
Shadowing the crow

(the next day)

"staarrrre" Nora said as we walked with the others as I sighed and rolled my eyes

"Nora it was anything you should be worried about, she asked me to show her around I did so"

"hmmm" she pouted as I sighed

"Nora" I said in a sweeter voice as the others looked at us as I twisted my finger as they turned around


"come I said it was nothing, you believe me right" I said in a cuter voice

"you no I won't break" she looked away as I got closer

"f.. F.. F.. Fine only this once" she said still pouting, but I could see that she was holding herself back

"heheh cute and cuddle" I said to myself

'huh even I have a cute side' I thought as we went to the hall, the was a large gathering of students from our own and different school as I looked to see Ozpin get on the stage

As he cleared his throat

"Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for. As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself: color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day"

"we encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best" he finished as before he moved away as the students began to leave, I nerrowed my eyes spotting Cinder and her group as she saw me looking I pointed at Emerald as she turned I smiled and waved before I disappeared

"huh let's see here" I said as I got to one of the open screens as I began to look through the mission

'let's see Romen should be in the ruins with the bomb train... The ruined city' I said as I looked for the mission and found it

[access denied, this mission is restricted to first years]

"ha like that can stop me" I said as I took out my scroll as the screen turned red and began to glitch

"miss Rose if you would not vendalize my equipment, it would be highly appreciated" ozpin said with his cup of coffee as he took a sip

"I have no idea as to what your talking about" I said as I turned to him with a smile

"ohhh then is that not your crest on the monitor" he said as a hole appeared on the screen

"what monitor"

"huh it's like I've got Qrow and Summer as students again" he said as he took a sip of his coffee before he sighed

"miss rose I've already approved you and team OBWY for this specific mission" he said as I looked at it

"huh I know more on human behavior then I may look and didn't notice it was a search and destroy" he said as Ruby tilted her head

"you did not read it"

"a bit"

"huh miss Rose... Anyways you'll be living in a few hours" he said and he turned around

"which will give you enough time to fix the pad you just broke" he said as he walked away as I looked at the screen

"tch" I said as I disassemble it before I reappeared with the parts before I fixed it as I left to the port as I saw team OBWY

"hy sis" I said as I walked over to them

"ruby what are you doing here" Yang asked as I dropped my bag

"I was told to report here something about shadowing a hunter"

"you know who it is" Onyx asked as I shrugged

"it was the green haired one but ozpin made some changes an hour ago" I answered


"how do you know this" Blake asked

"hacked into the beacon network, I thought we spoke about this before"

"right anyways I guess we'll have to wait" Blake said as I went on top of our ride as I laid down and took out my scroll and headphones and began to play some games as I got up

'is that qrow... When did he get here' I thought as I my eyes glowed with a red glow

(night fall)


"Yang calm down"

"it's been 8 hours, I'm tired and hungry were the hell is this hunter" she shouted once again as I looked out before I switched of my scroll got up and stretched a bit as I did some yoga on the top of the bullhead as I twisted my body in ways that shouldn't be possible

"I mean what type of hunter is this, doesn't he know that grimm are more active at night" Wiess said as I lifted my body up with one hand as I moved to finger

"that exactly why I do my work at night" we heard as we looked out to see Qrow stand on top of a pole

"uncle Qrow, wait are you the hunter we're going to shadow" Yang asked as he jumped down

"correct kid and I was actually testing your patients and I'm a bit disappointed, rule 1 Ruby" he said as I jumped down

"a hunter should always keep their emotions in check"

"a skill you all need to learn" he said as he pointed at the four


"yes while Yangs were visible the rest of you kept it inside, spoiler grimm can sense negative emotions"

"wait what about Ruby"

"what about her, she's not the one I'm testing" he said as he looked at them before he walked to the ship

"and word of advice, if a contact is late by more than an hour, he's either dead or it's a trap" he said as I followed him inside as the others followed

"right I'm guessing you all know about the mission correct" he asked as we nodded

"good forget it, you will be under me, meaning you will act only on my word, the area were going to is highly popularited by grimm and some have grown skills that allow them to communicate, meaning if were not careful well be swimming in grimm" he said as looked at the group

"so why are we going at night" Blake asked as he smiled

"it would be a pain to have useless hunters with me so if you mass up tonight you can either die or I can send you back before you get annoying" he said as he took out a drink and walked away

"can he do that" Wiess asked as I nodded

"yep" I said as they nodded before we got settled down I used the time to clean my guns

[ETA in 2 minute] I head as I nodded before I placed my guns back in my back

"look alive ladies" he said as he open the hanger doors and looked out as a rush of wind blew in

"REMEMBER TO LAND WERE I LAND" he shouted as he jumped out of the jet as I sighed before I followed after him as he looked back and pointed up as I looked to see that Weiss and Blake were off as I nodded as I partly used my semblance lowering my density by partly transforming as Yang and Onyx shot by before I switched into my rose form as I flew at Weiss and Blake giving them a little push before I shot passed them and gentle landed as I reformed before I heard shot gun noses as I sighed


I spoiled qrow who threw his sword at the side of a building as he landed on it he began to slide down with his hands in his pocket before he stepped of he heel kicked his sword out of the wall and walked towards me as his sword landed perfectly in his hand

"show off"

"you are the very last person I want to hear that from you mini psychopath"

"mh" I said as the others landed

"alright kids" he said as he looked at Blake

"loose the bow"

"uncle qrow Blake's"

"don't care Yang, I don't need her worrying about such a worthless thing as an identity, we are hunters and huntresses our job is to fight and for now you may not see it but we're all seen as monsters" he said as she took it off

"good, now first things first you all need to be aware of your surroundings at all times" he said as he pointed behind him as we saw a group of grimm wolves mostly

"after that you need to be able to tell the strength level of your enemies, Ruby"

"the three at the back are one hundred, the ones in the front... Give or take 10 or 20,and the last one the cleanest one.. 500" I answered as he nodded and took a sip from his flack

"correct but since I need to check your skills" he pointed behind him

"have fun" he said as they took off as I began to move he grabbed me

"I don't need to tell you" he said as he lifted me by my hood as I crossed my arms

"ahhh are you pouting, it's been years since I saw you pout so-ahhhhhh" he jumped away as I almost bite it throat

"anyways yes I do"

"good tell me about the team"

"other then the obvious... Easiest on is Yang as you know she has high anger issues and an over reliance of her semblance , her semblance only increase her strike, speed stays the same, but she disregards dodging"


"fear of people finding out her pass more so then people finding out she's a faunus, use that and she'll lose focus or 4 out of 10 she will run away"


"self esteem, she's much more skilled at her semblance then her weapon"

"like her sister"

"yes and her constant need to prove herself"

"last Onyx"


"huh but I've noticed that I have a very deep hate for him"

"his semblance, it's makes people like him"


"yes and no, it's subconscious I doubt he knows, but if you have a general dislike for him it switches to hate, I for one am constantly holding back from killing him"

"so theres no middle ground"

"yep hate or like" I answered

"you know quite a bit"

"if I need to ki-... Take them out, I need to make my life easier"

"they are quite skilled but.... There team work, while better then most it could be improved"

"communication and the don't watch each other's backs" I said as he picked up a rock and throw it as if short passed Yang and Wiess and slammed behind Onyx head before bouncing off and into a building

'hmm he's gotten better' I thought

"see what you mean" he nodded as the team had finished killing the grimm as qrow and I walked forward

"got to say I'm not as disappointed as I would normally be, thought I wonder" he stopped as he turned his back on them as we heard a loud screach as we looked to see a massive never

"why are you hunters" he turned before he snapped his fingers as a building crashed down onto the bird which knocked it of as it came flying at us

"Ruby" he said as I took off as I got close to the bird I spun my scythe as I sliced the bird in half

"many of us know as to why we chose to be hunters and or huntresses, but you four seem to be confused"


"yes you as well as I know that Ruby is a psychopath/ sociopath, being a huntress allows her to release her killer instinct, and I became to protect, you four have no reason to even be here" qrow said as he walked away

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Sorry for the wait had to forget what I lost

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