
Chapter 78: The Great Feud (Part 12)

Once the briefing was over we returned to Owl House and informed Athena of the situation.

As we did this Rogue took his mother to the Ganesha Familia home, since it is one of the five safe areas set up by the adventurers in preparation for the coming final battle.

Athena heard and understood my explanation.

Once she did she simply wished us luck and we began making our final preparations.

Including Millhiore who finally woke up, and wanted to fight beside us.

No one protested, especially after seeing the determined look in Millhiore's eyes.

Sitting in my room I worked to calm myself as the countdown to the final confrontation of the Great Feud began.

As I did so I was suddenly interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said, turning towards it.

Right after I did so Ryuu walked in, carrying a familia weapon in her hand.

Alf's Luminia.

Looking at it I then smiled at her. "So, looks like you've come to terms with some things." I said.

"Yes." Ryuu said. Coming to sit next to me on the bed. "And it's all thanks too you Morax." She said. "Thank you."

Ryuu then hugged me, and I did the same.

"Anything for one of my girls." I said.

As I did so Ryuu looked me in the eyes. "One, I thought I was your only girl at the moment?"

"Well, technically." I said.

"Morax, what does that mean?" Ryuu asked. Narrowing her eyes at me.

"Well with everything that's been happening I didn't have time to tell you but the other day Rose and I had a conversation and well, she kissed me." I said. "We are also going to try going out after this whole mess is over." I explained.

"I see." Ryuu said, putting a blank expression on her face.

She then walked over to the door and closed it, before starting to strip out of her clothing.

"Am Ryuu, what are you doing?" I questioned.

Even though I have a pretty good idea.

Saying nothing Ryuu came over to me and then kneeled down in front of me.

She then quickly undid my pants and removed my dick, before doing something that made my jaw drop.

A tit job.

Since even though Ryuu and I have sex all the time she has only ever allowed me to put it inside her pussy and ass. She's never once offered me a tit job or a blow job.

Yet, here she is giving me one without any hesitation.

"Ryuu are you perhaps jealous?" I asked.

Only for her to clamp her mouth down atop the head of my only fully erect dick.

Sending a shiver of pleasure across my entire body.

Deciding to shut up I enjoyed the pleasure being given to me by my naughty little elf, and then gave her pleasure in return.

The two of us looking track of time, until we were knocked out of our carnal stupor b a knock on my bedroom door.

"We're getting ready to move out." Leonmitchelli said.

"Yes." I said.

"We hear you." Ryuu answered.

"Clean yourselves up before coming down." Leonmitchelli spoke.

She then walked away.

As she did so Ryuu and I quickly finished up and then headed down to join the others.

Though the moment we did so Leontmitchelli, Gaul and Millhiore all looked at Ryuu with strange expressions on the their faces.

"What, did I do something?" Ryuu asked.

They all shook their heads.

"Ryuu, you missed a spot." Millhiore said.

Pointing to her hair.

As she did so Ryuu brushed her hand through her own and found it sticky and a bit white a moment later.

Looking at this for several seconds Ryuu eventually just passed out, completely red in the face.

Meanwhile I put a proud smile on my face.


Arriving at the central command camp, our familia got our orders.

While also not mentioning the "incident" that took place just prior, and all of us agreeing to never speak of it ever again.


Moving on.

Finn assigned us to handle the Delphyne along with Astraea familia, Ais, Finn, and Gareth.

Which he happily agreed to.

Once our orders were given we set out.

Leaving Athena in the protection of Ariane.

Since once again, given her level one status her accompanying us would be suicide on her part.

Which Athena agreed with.

So bidding her and our goddess farewell we headed straight for the entrance of Babel Tower.

Meeting up with Astraea familia, Ais, Garerth, and Riveria.

"Good, now that we are all here let's move out." Riveria spoke.

Simply nodding our group heading into the tower and then into the dungeon.

Knowing we were walking straight into hell.


(3rd Person: POV)

As the group assigned to stop the Nightmare ventured down into the dungeon, they were soon faced with swarms of monsters.

But they dispatched them easily enough.

The problem was no matter how many monsters they killed the number wouldn't go down. Instead it only kept increasing.

"Fuck, this is annoying." Leonmitchelli complained. Using her sword to cut down another monster in front of her. "No matter how many we take out they just keep coming."

"Likely due to the Nightmare moving through the dungeon." Morax said.

Using Vortex Vanquisher to kill a monster on his right.

As he this Morax wondered how an incident such as this one didn't cause the Juggernaut to spawn. But he was thankful that it didn't.

For several reasons.

"Let's just focus on the ones in our path and try to ignore the rest." Alise spoke.

Everyone agreeing with her.

But just as they did so a new swarm of monsters blocked their path.

"William." Morax spoke.

"On it." William said.

He then took an arrow out of his quiver and notched it in his bow.

William then began to chant.

{One becomes many. Make all enemies who stand before me fall. For I am the hunter and they are the prey!}

[Arrow Storm]

As William finished chanting the incantation for his magic the arrow in his bow was wrapped in a silver energy. Then once it was William released it.

As the arrow flew forward it suddenly split into several dozen arrows, which pierced the new wave of monsters that just spawned in front of the group.

Killing almost all of them instantly.

This is Williams' magic, [Arrow Storm].

By engulfing an arrow in magic power and then shooting it, he can create a barrage of arrows made out of magical power.

This magic basically turns William into a one-man army in certain circumstance.

Also because of its silver color it gave him his current alias.

[Silver Archer]

"Nice work William." Alise said.

"Of course." William agreed.

"Let's continue." Morax said.

"But wait, even if we do how are we going to fight the Nightmare with all these monsters around?" Neze questioned.

"I mean I thought that would be obvious Neze, we simply fight it on the eighteenth floor." Morax commented.

Riveria and Lyra nodding their heads in agreement. Stating that had been Finn's plan from the beginning.

Once that was resolved the group continued onward.

Eventually reaching the eighteenth floor.

But as soon as they entered it they all stopped in their tracks.

Since all they saw were burning trees and a sky covered in utter darkness.

"Wow, this place became hell." Kaguya spoke.

"Actually dear, it looks more like a Dragon Vase." Gareth commented.

But after that no one else spoke.

Instead they all slayed any monsters and made their way down.

Getting prepared in order to intercept the Nightmare.

However just as they did this Alfia appeared.

The moment she did so everyone put up their guard.

"If you let the monster destroy Babel then you get to keep your lives." Alfia spoke. Saying nothing else.

"Sorry, not going to happen." Morax spoke.

The others agreeing with him.

"So be it then." Alfia said.

Once she did so the battle officially began.

Charging at her Gareth attempted to strike, only for Alfia to blow him back using her magic.

Seeing this Alise with Filvis by her side charged forward, but Alfia used her magic once more.

She then launched attacks at the others as well.

Which they barely avoided.

Angry at seeing Gareth hurt Ais launched herself at Alfia, but the woman avoided all her attacks with ease.

"So weak. Here, let me show you how to properly use that." Alifa told Ais.

She then waited for her to get in close, before stealing her sword from her.

Stunned Ais didn't move after this happened.

But Alfia did.

She launched an attack at Athena familia.

Which Morax managed to block, but just barely.

As the battle continued, everything stopped momentarily when a roar reverberated through the air.


Coming out of the massive hole in the ground, Nightmare appeared.

Along with Erebus.

"Look upon this beast, for it will be the end of all. I bestow upon it the name Delphyne. It will bring the age of Gods to an end!" He shouted with glee.

Everyone hearing him as he did so.

Right after this Ais got a dark look in her eyes.

"Agh!!" Screaming at the top of her lungs Ais summoned forth her wind and launched herself at the Delphyne.

"Ais!" Riveria shouted.

But the young girl ignored her and went to attack the monster by herself.

Seeing this Morax instantly made a decision.

"Alise, can you and yours handle Alfia?" He asked.

Alise nodded. "Yeah, leave her to us."

"Thanks." He said. "Everyone, we're going to take on that monster. As well as back up Riveria, Gareth and that idiot girl who can't seem to control herself at all." He explained.

Everyone simply nodded.

Even Riveria and Gareth. Both of them agreeing with Morax's comment about Ais.

Once things were set in motion everyone moved out.

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