
All Of A Sudden

Avnir didn't have to guess as the space-time fabric which was just recovering from the blackhole explosion bent once again. 

Before he could even act, the space between him and Varian shrunk.

The well trained instincts kicked into actions before his consciousness could notice and put up a defensive. But Varian's spear, formed with the power of space and infused with the power of shards broke it with ease.


Blood spilled from the huge cavity the spear drilled in his chest and the invasive space power threw his aura into a multitude of spaces, hindering him from gathering it for any significant attacks.

It's an incredible tough job to do for any space awakener because it needed not just the understanding of space but also gravity.

Varian didn't have the path of gravity but he did study it from Enigma and gained his own insights from space and time.

Avnir got no chance from there. 

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