
Shego the Maid

Mind Control, Drakken reflects, was actually a very broad spectrum at the end of the day. Some who thought little of the concept would probably fail to understand this, simply seeing it as an evil thing, or a useless thing, and discarding it for either moral reasons or otherwise. And yet, they were blind to the applications, blind to what could be done with the right sort of technology.

As Drakken distractedly works on his Grand Plan and continues to ponder just who and what he needs to subvert next, he finds himself also pondering the nature of Mind Control in all of its many forms and facets. For instance, when some thought of Mind Control, they would likely think of turning other humans into little more than automatons, fleshy robots who existed for little more purpose than to follow the orders of whoever had control.

Back in the previous timeline, Drakken had actually used that form of mind control on both Shego and Kim Possible, more than once. Unfortunately, it never quite stuck. Someone would always notice that something was wrong. There was no subtlety in turning someone like Kim Possible into an automaton, no way of truly keeping those close to her from realizing what had happened. Without fail, someone would show up and save her from an ignoble fate as his mindless drone.

Even Shego, who didn't have any true allies save for him and a few other villains, would eventually break free of such mind control. It wasn't subtle enough, full stop. More subtle, was the version of mind control that most closely resembled the effects of a love potion. Turning someone into an adoring, happy to please and serve pet was, without a doubt, certainly an effective form of Mind Control. Making them think that they love you, making them want nothing more than to be your property forevermore… that was pretty good.

Of course, it came with the same problems as the previous form of Mind Control, now didn't it? If someone's personality suddenly changed from one way to another, if they suddenly went from one set of priorities to a different set of priorities, well that was pretty much the same as being an automaton and having no priorities anymore at all, now wasn't it? It was suspicious, and it would in turn draw suspicion.

On the other hand… if you could instead make the mind control a bit more insidious… if you could make someone act the same as they always did, but simply make them willing to work with you because they believed they signed a contract that they simply can't get out of, or because you have blackmail on them… well then, that leaves both them and those who might try to save them never even realizing they were mind controlled in the first place.

And if they don't know they're mind controlled, how exactly are they going to break free from said mind control? Smiling slightly, quite pleased with this particular epiphany, Drakken finally deigns to acknowledge the elephant in the room, so to speak. There's a reason that he's been distracted from working on his Grand Plan and instead found himself going off on a tangent about different forms of mind control, after all.


Shego, standing across the way, goes absolutely stiff at the sound of his voice. Up until he'd spoken, the green-skinned femme fatale… had been cleaning up. Yes, Shego, the woman who could go toe to toe with the best of them in hand to hand combat, and not only that, could fling green fire from her hands… was currently dressed in a sexy French maid uniform, and cleaning up his office with a duster held daintily in one of her hands.

She freezes up the moment he says her name, of course. The moment AFTER that though, Shego turns around and flashes him the barest of smiles, one that doesn't reach her eyes. Ducking her head like a good maid should, the green-skinned woman coughs politely.

"Yes, Master?"

The words, unlike just the week before when Drakken had first brought Shego under his control, are said far more begrudgingly now. She sounds almost reluctant to serve him… and to be fair, right now she is. Right now, Shego is the closest to the Shego that worked for him in the other timeline for so many years. Not quite that Shego, because if she was, she'd never have put on the maid costume in the first place, and he'd be dead.

But instead, she's a Shego that's in too deep, now tied to him by a contract that she's absolutely CONVINCED she cannot break under any circumstances. That is, of course, the Mind Control talking. If not for the nanites in her body, Shego would be quite happy to break such a humiliating and degrading contract, and once again, he would be dead at this point.

Of course, said contract doesn't even truly exist, not really. Why would he bother writing up an actual document, when his nanites leave Shego fully under his control? Still, this version of Shego thinks the contract exists, and believes that she has to abide by it, no matter how much she hates it. That includes obeying his every order… such as putting on the French maid uniform, she's currently in, and tiding up the place a bit. And such as the order he gives her now, a wide grin set on his face.

"Come over here. I think you missed a spot."

Walking somewhat woodenly, Shego does as she's told, visibly reluctant. Drakken pulls out from his desk and turns to her as she walks around to his side of the large piece of furniture. Then, he sticks out one legs, and points down to his boot, where a visible smudge can be seen.

"Look at this. What do you have to say for yourself, my dear?"

Shego grimaces, but he's not interested in letting her speak. Just as she's opening her mouth, whether it's to make excuses or say something else, Drakken talks over her, overriding her.

"Lick it."

The fun thing about this version of Shego is that she doesn't want to obey his orders, and she doesn't have to either… not immediately, anyways. As his green-skinned maid goes stiff at that and glares at him, Drakken can't help but grin wider.

"Excuse me?"

In the previous timeline, the tone Shego uses on him now would have had Drakken immediately backpedaling and shaking in his boots. In this timeline, he's been ball's deep inside of the femme fatale multiple times and has very much stress-tested the mind control nanites filling her body. Having her lick, the top of his boot clean is in no way too far. Instead of fearful backtracking, Drakken just smiles and laces his fingers together as he leans back in his chair.

"You heard me, Shego. Unless you wish to default on your contract?"

Shego goes stiff again, this time in terror. He hasn't actually fleshed out what defaulting on her nonexistent contract would mean for the green-skinned heroine-turned-villainess-turned-maid, but he doesn't really need to. All Shego 'knows' is that defaulting on the contract she signed with him is extremely bad for her… far worse than getting down on her knees like a good little girl and licking her boss' boot clean.

So, that's what Shego does, kneeling there in her sexy French maid uniform, and leaning forward to bring her tongue to the top of his shoe. At the same time, Drakken is admiring Shego's ass, because the French maid uniform, he has her in is several sizes too small, and does absolutely nothing to cover her bare-naked behind in the position she's in now, with the frilly hem of her skirt riding up onto the small of her back.

As Shego licks, Drakken reaches out and spanks, giving her green bottom a hefty smack that has the maid squealing from the blow, and shuddering slightly. Even now, even having made her reluctant and barely willing to obey him… Drakken had made sure that she would just as reluctantly enjoy what he was doing to her. Shego loathed herself for it, but already she was getting turned on and wet from the way he was touching her and forcing her to degrade herself, all at the same time.

Sliding his hand across her exposed rump, Drakken slips his fingers back between her thighs and pushes them up into her cunt, finding her dripping and already ready for him.

"Such a disgraceful maid you are… you're making a mess right now, even as you clean up my boot. Whatever am I going to do with you? I suppose I'll have to plug you up."

Pulling his hand back and his fingers out of her cunt as a result, Drakken instead grabs hold of Shego by the hair, dragging her to her feet even as he himself rises. Pushing aside the things on his desk is easy enough, and then he's lifting Shego up by the hips and sitting her on the edge of his desk. She lays back, just as he expects her to, though it's obvious from the frown on her face that she doesn't want this. Or at least, she doesn't want to want this.

Drakken just smirks as he releases his engorged member from it's confines and brings it to bear on Shego's naked, ready and waiting cunt. Reaches up, he grabs the top of her maid uniform and yanks it down, exposing the green-skinned femme fatale's tits to open air as well, even as he places the head of his cock up against her pussy lips.

Shego grimaces as he grabs and begins to maul and knead her chest to his heart's content, while at the same time thrusting forward into her. A reluctant moan leaves her lips, followed by a groan as Drakken ever so slowly slides back and forth, in and out of her, barely even fucking her for the time being and focusing a lot more on aggressively molding her breasts with his hands, squeezing them hard enough to bruise and having his fun having his way with her.

Once upon a time, Shego had been his second half, in a way. But Drakken knew now that her loyalty was fickle at best, and disastrous at worst. He couldn't have her betraying him at the worst moment, couldn't have her growing a conscience and deciding to try and stop his plans.

After a few minutes of teasing her, Drakken begins to fuck his green-skinned maid in earnest, plowing Shego hard as she lays back across his desk, grunting and groaning and sometimes moaning. It's obvious that she's both enjoying it and not enjoying it, trying to act like her body isn't reacting to his cock thrusting away at her, pistoning in and out of her pussy.

Yes, this sort of Mind Control, a more insidious kind of mind control, really is the best way to go about things. She believes herself beholden to him in every way that matters, while at the same time still having most of her original personality. He liked this… he liked this a lot. In no time at all, Drakken cums inside of Shego, filling her with his seed. He pumps a nice thick load of white, hot cum into her, and then pulls out and yanks her off of his desk by her hair once more.

"Up and at em, Shego. Back to work with you now. I've had my fill… for now."

He gives her derriere a quick spanking as she passes by, leaving Shego to squeak and jump at least a foot in the air from the blow. She scowls at him, but then blushes and ducks her head submissively when he just raises an eyebrow at her challengingly.

Drakken sits back down at his desk and returns to the Grand Plan, even as Shego gets back to cleaning up the place. Now that he's satiated for the time being, he's able to actually focus on his work and the steps he's going to have to take moving forward to solidify his iron grip on this reality. He's going to conquer the world… but he's going to do it properly this time.

And with that, Drakken knows who and what he needs to deal with next. A wide grin spreads across his face, even as he begins making plans.


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