
61. Intimidated.

"So what rank did you guys reach cultivating last night?" I ask the two.

Nie li had his arms behind his head as we walked into the school. "Silver rank 3." he says smugly.

"Silver rank 9." Ning'er says shutting him down instantly.

Fair after all she had probably cultivated all night and then most of yesterday she was cultivating all day and probably the day before.

"I only made it to silver rank 8." I state making them look at me funny.

"Your joking right? You can erase mountains and your only silver rank?" Nie Li asks skeptically.

"That wasn't spirit force, it was something else. And yes I'm only silver rank. Yesterday was like I mentioned my first tine cultivating from scratch." I tell him.

"I see, so what kind of demonic spirit are you going to use? You have some god level growth ones stashed away right?" Nie Li asks.

"God level growth rate?" Ning'er asks.

"Basically demonic spirits have talents like people, poor, ordinary, good, all the way up to god level. This means they are easier to cultivate and stronger than normal demonic spirits of a lesser rank. As for what I'm going to use I previously didn't want to use one bit I changed my mind and I'll try it out later on hopefully it will work. If you need a god level growth spirit just ask. I also need to start buying up more of the demon spirit stones in the city." I tell them.

"Really? What kind did you pick was it the shadow devil?" Nie Li asks.

"Nah i turned that into a pet, the one I'm going to be using is called Gedo Mazo." i grin as the boy looks confused having never heard of it.

I'm hoping to be able to use my Gedo statue as my demonic spirit and increasing its abilities, maybe use some demon spirits to feed it. I'll have to check later on to see if I'm able to do that.

Ignoring the numerous gaurds surrounding us warily as we walk we head into the school and to our class.

"Listen idiots, if you interrupt my classes, I'll strip your ass like the city lord and hang you from the city walls by your balls so keep out of my personal space." I tell them as they try to funnel into the school after us. They suddenly make a lot of room.

We make our way to our seats before sitting down as the students look at us in confusion and some warily. Not everyone knew what happened after all.

Rapidly however the news spread, the sacred family robbed, the winged dragon family engagement cancelled, the patriarch of the sacred family stripped and tossed naked into the city, the city lord becoming legend rank then stripped and tossed naked into the city, the fliers, the ban on the shop, the naked city lord pictures.

Stuff of legends.

About 5 minutes later the city lord walks in with a frown. "What do you think you are doing?" he asks.

Subtly I place the stupid questions 1,000,000 spirit coins on the desk.

"Stupid question 10. Obviously I'm here to learn, or nap, honestly it's a waste of time being here as the stuff in my shop is higher quality than anything you guys can blow out your ass. But I like listening to your teacher shit all over the commoners with her bullshit mentality. I find it amusing she was allowed within 20 meters of a school let alone being allowed to teach." I say as Nie Li snorts even Ning'er grins.

"The phrase big tits but no brains comes to mind. The bigger question is why are you here when you know I could not only beat your ass but destroy this city with a wave of my hand if you pissed me off. But if you are here to offer me free money by asking stupid questions, please continue." I tell the man with a smile. "I find it amusing."

"So it was you who broke into my vault and robbed the sacred family!" He says angrily.

"No idea what you are talking about. By the way any attempts on my life or the life of my associates is a hefty fee of your life and all your belongings. I'm legally obligated to inform everyone." I take out a second little plaque that reads. "Attempt on life, price, everything."

"This is my city you can't go around breaking laws and making your own rules." He says firmly.

"Are you stupid, you have no proof I did anything? I'm an upstanding school student who runs a shop outside of the city walls, there are no laws against it or me coming to school and I even paid the fee. So anything else you have to say?" I ask the man. "Now shoo, you are interrupting class."

His eyes glaze over for a second before he nimbly walks out of the classroom.

Good old Genjutsu control. He will wake up outside of the school.

Needless to say he was even more terrified when he came to. He was mind controlled and basically made to fuck off and didnt even know how. "I should probably just keep away from him, wait until Ye Mo returns and see what he thinks." he thinks fearfully.

The rest of the students in the class are confused about what just happened. As I put away the little plaques on the table.

"So what are we learning today?" I ask as the teacher hasn't even showed up. Well she does belong to the sacred family and I did rob them blind so classes might be cancelled today. Really the family is dirt poor and she chooses to skimp on her job. Tsk Tsk.

Nie Li makes his way over to his friends and starts whispering.

"Perhaps you should talk to Ziyun, I know she wishes to be your friend again and the situation for you has changed." I whisper to Ning'er who blushes slightly but nods before heading off to talk to the purple haired girl.

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