
Small Skirmish with Mace

Mace Windu dodged out of the way by rolling before standing up and getting in his stance to defend the next attack But surrounding him were four droids who were pointing their blasters at him. John seeing his droids come told them to stand aside and watch. Listening to their master they stood off to the side with their weapons still pointed at Mace just in case something happens.

Mace seeing the droids back off decided to take this seriously " I see you are more than you seem but having a suspected sith so close to the Jedi Temple I will not allow it I will bring you in for questioning to determine your true nature" Said Mace as he charged John

John blocked the incoming strike from Mace and was about to swing back but Mace swung another strike and then another. John blocking both couldn't even get his bearings as Mace was launching strike after strike which put him on the defensive for most of the time. Not being able to even fight back John backstepped to dodge the next swing which caused Mace to swing at the air. Then John used the force to push Mace back but Mace countered with his own force power which was a bad idea as John was stronger in the force. Mace who got pushed back got back up and threw a cargo box at John.

John seeing the Cargo Box come flying at him rolled to dodge the box. Now looking back where he stood he was glad he dodged because the box landed right where he stood. Mace seeing the box miss decided to go in for close combat as he can see John doesn't have much experience in close combat so he started charging at John to get as close as he could while John was still recovering from dodging the box.

John seeing Mace get closer was about to swing his lightsaber down but something told him to block so he brought the lightsaber down and blocked near his stomach area where it was met with Maces Lightsaber. John looking at Mace decided to end this and use the force to push him away but before he could a voice called out to Mace.

"Stop fighting you must" Yelled Master Yoda

"Master Yoda this man here is a sith I sensed the dark side in him while we were conversing," Said Mace

" Darkness I sense to but so little it is" Said Master Yoda

"It may be little now but in the future, this could pose a problem for the order which can lead to the return of the sith we don't even know if he can control it," Said Mace as he believed in the Ancient Jedi ways and the return of the sith would cause the peaceful Galaxy to be put in a conflict.

" I am not a sith Master Windu I am what you would call a balanced force user and for the darkness, you felt that was because of your rash words calling me arrogant because I won't give you my Padawans and I know that you can sense greater darkness then what you felt from me with all the corruption in the Republic," Said, John

Mace had to admit that he did feel something strange in the force but he couldn't determine what it was but when he saw John he thought that this was the cause of it because the Darkside had been gone for some time now.

"It would seem as though my Judgment was wrong about you but it remains that you possess a lightsaber that is only permitted to be used by Jedi". Said Mace

"Enough leave this one alone we must as it is the will of the force," Said Master Yoda

Although Mace wanted to refuse he could sense the something that master Yoda was telling him so he agreed and left.

"Who you are a mystery it is but clearly you are strong in the force hope we can establish friendly ties with you and your people we ask" Said Master Yoda

" As much as I would like that the Jedi order is not what it used to be and I don't want anything to do with them so I must decline because in the future we might be enemies and I don't want to friend a potential enemy," Said John though he knew that the Jedi would be killed off way before they become a threat and they would interfere with his plans so why friend them.

" A shame it is that this encounter ended this way hopefully next time we meet it is on friendlier terms I hope," Said Yoda as he began walking back to the Temple

John was glad he didn't have to kill Mace as that would affect many things in the coming years but for now, he needs some rest so he heads back up to his room in the ship and goes to sleep after dismissing the ECDs back to their fighters.

But little did he know that he was being watched by a person who would try to attain the powers he had at any cost as he could sense that hidden power within him.

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