
What an Awakening!


A lot has happened in those four years, to name the most iconic ones it has to be when Kaga was still in her baby days.

She was pooping and vomiting whenever her dad would rub his "soft" beard onto her face, and since then she has learned a way to weaponize her vomit or at least force it out.

Amazing, right?

Though it seems it did not click with her father that she only vomited when he rubbed his beard, he only labelled it as a coincidence and immediately cleaned her, what a father!

Though when she couldn't walk she would always be paraded around by her parents even when they go to work, showing her at meetings, presentations, and even gifting them calendar photos of Kaga.

But, surprisingly the employees happily received them as it is their Future Boss, who wouldn't want a baby calendar of their future boss, am I right? "Feel Honored to receive them" is the motto of it!

And there was when everyone went ballistic in the dining room, it was the moment Kaga said her first words, "Mama wuv yu!", the moment Ayane heard that she burst into tears and hugged the stunned baby.

The baby in question at the time heavily underestimated a loving parents first child witnessing them say their first words, a SENTENCE at that!

Soon came for the Dad, Grandma, and then the Grandpa. Her Grandpa or her mom's dad was in every sense the replica of Senzaemon Nakiri, and Kaga loved him. The moment she tasted her grandfather's cooking sealed it even further.

Much to the hatred of others of how the Grandfather easily stole the spotlight and attention but they couldn't blame the guy, as they too were hooked to his cooking.

But it was only after some months did the parents from Kaga's father's side visit her too, apparently after stepping down from the family business they left it to their son and often travelled the world.

And when they returned back to civilization and heard the news of their son's child being born did they rush back and heavily doted upon their grandchild with stories of their adventure.

To say she was amazed and loved their stories was an understatement, it was something she always asks for when she was able to talk and her Grandparents visited.

Think of it as them bringing back interesting toys from their travels, an ice orb that is always frozen no matter what happens to it, a chest filled with pirate gold, hell...even a crystal skull!

And when Kaga was finally able to properly use her fingers she immediately searched things online on what is different from this reality, there was the Herolympics, International School Tournaments, and many more!

But she was heavily focused on was the characters of this series, and it seems there are slight differences.

One of the few was Endeavor being a doting father but unable to express it, though it seems his wife is helping him with it.

Kaga was able to find this out when she had a birthday party and many big hero names appeared, most notable one was All Might and she was internally screaming in joy for how amazing it looked,

You can only feel goosebumps by watching him from the anime...but seeing him in person was different, now she understood the whole 'you feel safe in his presence' thing.

And this is where she found out that Kaga didn't have to step in into the business of the Todoroki family, as it seems Endeavor is different in this universe, he was even carrying child Shoto around and feeding him.

Due to this a sudden thought came to mind, she started thinking what if she can bring in the talented villains under her family, examples of these are Twice, Lady Nagant, and La Brava to name a few.

She, however, prioritized acquiring Twice as she believes that having his talent is like having another assurance for her family. Fewer assassination attempts.

Within the four-year time frame, she too was able to figure out what her family dominated in. Apparently, the family has their hands on the Medical Technologies, Construction, and even the Support Gear fields and the quality is always at the top!

It seems the sole reason they were able to do all this was that the family invested in the talents of people and hired them soon in the future, and with this as a foundation, we were able to dominate Asia.






Back to the Present...

The entire family was quietly eating breakfast cooked by Grandfather Senzaemon, with Kaga swinging her legs in joy while she stuffs her mouth with food.

Ayane who saw this was happy that her daughter seems to be growing even cuter than she predicted but she still had to teach, "Kaga, please slow down when eating no one will steal your food", assuring her daughter.

"HAHA, that's my small darling! Come, come eat more", Senzaemon said as he scooped in more creamy mashed potato for the little loli, while Kaga's mom just deadpanned at her father for giving even more.

"Shank yu", she could barely speak as her mouth was filled with food until she swallowed it all easily...disappearing into her void-like stomach. It is already known that she eats a lot, just like her mom and grandma, and left it as her physique.

But suddenly everything started getting colder, especially so for those near Kaga, and Kaga on the other hand started to feel like she was bloated...bloated with energy and a stinging pain coming from her back.

"Mom...something *sniffs* hurts", Kaga said with pain evident in her voice that she was only holding it back and her mom and grandmother were able to sense the temperature and pain she was going through.

Everyone. Literally just stood up from their seats all worried for their usual bundle of joy is now clenching in pain. "Mother, what's happening with Kaga? Why is she in sudden pain", Ayane asked worried and confused about what's happening.

"Calm down, dear, her quirk is manifesting. Ryu, quick! Take her outside immediately", she assured and calmed everyone down immediately while giving orders to Ryu, her son-in-law.

Ryu didn't even hesitate after hearing it and immediately sprang to get Kaga outside and when he held her, he was shocked. His once cute little bundle of joy is so cold, even affecting him a little.

"Ayane, immediately prepare warm water! Kaga is extremely cold right now.", while running towards a door heading outside.

"D-daddy, i-it's cold-ARHHHH!", Kaga said not used to the cold her body is suddenly producing and suddenly she screamed in pain as if new limbs were growing at the back of her body.

Ryu who couldn't do anything but run grew even more worried as his daughter suddenly screamed in pain and small amounts of blood made their way to his forearms, scaring him.

Once outside he immediately went to where it was the sunniest and quickly placed her there, Kaga who was cold eased a bit after feeling the warm surface, but was still frowning from the pain on her back a while ago.


The temperature dropped even further and thin sheets of ice started to form around Kaga on the ground, and slowly but surely a cocoon enveloped Kaga frightening her father even more.

He didn't even wait a minute and was about to break the egg-like shell through with brute force but when his fists were just about to land he was stopped. "STOP! DON'T DO ANYTHING!", a shout coming from behind him.

The grandma of Kaga shouted as she felt that breaking it would cause negative effects, and she was right! There won't be any bad health effects but Kaga's power over ice would be degraded.

Soon enough, the entire family was outside staring at a large dome structure with their Kaga inside. It was beautiful to look at as it was pulsating with its blue glow, the family could only hope for the best as they grit their teeth.

And...Ryu once again became a vice gripping machine for his dear wife, but he didn't mind it as he was too worried for his daughter and it's not like it was hurting him either.



After what felt like a long wait even though it was just minutes, the crystal blue dome started to show signs of crack and even the pulsation of the glow increased even faster.



When the dome couldn't take it anymore the structure exploded releasing the violent cold that was trapped within, almost like an instant blizzard and blanketing the outside with snow.

Everyone rushed inside the shattered dome and was astounded by what they saw, little Kaga laid there like a fallen Angel. Her once platinum white hair turned even whiter and what shocked them to the core was the Nine tails she had behind her!

Kaga's mom and grandma never revealed their tails as there was never a need, though they only had three large tails and not nine like Kaga.

Though they just put it behind their thoughts and immediately picked her up with a thick blanket and wrapping her up like a burrito, then immediately rushed to the hospital...on foot.

The family of Kaga's is a family of physically attributed people, every one of them can run at speeds faster than 150km/hr and that's at a constant pace. If they push everything into minutes then they will basically blitz.

On their way to the hospital, their speed couldn't help but disturb the cars on the road as they zipped past them, making others think there was a villain on the run.

When they reached the hospital with Kaga in their arms, they immediately caused a ruckus as they weren't simple 'people', they were the owners of the hospital!

Doctors didn't even question anything and just took Kaga off their hands and now the family and THE READERS will have to wait till the next chapter.







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