
11. Training 2.

We kept firing off embers and practicing the hand signs, once we ran out if energy we would sit down and rest, I would take this time to read over the meditation manual while Amber looked at the Fireball Manual and started to memorize the handsigns.

My lips were a bit burned at the moment but I was slowly getting better at the skill which was exciting, even though it was slightly painful I just wanted to keep going. After all who wouldnt find it cool to spit out little fireballs?

Once my energy recovered I would set aside the book stand up and spit out more embers until I was once more out of energy, then sit back down and go over the book.

This continued on for about 2 hours before we moved onto pure meditation.

Meditating allowed you to slightly feel the energy around you. It looked like little motes of light floating around your body which you then had to suck into your body. Quite a bif would be lost and just slip out of your body, but it did help recovery, absorbing medicines and absorbing energy from crystals and other items.

It took a while for me to find the so called energy around my body. You had you eyes closed and kind of just looked around for something. But after a while little motes of light popped up in the dark, then came the problem of trying to will them into my body.

I tried to visualize it many time, it didn't work until I imagined my body as a kind of black hole sucking in energy that the motes started to move slowly towards my body, like turtle slow, most even broke away to continue just floating around.

So meditation was something else to practice with, it had many benefits after all.

After meditation I wanted to see if some of the Naruto training methods would work. Starting with leaf sticking.

"Okay, so what I want you to do is stick this leaf to your forehead, then use your energy to make it stick." I had to snatch a bunch of leaves from the forest outside.

First step of this was feeling the energy in my body, then making it move towards the leaf on my forehead and make it stick.

It was a lot harder than I imagined it to be. The energy was like a muscle i had never really used before so it didn't want to listen at all and ot was frustrating. However Amber got the leaf on her head to stick for a couple of seconds before it was blown off. "I did it!" She said excitedly.

Well I know it works atleast. "Good, keep going let's see if we can make the leaves stick for about 5 minutes."

It would take a while for this to be accomplished I'm sure.

"Are we not doing weapons training master?" Amber asks once we finish out training up for the day.

"No, well not yet. I'm a firm believer in having a strong and reliable body and martial arts before using a weapon. Plus I forgot to buy weapon training manuals. If somehow you were deprived of your weapon in battle or something I want both you and me to be able to rely on our fist and elemental abilities to defend ourselves. It may be tougher but I believe it's worth it." Having seen in Naruto, Might Guy with physical skills slap the fuck out of Madara, well him and Rock Lee beating ass with nothing but the power of youth.

I may not have seen any super weights or anything like that, but that doesn't mean I can't make an area with increased gravity and just keep increasing it.

"That may just be my personal opinion, but I want us to have a solid foundation in basic hand to hand fighting skills first before we look for weapons that suit us." I explain. "That and we already have a lot on our schedule besides training with weapons."

"Okay master I understand." Amber sees the point in training the body first.

The rest of the evening was spent with us going over the manuals or me looking up information on my communicator.

The need for funds at some point was going to come pretty quickly. So I wanted to look at my options.

The first option was looking around the woods and finding berries. Seems easy enough, I could even transplant some of them into the internal world so that could speed up my little fruit forest.

The second option was the dungeon. The town we were in which was called Balic town had a small dungeon for newbie trainers. It was a good place to practice because the monsters inside were weak. Horned Rabbits, Tusked Boars, Basic slimes which were a jelly like creature with a core in the middle, they had a kind of jelly shell on the outside which could be cut open and were easily killed.

All of them were rather weak, plus they had small monster cores which could be cut out and the Rabbits and Boars could be eaten. There were also some berry trees that could be looted, healing herbs, and star flowers which helped make basic potions and could be sold at the fighters guild.

So as long as I wasn't afraid of getting gored by pigs or bunnies I was fine. As for the dungeon core it was guarded so people wouldnt try to destroy it and lose a good training ground.

But for now I want to get settled in, start working up a habit of training and get my body into a decent shape, I wasn't really much for going to the gym or training in my previous life, I did enjoy swimming a lot though. So this was a new experience for me, plus I can breathe fire bitches!

Anyway that's how the first day of training went, all was going well.

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