class 1-B for experience", Kaga's statement shocked Aizawa.

"Problem Child, I know you like jokes, but this isn't something you joke about", Aizawa said seriously.

"I'm not joking, I have already called Father Enji or Endeavor, and he and his agency are supposed to already be stationed near the U.S.J.", Kaga said also being serious.

"Suppose this is true, how many villains?"

"200 Street Thugs and three villains that are 60 Percent weaker than All Might, and All Might will also be there, problem solved. And if you were to move a large number of Heroes now this will be easily noticed.

And plus, All Might can solve this easily, I guarantee, and before you say that's injured I already healed him, you should know about that power already"

When Aizawa heard the number he was stunned since this was basically a small army and was about to outrightly refuse but Kaga's reason was sound and this was the perfect chance to give students of both classes experience.

"Very well, I'll inform Vlad King and his class to join, if things go south I expect you to go all out", Aizawa said seriously.

"No worries, I alone can freeze them in an instant, and that's me holding back. I can instantly shower them in a rain of spears if I wanted to", Kaga assured Aizawa.

"And you're forgetting Himiko and Shoto as well, they can easily take care of them as well...the thugs at least", Kaga added.

'Hah...why did I accept this teacher job anyway...oh...right...I was forced by Midnight', Aizawa thought as he proceeds to inform Vlad King of his change of schedule and the other teachers as well.

'I don't want to hog the spotlight, if I did then I'm bringing danger upon my family which is something I don't want', Kaga thought and headed for the locker rooms where her classmates were also changing.

Kaga was now next to Himiko changing and was typing on her phone so that Himiko can read it, considering how Jiro has sharp hearing as well.

[200 Villains will attack, be ready and lethal is allowed]

When Himiko read this a huge grin was now on her face, 'Haha~ It's always fun with Kaga'

[We'll fight in the next chapter though]

And this brought a frown on everyone's face...







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