
Different types of training

With Caleb they had agreed to start with two hours every morning in gravity rooms adapted to their level and then they would spend the rest of the day fighting in dungeons.

For the dungeons he had divided the groups differently and Axel, Kevin, Alan and Erik would team up with him, while Colin had asked him to take care of Ashton and Yelena because he was still intrigued by this mage's knowledge and wanted to get to know him better. Nolan was also part of this group and he would only take care of the strongest creatures.

Caleb, as for him, would take care of Kelan, Liam and Ian, once these two would be available of course, which would take at least several days, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do about it and stabilizing the power in the territory of the demons was as important as preparing for the war.

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