
A Defining Moment

A split moment, an inch of a second is all it takes to make a fateful mistake or rise to an occasion. Whichever you are faced with while that clock ticks, it will be a defining moment. It will be a moment that defines who you are, and most of all, who you become.

Now, as Foster Rosario, I have had my fair share of these moments, and I have always risen from the fire and come out a better version of who I can be. One might think that you cannot get any more ruthless than you are, yet if you set your mind to it firmly, you will be proven wrong every time.

I have come too far and too long to get where I am; I have done things that no man shall ever even consider. I have made Foster Rosario, and I worked fucking hard to make him. There shall be no one that will disrespect me nor think that he can upset the balance of things. There is a way they work, and in my world, which you will find yourself in, it always works my way.

Now, Foster Rosario never gets caught off guard, and even more so, nobody lays a hand on me. There has been a fool that has made one fatal mistake, a mistake that, if there were not so many people around, he would be dead. Yet though, here he stands as he seems to get great satisfaction that he has managed to, almost, not even close, he nearly had me flat on my ass. As true as the sky is black above, he will pay for this.

As I have finally gained my ground firm, once again, I am towering over him, not only in size but with sheer determination, to show him that you do not fuck with me. At least not twice.

So with nothing with a furious rumble from my chest, I grab him by that collar once again, "Did you not learn your lesson?"

Yes, the fool who thought he could touch my woman felt that earlier on was not enough warning for him, so it seems he has come back for another round.

He only snaps back in laughter; I grab him by his shirt with so much force that it rips from his body; the buttons pop off one by one and drop like little peas to the floor. He immediately spins around and rids himself from his now shredded shirt.

There is absolute fury building to a slow burn in his eyes, "I will blow your fucking brains out."

It seems the man has grown an inch; he does seem to think that he can come to stand in front of me and threaten me so boldly. It seems when he fled the club so hastily, he came to retrieve the very thing he wishes to have his revenge on me.

Well, the man is a complete fool, and yet a very brave one at that.

So I only but reach my hand to find that piece of steel that shoots sweet adrenaline through my veins every time I have it firmly nestled in the palm of my hand, and then I turn to this fool, "You are mistaken about one thing."

"Oh," he forms the most godawful smirk on his face, "Please tell me."

"I will be the one that is going to blow your fucking brains out."

But yet I see Zoe from the corner of my eye, and she is shaking her head. Do I want to piss the girl off for a second time tonight?

Well, I guess not, so I only but turn back to face this fool, "Now, take your toy home and go play and we both play nice."

"The only nice thing about you is that perky ass of your girlfriend."

Well, does my restraint snap, or do I allow him to speak that way of Zoe. So without a single wink, he continues to speak again, "How does it feel to spank that?"

Ya, that is Foster Rosario.

Taking my stance, I look at him with only a smirk on my face. "You are going to pay for that."

I watch as he stands only but a few inches away from me, with hands by his side; I hear the most hideous laughter coming from his mouth. "Oh, what are you going to do?"

His eyes seem wild with fire; there is fury and determination behind them as he starts to close that gap between us. He is going to ram me, and god, he is going to ram hard. But I only ground my feet and wait for him to attempt to make an impact. As he reaches to grab me, I hold him by the arms, and in one swift movement, I smash into his chest, leaving him to fly back into the wall behind him.

He bursts out in anger as he jumps to his feet. "You are going to fucking pay for that."

He charges like a bull toward me; I slide to the side and push him back into the same wall again. There is a slight crack as I push him deeper against it. There is a moan that rolls over his lips as he snaps his fist towards my cheek, though it does not even come close to making an impact.

Then I pull his body back towards me, and my hand tangled in his hair. With utmost brute force, I slam his head straight into the very place he left that wall only moments ago.

He spins loose and smashes square into my body, driving me back to the middle of the street. Then he crashes me into a car parked on the side of the street. I watch as he slowly comes walking over; I am not on my feet yet; the crash has knocked my breath away.

Then he comes and stands over my body, "I am going to fucking kick your ass today."

I find myself being dragged from the floor. But I get loose from his grip and spin back onto my feet. With my feet grounded, I stare at him with eyes that are now starting to fill with anger, "You might as well give up because I am going to drop your ass."

Now, if I would think that this man shall stop and realize his foolish mistake, I am somewhat sadly mistaken. He only but advances for me again; this time, though, he is moving rather slow, ominous, he is taunting me.

As he comes charging at me, I only laugh at him, "You are making a fateful mistake."

"The only one making a mistake is you."

With his words not yet from his lips, he shifts his feet at an incredible pace towards mine and reached his fist for my face, but I grab it in midair. I twist it behind his back; I step closer.

"You are going to regret that."

My grip goes firmer, and I push him off his feet; he slides across the length of the pavement.

I make my way to where he finds himself and yank him up by the shoulder and toss his body to the other side of the street.

He rises to his feet and reaches me in less than an inch of the second; as he looks to the side for a brief second, he fools me to do as well. Then he slams his hands around my shoulders and tosses me.

As I rise to my feet again, I slam a fist into his stomach. I am driving him with utmost force. Then I retract my arm and launch it back and land it square in his face. I hear a crack as my knuckles make the impact, then there is pitter-patter as blood comes streaming from his nose, then he drops to the floor.

But the man is a fool; he rises to his feet again. I push forward and scrum my entire body into his. He drops to the floor, and I immediately get on top of him, pinning his arms to the floor.

Without having total care if Zoe is going to be pissed off at me, I grab hold of the grip of my gun. In absolute haste, I have the barrel piercing into the skin of his forehead.

Then from behind me, I hear Zoe's voice come rolling over the crowd. "Stop it! Both of you!"

As he finally backs away, I turn to face Zoe, who has nothing but red hot fury burning over her soft porcelain skin. She only gives a once over and disappointedly shakes her head, "You are exactly like the monster I…" She stops dead and mumbles to cover her words, yet I know what she was about to say.

So I only but cock my head, "Exactly like what?"

"Nothing," she spins on her heels and looks over her shoulder at me. "I am going home, and I highly doubt that I will see you again."

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