
6. Berries.

Back in town we found a nice little farmers market. However the fruits and vegetables here seemed to he incredibly expensive.

A simple Rawst berry about the size of a strawberry was a couple of dollars.

Apparently berries with energy are incredibly expensive and the bigger they are the more they are worth.

Most people grow them inside of berry pods which are small pods with soil in them that can grow berry bushes. The berries here are rather odd as depending on how or where they are grown the same Rawst berry could grow into a bush with small berries, a small tree with medium sized berries or a large tree with fist sized berries. They grow quickly however they have to be left alone. If you pick the berries all the time then they won't increase in size however people don't know patience.

If you plant it in a field, after 3 months you'll have a berry bush, half a year you'll have a small tree and a year later a large tree, once the tree is fully grown you can pick the fruits which grow back after a couple of weeks.

The trees of course need to be planted in energy rich areas as they suck up all the energy surrounding it to grow. However this means that it's not really efficient to grow large berry trees because after a couple harvests the energy in the area is completely drained away and the plants die. Same with large amounts of bushes or little trees.

Luckily for me, my internal world shouldn't have that problem. It seems like a good long term investment to me honestly. A fist sized berry could go for hundreds of dollars, I literally saw them.

Plus some of these berries had really good effects. The oran berry could kick start healing to get rid of aches and pains and act like a natural energy boost. The Sitrus berry even when small could do the same but at a higher level even helping wounds like torn muscles and cuts heal faster and they were cheaper than potions.

Although a healing potion was like $200 it could stitch up cuts and scrapes and disinfect almost instantly. The more advanced potions could even heal nasty gashes like knife wounds in minutes but were expensive.

"Let's grab some small farming tools over af that shop, I'm thinking about making a small garden back at home. That would save on some money on food and we could sell some of them later on." I suggest.

"That's smart master! Can I help?" Amber asks eagerly.

"Of course. Let's get those tools buy some berries, get some food for the fridge maybe go looks at some clothes. Once we get everything done. We can start on training. Do you know how to cook?" I ask her.


"Well crap, I'm terrible at cooking. Burned water once, proud of that achievement but we don't talk about it." (I have actually burnt water, left a pan on the stove on high for ehhh 6 hours and welded the pot to the stovetop. So I managed to burn water and metal. Never did get my mac and cheese.) "I'll see if I can work on my cooking skills a bit." Probably a good skill to have in a new world.

We buy a couple of gardening tools nearby, get a bunch of different berries. I look up some information on my communicator about growing them. Seems quite a few people try but just end up killing off their gardens by trying to grow a bunch of berries and make cash.

You can of course refresh the soil with ground up magic crystals but who can afford that? So most of the time its just berries grown in berry pods and you can change the dirt out, or find wild berries out in the woods. Well if they arent snatched by ferals or animals.

What I found incredibly odd though was there seemed to be quite a few berries that weren't supposed to be berries. Tomato berries, were just fucking Tomatoes that grew on trees, there were even potatoes, called Tato Berries, seems quite a few of the vegetables here were turned into berries, but they didn't really change. Which actually made my life a bit easier, just plant some of everything.

Sadly I wasn't able to find a bacon berry, I'll get there someday.

After storing all of our new items in my trunk we headed to a nearby grocery store and grabbed some fresh meat and seasonings. I got myself a cook book as this place had some strange stuff and I was a shit cook already.

Bought some small appliances too like a juicer, microwave, toaster oven, and a coffee pot. We just had a stove so I was just expanding our options a bit, I mean I wasnt adverse to not cooking or eating some microwave dinners or ramen noodles. Which they had luckily.

I slipped into an alley with Amber and zipped into the internal world to store everything quickly as my trunk only had so much space and we used it all.

"We can plant everything in a bit, let's get all our shopping done today. We still need some comfy clothes, shampoo and conditioners, dishwasher soap, laundry soap." I tell Amber as we put up the groceries.

"I'm just happy to spend time with master!" Ah this girl was a saint.

We headed back out, luckily I could see outside from inside the internal world so we wouldnt be caught and could even hide from enemies if need be. A good thing to discover.

Makes me feel much safer being able to hide from people if they were after me or something. Not that I plan to make enemies, but always expect the unexpected I suppose.

What was that saying? Hope for the best, plan for the worst? I want to try to get my internal world at least self-sustaining. That includes having food growing, maybe get a couple of rabbits or something for meat. A chicken coop? I have no idea about raising animals, I'll look into it. Can't just eat fruits and vegetables, or more like I don't want to.

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