
Final Lesson By Sensei 1/3

In a green field, a celestial-like fox girl, red and white-haired teen, and a cheery ash-blonde girl was casually sitting down on the green pastures, though if you were to look from a further viewpoint the picture would be ruined.

Due to numerous fights, the once peaceful landscape was now a battlefield, riddled with human-shaped craters and unearthed soil that was scattered everywhere. Some hills have blown tops, leaving it with a gaping hole, or with bits of icicles that have yet to be melted.

The three were patiently waiting for their sensei in this sort of environment, though from their facial expressions, the scenery didn't mind them one bit since they were just too used to it already.


With the fox girl's keen sense of hearing, she was able to hear a rather audible dragging sound, "Sensei is here, though he seems to be dragging something?", she said as her fox ears flick and flip due to it picking up sound...rather cute.

This caught the interest of the two since usually, their sensei is one to walk undetected and their friend would only notice him if a strong draft of wind came blowing by revealing the scent of their teacher.

Moments later, the man they were talking about has finally shown his appearance, though it seems he is dragging three long bags...that were wiggling?

"Kaga, why are the bags wiggling?", Shoto asked since he was rather curious and decided to ask his best friend to satiate his curiosity.

With a simple sniff and a little bit of hearing Kaga was able to make a guess, "Those bags contain people, they were groaning in resistance to whatever is covering their mouths"

"Nee~ Do you think sensei will make us fight people?", the other girl asked and began stretching just by the thought of it, even though her lust for blood has been controlled...her lust for battle skyrocketed instead for some reason.




Their sensei pulled the dropped bags and threw them in the direction of the three, "This will be your final lesson from me since there's nothing else I can teach you without heavily influencing your thought process."

The three teens didn't speak but were quite surprised but were shocked even more after hearing what their Sensei said, "Take your pick, by the end of this lesson you will have to kill them"

Taejin seeing their confusion decided to explain, "That video of you fighting the monsters it's good, you were ruthless and went for the quick kill without damaging public property.

But you were only able to do that because they were "Monsters", not living, breathing, people. When you fight, it always has to be decisive, ruthless, and serious. No games. No talking. Nothing.

Less talk, fewer mistakes. I want you to take your first kill early so that you do not fear killing, a lot of Heroes die because they fear killing, always thinking they have to preserve their image.

You will kill eventually, that is a fact, even without this test. And always remember this iron rule! Never leave a strong enemy alive, never. You don't wait for them to come to you, you end it right there. Fewer enemies coming back to bite you in the ass.

Now...who wants to fight first?"

The three couldn't answer directly since they were never in an environment to kill someone as if willy nilly, but they weren't naive to not kill when their life is in danger.

Shoto who saw the girls still thinking decided to volunteer first, "Sensei, do I have to kill them in a battle or while still in the sack?"

Taejin thought for a moment, "Kill them in a battle so that you could experience what it is like for a man to fight for their life and for them to project bloodlust at you"

Shoto picked the one nearest to him, Taejin simply undid the ropes that bound the sack from opening.


A man crawled his way out of the sack with a sweaty appearance, rather red in appearance too, probably from the heat in the sack.

The man had a derange look to him, like any homeless person you meet on the street with unkempt hair and beard, except this one has elongated arms...extremely.

"Kkikiki, Old Man, if I kill this brat I'm free to go right? RIGHT?", the man turned towards Taejin with delirium in his eyes getting even wilder.

The man didn't even wait for Taejin's response, he just started roaring towards the sky like a drugged man on Trigger.

(Trigger is a Drug in MHA that boosts your quirk)

With every second passing by, his roar became deeper and then became a howl, the form of his body started to shift too. Skull that formed into a rabid dear with massive antlers, his posture hunched over and his shoulders began to expand along with his already long arms, his legs forming into that of an animal's hind legs.

When it seemed that the man's transformation was done, his skin started to change into a deathly shade of grey, his eyes beaming with eery red, fingers sharpening to become claws that can cut through flesh like nothing, to finish the beastly look fur started to form all through his body, and only leaving his unhealthy chest bare.

"H-Hey, isn't that the villain that was being hunted in the woods of Mt. Fuji? The Wendigo?", Himiko exclaimed a bit worried for her half-half best friend.

"Kikiki...it seems my name has traveled far...grrr...I would have preferred little girls...but a boy would do~", the villain Wendigo said in his voice that sounded like there was an echo within his mouth, just making it even more creepy.

"I'm a teen though", Shoto said in his signature stoic expression and aloof personality that can make people irritated to the bone.

"Painful...death it is", the Wendigo said and went into an animal-like position, similar to that of predators ready to pounce on unsuspected prey.


He leaped towards Shoto with his arms digging onto the ground to balance his increasing speed, and when he was halfway to Shoto, he swiped using his long arms while still in a leaping motion.

Shoto on the other hand still seemed calm, he projected fire from his feet to retreat backward and splashed the ground in front of him with ice, instantly making a barrier between him and the beast.

'What will you do with a barrier?', Shoto thought since he wanted to find out whether this beast in front of him was physically strong enough to smash through it.

And like a beast, it instead used its long stretching claws to dig into the top of the ice wall, upon reaching the top of the ice wall he zoomed his sights at Shoto like a hungry beast.

'Kikiki...with this height...I can pounce even faster!', the beast thought in his mind. And just like a sprinter on a race track, Wendigo went into a kneeling position while both hands and feet dug for grip.


The sounds of cracking ice resounded as the heavy mass of the beast tried pouncing from where he stood, with the initial high ground, his speed increased drastically as he was heading for Shoto with arms wide ready to swipe the little body in front of him.

"KIKIKI, DIE!", the beast shouted in glee...but just like a beast...his mind was like a beast.

'You just made my task easier', Shoto thought with a smirk appearing on his face, "[Piercing Glacier]!"


A spiking glacier appeared the moment Shoto stomped his feet, with the spear-tipped glacier and the chest of Wendigo aiming right for each other, the result was easy to know.



The breaking of the villain's midsection of the ribcage was heard, along with his entire body being pierced easily, almost as if the beast just ram his body into a speeding truck with a spear attached to its front bumper.

"KUAK! grrr-lll!", the beast vomited blood from his mouth and growled at Shoto but his growls were like being submerged in bits of water...only this time blood.

The beast tried prying himself out of the glacier but couldn't, so all he could do was wail his arms around and give scratches onto the surface of the ice, slowly but surely his energetic arms started to limp from the lack of energy.

With everything over and all the sudden pumps of blood within his body subsided, Shoto planted himself to the ground and huffed for breath and from time to time looking at his kill.

"See the difference? When you're faced with something that truly wants to kill you your body tenses even more, which unknowingly to you spends more energy.

Anyway, overall? Good. You capitalized the moment he was left open midair. The only thing I could criticize you on is not making the area your domain. If you noticed, he kept trying to dig hard into the ice for his claws to gain friction.

That's why his hunting grounds are always in forested areas and not in cities since his claws aren't meant for it."

Taejin began explaining the battle and what Shoto could improve on better since Shoto tends to lean towards the offensive side and not think of controlling the match first, which is the specialty of ice.

With that over, it was one of the girl's turns, in which Himiko immediately rose her hand after seeing Kaga's hand fidgeting in nervousness, 'Kaga is nervous? First time I've seen her nervous, let's give her time then'

Himiko walks up near Shoto and whispers in his ear, if what she said Shoto just nodded to and looked towards Kaga, playing with her hands and shaking tails.

But back to Himiko, she was currently picking which bag to choose, she then walked up to one and said, "Nee~ You want to go to the next chapter?", as her smile widens upon the cliffhanger.







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