
Chapter 83: A Sky High Confession

(3rd Person: POV)

Tugging at the edge of her clothing, Filvis did her best to be calm.

Despite the fact she was extremely nervous.

Since today is the day she is going to make her love confession to Alise.

Standing outside her familia home Stardust Garden, she waited for her red-haired captain to arrive.

Because just a few days ago Filvis had invited her out.

Though it is not a date.

No, it is simply two familia members spending the day together.

Even though Filvis really wanted it to be a date.

Standing there, waiting her mind started to wander. She pictured her and Alise going out on a real date.

Holding hands, feeding each other food, even a bit of a kissing, and then returning to their home where Filvis would take Alise into her arms and lead her two her bedroom. Then she would lay her gently on the bed and undress her so she could take in all of her. From her toned and muscled legs to her nice sized and supple bre-

"Filvis. Ready to head out."

"Agh!" Filvis cried. Slightly jumping into the air.

Turning around she saw Alise standing there, her usual smile on her face.

"Hey now, you ok?" Alise asked.

"Yes, just fine captain." Filivs said. Nodding her head.

Doing her best to clean her mind of the dirty thoughts she was just having about the person standing in front of her.

Lest she die of embarrassment right in that moment.

"Are you sure you're ok, your face is a bit red?" Alise questioned.

She then leaned in closer to Filvis and placed her forehead against her own.

Which only made Filvis' face get even redder.

"You're burning up." Alise said.

"I'm fine. Let's just get going!" Filvis shouted.

She then grabbed Alise' hand and started running, dragging her along.

Hoping she would make through the day without fainting.


Walking along of Orario's many streets Filvis held Alise hand.

Having finally calmed down from earlier.

As the two of them moved through the streets they leisurely chatted.

Until eventually they came to a stop in front of a crepe stand.

"What will it be ladies?" The man running the stand asked them.

"Two please. One strawberry and one banana." Filvis stated.

"Coming right up." The stand owner said.

Then a few moments later he handed the two of them their crepes and Filvis paid for them.

After this happened the two of them went to a nearby park and sat down on a bench. They then started enjoying their crepes.

Filvis had the banana, while Alise had the strawberry.

As the two of them ate, Filvis did her best to remember the plan Ryuu and Morax had help her come up with some time ago pertaining to today's confession.

'I just need to stick with it.' Filvis thought. Taking another bite out of her crepe.

Then just after she did so Alise took a bite out of it.

"Alise!" Filvis cried.

But her captain simply ignored her, a smile on her face. "Tasty." Alise said.

Meanwhile Filvis did her best to not get flustered at the act.

Since such a thing was normal for Alise.

Ever since she joined the Astraea familia Filvis saw how Alise was the touchy-feely type. She ate her fellow familia members food at times, teased them mercilessly, and showed a lot of skinship with hugs and the like.

And before Filvis, while a bit overwhelmed by it all being an elf, eventually came to terms with it. Seeing that's just how Alise was.

But ever since she started developing her romantic feelings Filvis was in a literal hell every time Alise did such things.

Especially the skinship.

When Alise hugged her or got overly affectionate it took all Filvis had to restrain herself from giving into her desires.

This made her extremely frustrated, as well as led to her having several risque dreams about her captain.

The most recent one having involved rope, a blindfold, and chocolate syrup.

Filvis herself didn't even know where the stuff in the last dream came from. She's never done anything sexual before after all.

But the more she thought about it the more she wanted to make that particular dream into a reality.

In that moment Filvis had no idea she had awakened something inside of her that she would never be able to shut off again.

But that's a story for another time.

Looking at Alise crepe Filvis got a bit bold and took a bite out of it.

Seeing this Alise eyes went wide, but Filvis simply smirked.

"A taste of your own medicine, captain." She said.

"Well you got me." Alise admitted.

After she did so the two of them finished off their crepes and then got moving once more.

They walked around the city, browsing several stores and the like. They laughed and enjoyed their day together.

Until eventually Filvis brought Alise to a clocktower.

Taking her up to the very top, Filvis watched as Alise got a bright smile on her face.

Since she loved high places.

"Thanks for bringing me here Filvis." Alise said.

"Sure thing." Filvis said. Taking in the sight of Alise.

Seeing her smile, made her get butterflies in her stomach.

'It's now or never.' Filvis thought.

She then inhaled and exhaled several times to calm herself.

Once she did so Filvis didn't hesitate any longer.

"Alise." She said.

When she did so Alise turned to face her.

"I...The thing is, I like you." Filvis said, getting a blush on her face.

"Well I like you as well." Alise said.

But Filvis knew Alise didn't mean it the way she did.

In this moment Filvis knew Morax was correct. Unless she told Alise her feelings straight to her face she would misunderstand.

Which she didn't want.

So Filvis inhaled and exhaled once more before speaking again.

"No Alise, listen. What I mean is, I like you as a woman. I like you in a romantic way." Filvis said.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth the smile on Alise' face dropped and she got a dumb expression on her face.




"You, like me?" Alise questioned.

Filvis nodded. Fumbling with her hands. "Yeah, I like you like that. I want to hug you, kiss you, and everything else." She admitted. Getting a massive blush as she did so.

"Filvis I-"

"-No need to answer right now!" Filvis interrupted. "Just take your time and let me know later. And if you want to reject me that's fine. I'm not expecting anything. Well then bye." She said.

After Filvis said her peace she used the Joestar family secret technique and ran away.

Leaving Alise atop the clocktower.

With a lot to think about.

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