
Chapter 93: Celebration

(3rd Person: POV)

"Cheers everyone!"


At a local bar the Athena and Astraea familia were having a joint celebration.

Since the organization Evilus had finally fallen, and the dark age of Orario had come to an end.

Though Morax knew that wasn't entirely the case.

He knew that remnants of Evilus were still hiding within the man-made dungeon Knossos.

But he decided to let them be for now.

Orario had become too damaged from the continual fighting over these past years. They had not only lost numerous gods, but also adventurers.

So Morax knew if he said anything about Evilus still being around it would plunge the city into darkness once more, and may end up causing worse things to happen than in the original story.

That's why he is keeping his mouth shut on the matter.

But that doesn't mean he is going to do nothing about the vermin scurrying in the shadows.

From a talk he had with Athena and Astraea it seems they got approval from Ouranous to make the Suicide Squad permanent.

That means he'll be able to do what needs to be done without any issues.

Including fucking with the operations of Evilus to make them weaker than when canon begins.

Not to mention the other changes he had already made. Like keeping Ardi and the Astraea familia alive.

Yes, Morax has hardly any worries that they can deal with Evilus when they re-appear in the future.

So for now he is going to focus on relaxing, and other goals he has on his mind.

Finishing off another mug of beer Morax ate some food, before starting on another.

Enjoying the sight of his smiling familia and friends.

'Ah, this is the life.' Moarx thought.

As he did so he was suddenly engulfed in a hug, by none other than Ryuu.

"Hic* I got you." Ryuu said, a smile on her face. Her cheeks flushed entirely red.

Seeing this Morax knew that Ryuu was drunk.

But that didn't make sense since he had never seen her take a sip of alcohol since the celebration party began tonight.

"Ok. Who gave Ryuu alcohol?" Morax asked.

Echidna immediately raised her hand without a hint of shame.

As she did so Morax looked at her with half-lidded eyes.

"Oh captain don't look at me like that. Our fairy elf needed to stop being so uptight and cut loose. All I did was give her a little push." Echidna explained.

Having found the opportunity to slip some strong, but scentless alcohol into Ryuu's drink earlier in the evening.

But apparently Ryuu had a high tolerance for alcohol since she didn't stark getting drunk until she finished off the entire cup.

Much better than Ariane, who is currently being fanned with a towel by Millhiore.

Turns out the dark-elf is a lightweight who can't hold her liquor at all.

She was out of the game after one mug.

"Ah Echidna, thank you." Ryuu said. Continuing to hold onto Morax.

She also started rubbing their cheeks together.

Due to this Morax was torn.

On one hand he wanted to smack Echidna over the head for forcibly getting Ryuu drunk.

But on the other hand he was loving the drunk Ryuu he had never seen before and was burning the image into his brain.

Since apparently Ryuu is a touchy-feely type of drunk.

So after thinking about it for some time Morax decided to leave the matter alone.

After all once Ryuu learns the truth Echidna will be a world of pain.

But for her it would just be intense pleasure.

Though that is story for another time.

The night continued in earnest, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Even Diluc loosened up and drank alcohol. But unlike his friends he knew how to pace himself so he didn't pass out.

Someone had to make sure the others got home in one piece after all.

Neze was doing the same thing for the Astraea familia.

As for Athena, she was plastered.

Astraea also ended up drunk.

Usually the goddess of justice never touched alcohol, but whenever her friend Athena was around she would always convince her to drink. Thus the members of both familia now have two drunk goddesses on their hands.

But again it was a celebration so no one minded in the slightest.

As Morax finished off another drink, he suddenly found Ryuu's hand near a place she would never put it in public unless absolutely necessary.

Grabbing her hand he moved it away before his other head began standing at attention.

"Ryuu, what are you doing?" Morax whispered to her.

"Mhm *Hic* Nothing~" Ryuu sang.

"It didn't seem like nothing." Morax whispered again.

"I can't help it. I want it. I need it." Ryuu whispered. Panting a bit as she did so. "It's all your fault, you've got me addicted and now I can't live without it."

Seeing Ryuu act in such a manner Morax had no words.

He had never seen her display herself in such a manner. Which in his mind made her extremely hot at the moment.

'No, down boy!' Morax thought.

Since he started to feel the spear in his pants rise from Ryuu's actions.

Though they are in public, and since he is not an exhibitionist in any manner Morax is restraining himself.

But once they are home Morax will definitely shove it spear up Ryuu's ass.

And not the one he uses in battle either.

"Just wait a bit longer." Morax whispered to Ryuu. "Once we get home I'll give you exactly what yo you want."

Ryuu shudder at Morax's words.

"Yes, I will wait then. Master." Ryuu whispered.

Hearing this Morax brain temporarily shut down.

Ryuu had never called him master before. But upon hearing it just now he has to admit he liked it.

What Morax didn't know was that by dominating Ryuu in the bedroom he had awakened something inside of her.

Something that she herself didn't even realize had awakened.

But after tonight things will become much clearer in that regard to the both of htem.

Finishing off another mug Alise slammed it down on the table. Her face flushed just as red as her cheeks.

Once she did this she noticed Morax and Ryuu getting a bit frisky with each other and decided to call out to them.

"Hey! We don't need to see you two humping!" Alise shouted at the couple.

After she did so Morax looked at he and scoffed. "Like you are one to talk." He said.

Since right now Alise is holding onto Filvis and feeling her up just a bit.

The black-haired elf not fighting it at all. But rather, enjoying it.

"Huh, what was that Morax?" Alise asked.

"I said, like you are one to talk!" He said to her once more. "Sitting there and feeling up youtr girlfriend without a hint of shame."

"But of course, my Filvis is super cute. Actually she is the cutest elf of them all." Alise procalimed.

"No." Morax immediately retorted. "My Ryuu is the cutest elf of them all."

The moment Morax said this Alise narrowed her eyes in his direction. But he did the same.

As the two of them locked gazes invisible sparks began flying between them.

"Big words." Alise said. "But they are not true. Filvis is the cutest elf. Her lustrous black hair sparkles like the night sky, and her red eyes and pale skin make her unique to almost all other elves."

"That may be true, but Ryuu's golden hair sparkles like the sun. Not to mention people say she has the face of a fairy all the time." Morax retorted.

"Yeah well that may be true, but Filivs has bigger boobs than Ryuu." Alise spoke.

"Alise!" Filvis cried in embarrassment.

Morax quickly looked at Filvis chest and then Ryuu's, before turning his attention bck to Alsie and giving her a nod.

"You are right. Filvis does have a bigger chest than Ryuu. But even so, Ryuu's looks are far better. Not to mention she has the better ass between the two of them." Morax proclaimed.

No shame in his voice.

In his mind ass is first class.

"Morax!" Ryuu shouted in embarrassment.

But he ignored her.

Just like Alise ignored Filvis.

The two captain's of the Athena and Astraea familia then got into an argument about which of their lovers was cuter. Saying embarrassing things and the like without any hints of shame on their faces.

Meanwhile Ryuu and Filvis, the subjects of their intense argument turned as red as tomato's in the face. All the way to the tip of their ears at the things their lovers were saying about them.

Steam even started to come out of the top of their heads.

Seeing what was happening Diluc and Neze shared a look and then nodded.

They then sprung into action

Diluc handled Morax. While Neze handled Alise.

Ignoring their cries of protest from the two as they did so.

Due to this the celebration finally came to an end.

Both familia then returned to their homes.

Where Alise showed Filvis some intense love.

And Morax did the same for Ryuu.

Giving her the spear in his pants just like he promised.

Needless to say everyone enjoyed the night.

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