
2.82 The power

Aella gulped. She then turned to the side and rummaged in her leather bag, tied around her waist. She took out something wrapped in a cloth. She then forwarded it to Cressida.

Cressida took it and unwrapped it. It was indeed her dagger. A golden sheath with a golden handle. A claw of lion engraved in between the blade and the handle.

"Where did you find it?" Cressida asked, examining her dagger.

Aella looked Aiden before answering. She then answered. "I stoled it from you when you were unconscious."

They were expecting her to shout or beat them by what they did. But it took them by surprise by what she did.

"Thank you." Cressida said with a smile.

They knitted their brows in confusion.

"Thankyou for keeping it safe and returning to me." She said.

Trying to stand on her feet, Cressida held the tree. Standing up, she said.

"Let's go. There's nothing left here now."

"Don't you want to know about us?" Aiden asked.

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