
Berate me? No, Thanks!

The incident was quickly solved by the appearance of the three teens who were still in their school uniforms, even though they did a stellar job, it seems some heroes didn't like what they did. And Kaga was just waiting for one to bite!

And...there was!

"OI, BRATS, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING INTERFERING IN OUR WORK?", one of the heroes shouted questioning the three, but it seems he doesn't recognize them.

But with everything going on so quickly, most of the cameras were still rolling for the reporters that were present on site.

Kaga who knew that there would be the presence of media took this chance to humiliate these useless Heroes,

"Hah? Interfere? Didn't ALL of you Heroes say that you would wait for a Hero who has a better suiting quirk?", she fired back which stunned the guy, since most would apologize instantly in front of a Hero.

Without missing a beat Kaga continued,

"Dear reporters, are you filming this? If you are then continue.", Kaga asked and received a few thumbs up from them.

She then spoke in a loud enough voice that can be heard by all,

"What kind of heroes do we have here? 'One-trick ponies' or 'excuse givers' is what I like to call them!"

Kaga's statement stunned everyone present, from Heroes, civilians, and even All Might, but the reporters viewed this as a juicy scoop!

Though her two buddies already somewhat expected this and allowed it to happen since they found it annoying how the hero actually wanted to berate them...as if they could've solved it.

"Let's see...we have Mt. Lady who steals credit from other Heros, Kamui Woods who declared he will leave the work to someone more capable. Death Arms who gave an excuse that the villain was too fluid, and other Heroes who came to the scene but gave their own excuses to avoid responsibility!"

When the Heroes who were related to this heard Kaga's speech they immediately paled since they knew where this was going, this will become a blemish to their career as Heroes...which Kaga absolutely didn't care! In her mind quality beats quantity!

Though Kaga wasn't finished!

"These types of Heroes are disgusting. Why? It's because the moment it became hard for them, they immediately searched for someone better to take responsibility for!

Instead of thanking us, they dared to thicken their skins and try to berate us and say that they were going to solve it...even though they were WAITING for another Pro Hero!

If you Heroes use your head instead of only your quirk, you people would know that the villain is rather oily in substance, a simple splash of water would've hurt him, we've done this experiment during our younger days in school, right?"

Every Hero present was ashamed after hearing what Kaga said...such a simple solution and they didn't think of it and remembering how they declared to the world that they will wait for someone better...their pride as heroes were questioned.

"And Heroes expect us to wait for them to save us? Would you really want to put your lives into the hands of these heroes?

Nee~ Mt. Lady, how much work have you truly done, especially with your credit stealing attitude.

Kamui, how many times have you said you'll leave this to someone else's capable hands? Probably not the first time since you proudly declared it.

Death Arms, are your brains located in your arms?

And to the other Heroes who were standing by...did you at least try to disperse the crowd? One simple misdirected explosion could've harmed a lot of them, all you dispersed were words of excuse.

It took you so long to act, that a civilian acted first, Izuku Midoriya, the kid who ran first was more of a Hero than any of you.

A quirk makes a Hero. Utter trash whoever said that.

If a quirk made Heroes, then what on Earth are you? Clowns playing Hero?

Please rethink your current profession, wearing a colorful suit and studying for three years on how to become one will not cover up your true self.

You already revealed your true selves in this situation right?

Mt. Lady, will you also take credit for this? It's only your first day and you've already shown your true colors of wanting to steal credit, is this what they taught you in your Hero School?

Well, that's all from me, and do take this as a lesson, okay?"




The three left shortly after stomping the image of the Heroes that responded to the situation and also left the reporters grinning, already thinking about the promotion they're going get with this incident.

"Nee~ Kaga, why does it seem like you have hatred towards Mt. Lady? And where to next!?", Himiko asked after hearing numerous emphasis on Mt. Lady.

"I just have a natural hate for people who like to steal the credit of others", Kaga said after remembering how in her previous life, her classmates would always steal the credit she deserves...and now that she's become Kaga...she makes sure to shut those type of people down.

"But to answer your question...just behind this bush!", she said as she began crouching behind a bush...just waiting for something to happen.




And moments later the trio could see once again the teen who had tried to save his friend walking on a quiet stretch of a residential road.

But for some reason the ash-blond friend of his appeared.

"Nerd! I don't want your sorry excuse of a save to go to your head!", the boy shouted but continued, "...but thanks for trying...", he said the last bit softly but it still sounded like a growl. And walked away.




The three watching this found it comical but just commented on him being a tsundere.




After Bakugo left, a different person appeared this time, it was All Might!

"FOR I AM HERE!", he said which startled Izuku with his speedy entrance.

"ALL MIGHT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?", asked Izuku since he was happy seeing his idol in close-up once again, "I thought you'd be resting after seeing you spit so much blood!"

"NOT WORRY! SUCH MEASLY BLO-COUGH!", he said confidently until he coughed up a shower of blood.


He returned to his small might form which was shocking to look at up close, it was like looking at a walking bag of bones that was 7ft tall...taller if he doesn't slouch in his skinny form.

"Anyway, Kid, what I saw from you when you ran to save the other student...that act of yours has made me decide that you will be my successor!", Small Might said as he pointed at Izuku.

"Love the pep talk but I'm quirkless if you forgot...I may want to be a hero, but I know the limits of this body better than anyone. A punch that surpasses the speed of sound? No such thing for me. And plus...I was probably only seen as a nuisance when I tried saving my friend"

"That's the thing! Your body moved on its own...you have beaten every Hero there to the punch to throw themselves in the fire pit to save the hostage...well it was solved by different people soon after...but still!", Small Might said as he pressed the heart of Izuku.

"And that's why you are worthy to inherit my strength!", he said as he spread his arms wide like some benevolent God.

"Huh? What do you mean inherit?", Izuku asked in full curiosity mode.

"My quirk is something that can be passed down from bearer to bearer, with each one strengthening it to greater heights! And now, you are next in line!"

At this point Izuku went white screen mode as he blanks out from finding out about All Might's power and began muttering at speeds unknown...except Kaga...she actually understood every word he said.

After a while he calmed down and was asked a question, "Do you accept my power...the torch known as 'One For All'!?"

And without hesitation, "Yes! Yes, I will!", with his strong declaration, All Might was happy with the response and proceeded to go closer to Izuku and squeezed his muscles and was impressed.

"Excellent! Your body is well trained and a proper vessel for the power that you will inherit, if you didn't your limbs would shoot off to space. HAHA"

Izuku who heard this sighed in relief and felt that his years of training weren't a waste, but what came next is what Kaga has been waiting for, she even prepared a camera for it.


"""...""", the people watching just behind the bush were silent...except for Kaga holding her laughter and picturing Izuku's face.

'Nothing comes free...even if it means disgusting...I guess', Izuku thought as he stared at the golden hair.

With great hesitation, he took it and placed it in his mouth, though it was quite an arduous task since the hair kept getting stuck in his throat.




Behind a bush...

"Nee~ Kaga, I think it's time to reveal ourselves, don't you think?", asked Himiko quietly.

"Sure! Here are some confetti poppers!", Kaga started handing them tubes of confetti poppers.

Surprisingly Shoto did the countdown,






"IZUKU! CONGRATS~!", Himiko said as she charged towards Izuku and gave him a tight hug, the appearance of the three startled All Might.

"W-What did you kids hear?", he asked wanting to know what they found out.

"""Everything.""", the three said in unison which just made All Might sigh.

"But no worries! We will keep quiet about it of course!", Kaga said truthfully.

"And plus, we have been spying on you since the Sludge Incident~!", Himiko with a playful expression and still hugging Izuku.

"Mn.", Shoto just being Shoto.

"Eh? H-Himiko-chan, you were spying on me?", he stuttered since it felt weird and nice after knowing that he was actually being watched by Himiko today.

"Yeah! It was amazing how you fought the sludge guy, you broke off the guy's jaw and eyes!", Himiko said as she began boxing the air.

"Ara~ You're on a first-name basis with our Hi. Mi. Ko. Chan? Are you two going out? Hmmmm?", Kaga went on the offensive in asking Izuku.

Izuku could only blush heavily after hearing the barrage of questions but someone answered first.

"We are~!", said Himiko like a declaration.

"We are?", Izuku asked in confusion, but as he looked into the happy smiles of Himiko he felt warm and calm.

"We are.", he said calmly for some reason which surprised Kaga, she thought she would get a stuttering mess but it seems not.


"It seems we have been forgotten", All Might said as she stared at the scene in front of him.

"The next chapter won't be forgotten", Shoto said stoically.







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