
Chapter 57: The Hornet & The Toad

Opening my eyes I climbed out of my tent.

Stifling a yawn as I did so.

I didn't get much sleep last night after all. Not since that toad bitch Phyrne Jamil has marked me as her next target.

And from how she was depicted in canon I know she won't give up until she has her way with me.

Which means I need to beat her was here and now to make it clear I'm not interested.

After all, what happens in the Dungeon stays in the dungeon.

Most of the time anyway.

Once my yawn came to an end I grabbed Vortex Vanquisher and went to take care of morning business.

Returning I saw the others getting breakfast ready.

As we ate William spoke up.

"So, we're going to fight those Amazon's we met yesterday right?"

"Yeah, we definitely are." I said. "Phyrne Jamil has marked me so to speak. And even though I rejected her from what I've heard she's not the type to take no for an answer. So a conflict between our group and here is coming."

"Then when it does we'll simply crush them." Ryuu said.

"Yes, but do take care not to kill them." I said.

Which caused everyone to look at me.

"They are part of the Ishtar familia. We don't have enough strength to get into conflict with them." I stated. "Besides, it's obvious all the other amazons are scared shitless of Phyrne and are only following her orders out of fear."

It's the simple truth.

While I want to get rid of that fat toad with all my might doing so now might cause Ishtar to come after us, and I won't risk the lives of my friends like that. Even is the chance is minuscule.

At my words everyone nodded.

We then went back to eating breakfast.

Finishing up we packed up and then moved out.

But as we did so I felt eyes on me.

Ones that didn't belong to monsters of the dungeon.

Ignoring it for now I led the others forward, preparing mentally for the conflict with Jamil and her Amazon subordinates ahead.


(3rd Person: POV)

As Morax and his allies moved forward a few meters away Phyrne and her Amazon's were watching them.

Well mostly it was Phyrne watching Morax.

Specifically his ass.

As she did so she licked her lips and started drooling slightly.

The other Amazon's surrounding her did their best to ignore it.

"Such a fine young piece of meat. I can't wait to enjoy it." Phyrne said. Wiping the drool from her mouth as she did so.

Hearing this the other amazons couldn't help but feel pity for Morax.

All of them were quite familiar with Phyrne's tendencies after all.

Any man that caught her fancy, whether claimed by another or not, was instantly devoured by her and broken. No matter how much they protested.

It's why all the workers of the Pleasure Quarter, whether part of the Ishtar familia or not, worked to keep their male clients away from Phyrne.

Since they wanted them to keep returning.

"Ok ladies get your assess in gear, we're moving out." Phyrne ordered the other Amazon's around her.

All of them complied.

Because despite how much Phyrne disgusted them she was strong, and their captain.

And they knew going against her would lead them to death.

No one would come and save them. Not even their goddess Ishtar.

So they followed her orders out of fear.

"What is the plan if I may ask?" Samira spoke up.

"We'll beat those kids down, and then you all will restrain and guard the rest while I have some quality time with the spear user." Phyrne instructed. "Also, teach that little elf bitch a lesson for touching what's mine."

Samira and the other Amazon's nodded.

They then started following Phyrne who began drooling even more.

Thinking of how much fun she was going to have with Morax's body.

Little did she know that was never going to happen.


(Morax: POV)

We arrived the entrance to the 22nd floor and made our way down.

Then not five minutes after we did so monsters spawned in front of us.

And as luck would have it, it was exactly the monster we needed to meet to finish our quest from the guild.

Three Deadly Hornet appeared from the ground in front of us.

As soon as they did so they pointed their stingers in our groups direction and started flying towards us.

We all dodged as they did so.

Not slowing down the Deadly Hornet trio maneuvered easily in the air. One coming for me, one went towards Diluc, and the last one headed towards Leonmitchelli.

Time to teach these overgrown bees who the boss is.

"Guys, you know what to do." I said.

Everyone nodded.

As they did so I focused on my own opponent.

While the Deadly Hornet got closer I began chanting.

{Tear the Earth Asunder!}

[Seismic Burst]

Using my new magic I coated the tip of Vortex Vanquisher in compressed vibrational energy just like Newgate from One Piece.

Immediately after I did so I swung my spear forward, and it met the tip of the Deadly Hornet's stinger.

The two clashed for a moment, before the hornet was overwhelmed. It's body exploding from the inside out as the vibrational waves decimated its insides.

In an instant the battle was over.

As the monster fell to the ground and turned into smoke, only its mana crystal remained.

Picking it up I looked towards the others.

Seeing they had finished off their opponents as well.

Leonmitchelli holding a Deadly Horney Shell in her grasp.

"And with this we've completed the guild assigned quest." Leonmitchelli said.

"Yes, now then let's deal with our stalkers." I said.

The others gathered around me and we secured the shell. We then all drew our weapons and faced forward.

"Come out, we know you're there." I said.

"Hehehe, nice. Very nice." Phyrne said.

A moment after she did so she appeared from the treeline, along with her fellow familia members. Their weapons drawn and pointed toward us.

"Not only a looker but a strong adventurer as well. It only makes me want you more." Phyrne told me.

"Listen, like I said before no thanks. I'm already taken as you saw earlier." I told her. "So let's stop here and now before things get ugly."

"You've got quite a mouth on you boy." Phyrne told me. "I can't wait to here it scream my name. Once it does you'll forget all about that your little elf whore-"

"Shut your fucking mouth you frog-sized cunt." I coldly said. Cutting Phyrne off.

As I did so she looked at me in complete shock. As did her fellow familia members. But I really don't give a shit.

Now when this walking tub of lard in front of me just insulted Ryuu.

She's really courting death.

"What did you just call me boy?!" Phyrne yelled, a vein visibly appearing on her face. Showcasing her angry.

"I called you what you are. A frog-sized cunt who can only get a man to touch you by capturing them and raping them." I spoke. "But sorry to say, I will never be on that list. Now then, let's begin." I spoke, pointing the tip of Vanquisher in Phyrne's direction.

"You little fucker!" Phyrne yelled. Pointing her battle axe Gorda at us. "I've changed my mind. Kill them all. Except the elf. I want her to watch as I show her man what a real woman is." She said, getting a disgusting smile on her face as she did so.

"Guys, take them down. But only kill if absolutely necessary." I said. "Also, leave Phyrne to me and me alone."

"Morax, that's..." Leonmitchelli trailed off.

"I know." I said.

I've just become level three, while Phyrne is level four and from the rumors going around she's close to reaching level five.

Meaning it's going to be a tough battle.

But looking at the Ishtar familia combatants in front of us I have a sense all of them except for Samira are high level two or three. Which means all the others will need to deal with them.

Since if they and Phyrne fought us together we would surely loose.

This is the only chance I can see for victory right now.

Well this and my dragonificaiton, but that will only be used as a last resort. Because if it gets out I have the powers of an adepti I'm screwed.

"Trust me, I've got this." I said.

"Ok, we'll trust you." Ryner said.

"Yeah, leave everything else to us and go teach that fat bitch a lesson." Leonmitchelli added.

"Right." I said.

Once I did so I took a deep breath and exhaled.

I then rushed forward and slamed into Phyrne, driving her into the nearby forest.

As soon as I did so I jumped back and pointed Vortex Vanquisher at her.

While she grinned like a maniac and pointed Gorda at me.

No words needed to be said as our battle began.

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