
Book of Evolution

[ DING!!! Congratulations to Player Krapven in finding the item Book of Evolution.]

[ Do you wish to bind? Y/N]

' Hmm, what the heck is it? But never mind, let's bind it first.'

Even though Krapven wasn't really sure what this item was, he didn't hesitate to choose bind. A hidden item like this, the properties should be pretty good.

[ DING!!! The item book of evolution has been bonded to player Krapven.]

[ DING!!! A special class will be given to player Krapven.]

[ DING!!! It was detected that the player level was lower than expected, A lower special-class will be given first. Please work hard to increase the level of the special class.]

A rush of notification bombard his mind, and when he opened his status panel, Krapven could see new attributes were added there.


[ Krapven ]

[ Real name: Kai Aleth ]

[ Title: None]

[ Job: Beast Tamer]

[ Lv: 1]

[ Hp: 100/100] [ Mp: 50/50 ]

[ Exp: 0/100 ]

[ Str: 11 ] [ Def: 10]

[ Agi: 12] [ Sta: 11]

[ Special skill: Taming*, Evolution Guidance*]

[ Passive: Tamer buff*]


" Shit..."

What was the meaning of this..

Why the heck this item turned to be an evolution item for the special job beast tamer.

Krapven dazedly stared at the message. He even rubbed his eyes several times, but nothing changed.

[ Job: Beast Tamer]

Krapven tried to make sure once again, but there's still no change in the job description.

He became angry at first, but soon his anger turned hopeless.

' *Sigh* How should I find a wild beast to tame?'

Just how did he end up with this special job. Typically, everyone should be happy about obtaining a special job, but not for Krapven.

The special job beast tamer was new in this world, but he could intuitively guess its property.

From his understanding, this job was a pretty demanding one. He should find a wild beast, weakened them, and make a pact with them, like a monster-catching game with the red and white ball.

" How the heck should I find a wild beast to tame? Even the weakest beast is stronger than me. Furthermore, now I'm all alone and without any equipment."

From the moment Krapven was transported into this world, he never really engaged in combat with the wild beast alone. Normally he would run whenever there was a wild beast attack around him, and that's also the reason why he was still stuck at lv. 1

" Well, thinking too much was no use. I'll try to find an injured spirit beast along the way. If it doesn't work, then I could just return to the Shelter."

His mood improved a bit and he prepared to go outside.

The sun hasn't risen yet, but now was the best time to go and find a wild beast.

" Yosh, let's go and work hard too, today."


After 2 hours of walking in the forest, Krapven couldn't help but get fulsterred.

He had been walking in the direction of the shelter, but ut has been 2 hours and he was still stuck in this forest.

' Damn it, was my sense of direction that bad?'

Wandering alone at the midnight is the worst decision a human could make in this place, and Krapven had to agree with this statement.

At first, he thought there will be a lot of wild beasts at the midnight, but it has been 2 hours and he hasn't found anything.

" *Sigh*, should I give up and return to that big tree?"

Even though he said that Krapven didn't have any intention of returning back. He has been walking for 2 hours and he wasn't sure of the route to get back.

Continue walking forward is his only option this time.

It was going unnoticed by him, but with every step he took, the mist around him started to get denser, and when he finally took notice of it. Everything was too late.

[ DING!!! Congratulations on finding the secret dungeon, Forest hidden in the mist.]

[ DING!!! The player's level has been detected to be too low for this dungeon.]

[ DING!!! adjusting the dungeon difficulty to the player's current level.]


[ Dungeon: Forest Hidden in the mist.]

[ Danger level: Unknown]

[ Special task: E-Rank ( Survive for 1 hour in the dungeon) ]

[ Reward: The reward will be customized based on the player's current situation.]

[ May the luck be with you ^_^]


" What in the hell is happening here?"

Reading the notification, almost right away, Krapven's expression crumpled to a man who was accidentally pushed into stepping on a poop.

The mission description makes it seems easy, but he knows an Unknown level dungeon was not something he could handle right now.

Shit, where's the button to declined.

Cold sweats started dripping from his forehead, and his legs shook hard.

Every inch and corner in his body now scream of fear and he just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Not long after, a black portal appeared in front of Krapve, and Krapven could feel his body was getting dragged into it.

" Arrgghhhhhh"


Waking up in a mysterious place, the first thing Krapven do is to observe his surrounding. It could be lethal if he was too careless and got ambushed by a wild beast.

When he opened his eyes, he was currently lying in the middle of dense fog. Everything was covered in fog and even seeing 2 meters ahead was hard for him.

"What is this place?!"

"This doesn't look like in the middle of the forest, isn't it. Have I transported into another place again?"

His mind was still full of confusion, but he still kept vigilant.

" I should try to explore this place for a bit. The mission was to survive for an hour, so I need to quickly find a hiding place."

It happened then.


From the dense fog, Krapven could see two bright red eyes watching him.

The eyes were pretty far at the start, but it was getting closer for every second passed.


The figure with red eyes suddenly waved his hand, and from it, 2 wind blades appeared and cut through the fog, revealing the figure of a giant Blood Mantis.


[ Blood mantis]

[ Boss monster]

[ Lv: ??? ]

[ Hp: ??? ]

[Its weakness is in its weak head.]



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