
Chapter 48

We got to the right place faster than I thought. Most likely, this is due to the fact that I recharged before the road. But with a breeze. Although because of this, we had to wait a little longer, because the plane arrived only an hour later. But I still didn't have to be bored, because Raven was very excited and hyperactive after my race.

Thus, we met the guests cheerful and, most importantly, thirty minutes earlier than expected.

- Brother! - Victoria jumped on my chest and gave me a sensual kiss— - You can't imagine how we were worried!

—Why does Uncle James kiss his little sister?" Raven asked innocently, standing behind me and holding onto my clothes.

— And who is it? - the girl finally detached herself from me when she heard the words of my ward, but she still clung to me, hugging me by the neck.

- Meet, Sister, this is Raven. Ravie is Aunt Victoria, but you can just call her Aunt Vika—" I began to introduce them.

- Umm ... nice to meet you, Aunt Vika— - the girl said and timidly looked into my sister's face, trying to find out her reaction to herself, because she was now in her real form.

- Oh, what a cutie— - the redhead leaned over to... the redhead, heh, - Hi, Raven.

—Aren't you afraid of me?" - the girl asked in surprise and at the same time joyfully, from which Victoria looked at me, as if asking what was wrong with her.

- People... treated her very badly because of her strangeness— - I explained— - Well, I didn't like it and I decided to take her with me.

— So now you're going to live with us? She smiled gently at the girl.

— Are you sure you don't mind? Raven asked, still not believing what was happening.

- Well, I'm all for it, because I called you myself, - I shrug my shoulders— - My sister doesn't seem to mind either, — she nodded in confirmation, — You see.

- So, the baby needs to be fed, so let's get on the plane, - Vika suddenly said and stood up, holding out her hand— - Will you take your aunt's hand?

The girl looked uncertainly at me, at the outstretched palm, at me again…

- Hah, don't be afraid, Aunt Vika won't hurt you, — I patted her on the head, — Okay, I'll take your hand too.

- Yeah! - the little actress nodded happily, but for some reason I just liked it, because next to me she becomes alive.

In the air transport, we were met only by Stark, who was sitting behind the cockpit. It seemed strange to me, because at least Sarah was supposed to come with her sister, but they explained this moment to me by the fact that my second girlfriend is now raising Steve, well, his new girlfriend got it, yes. By the way, it turned out to be the same Margaret Carter, who, as I understood, he liked at first sight.

At first, my little red-haired girl was embarrassed by my big red-haired girl, but soon it passed, because Victoria's sincere emotions bribed. After a while, when Raven ate, she fell asleep. Of course, it's not very comfortable on the plane, although Vika and I were able to rearrange some things a little and put the girl in an empty seat.

— She had a hard time, right? - my sister looked at Ravey with pity, sitting next to me and snuggling up to me— - Do you want to adopt her?

— There is such a thought— - I nod and put my arm around her shoulders— - And about the difficulty ... - I clench my fist— - The girl was abandoned by her own parents, frightened of her, and other people were driven from everywhere.

—Did she remind you of you and me?" - it dawned on the girl.

- Yes— - I had to admit— - Only I had you, and you had me, so we were able to survive it. Raven didn't have that. She had to survive on the street for about a month and it's good that it's only the end of summer. It would have been even worse in winter.

—Is that the only reason you took her with you?"

- No, I really liked Ravie herself, - I look affectionately in the direction of the named one— - I don't know how it happened, but in two days I became very attached to her, and she to me, huh.

- I noticed, hee—hee, - Vika giggled— - I held your hand until the end, until I fell asleep. It seems that someone has finally discovered something new in themselves?

- Ha... - I sigh and look at the ceiling, - Yes, you're right, I finally understood what it was like to be a father, although it was different with Steve. Even though I fell in love with him like a real son, but what I feel for Raven now... is something else.

- Haha, this is called the separation between the attitude of a father to his son and daughter, - said the sister, - Naturally, you have a more reverent attitude towards the girl. Tell me, what did you expect from Stevie when he was still a child?

- Hmm— - I thought, - I wanted him to grow up to be an independent guy who wouldn't need to wipe his snot and do everything for him, so I tried not to patronize him too much.

—What about Raven?"

—She makes me feel... sweet." I constantly want to hug her and not let her go anywhere, protect her..." something seemed to fall into place in my head, "Oh, I think I got it, thank you, little sister.

"You're welcome, brother," she whispered in my ear in a languid voice— "But you know that you owe me something during this time?"

- There's actually a child here, and Howard is sitting at the helm not far away, who can understand everything— - I nodded in his direction.

- Of course, not here— - the girl smoothly moved to my lap, - We will do your duty in our bedroom, and now nothing prevents us from just enjoying each other's company— - and then the sister again bit into my lips with her own.

I've missed it so much. Especially for my girls, with whom I can freely talk about everything that bothers me. For example, this case. Victoria didn't even mention where I was or what I was doing during my absence. She was more interested in my health and well-being. That's why I love my sister.

<b>The limits system is now available for use. Integration under the universe is completely carried out. There are some changes to reaching the limits. Would you like to know?</b>

Suddenly an inscription popped up in front of my eyes. And I've already managed to forget about it, since it's been a long time since the last limit reached. That's just my progress scale of the third limit remained empty. Maybe it's because of this? What kind of integration under the universe? That is, all this time it was kind of updated, or what? Okay, it doesn't matter.

"I wish," I mentally confirmed.

<b>Confirmation received. Explanation of the changes. The carrier will now be able to raise the level of the limit only with the help of the energy of Infinity Stones. Each stone will be able to raise the carrier's limit only once. There are only six stones in this universe, so the maximum limit will be eight. To overcome this obstacle, the carrier will need to absorb God.</b>

- Mm-hmm ... - I could only give it out, rolling my eyes.

<b>A message for you. Would you like to read it?</b>

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