


Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (better known as Ciri), was born in 1252 or 1253(The continent calendar) and most likely during the Belleteyn holiday. She was the sole princess of Cintra, the daughter of Pavetta and Emhyr var Emreis (who was using the alias "Duny" at the time) as well as Queen Calanthe's granddaughter. After Geralt of Rivia helped lift Duny's curse, Duny asked what reward the Witcher would like and Geralt evoked the Law of Surprise, as it turned out Pavetta was pregnant with Ciri, unbeknownst to Duny. (Witcher Wiki)


23rd of December 1993. Ed was now in the living room of the suitcase, he was surrounded by books, histories of other worlds, Gilligan had allowed him to read the books from other world that doesn't contain knowledge of magic, technology, and combat styles, so now he was researching about other worlds, but he had one specific goal in mind right now, finding something about the 'Wild Hunt' that Geralt had mention in one of his vision, as he realized the army in the forbidden forest and the monster he fought alongside Hermione in the visions are the same thing.

Ed then heard someone was climbing down the ladder; he looked behind him and saw that it was Daphne and Hermione.

"Hello girls… What are you doing here?" Ed asked.

"It's quite rare now that you're putting your suitcase in the classroom, so I took the chance to enter this place again." Daphne said as she sat on one of the sofas. "Unlike your girlfriend over here, I can't just barge into the Gryffindor tower, especially since I'm a Slytherin."

Ed just hummed at the statement, then Hermione sat beside him, joining in on his reading spree.

"What are you reading?" she asked curiously.

"These are histories of other worlds… Gilligan just allowed me to read it." Ed answered, which earned the attention of the two girls.

"Can we read it?" Hermione asked once again, now really interested.

"Sure, but do me a favour, if you saw the term "The Wild Hunt", give me the book, I'm researching about the 'group'."

"Where did you hear the term 'The Wild Hunt' anyway?"

"In my vision." Ed said casually.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Is it connected to that Ciri girl?"

Ed hummed, "If I need to save her, might as well know the enemy, right?"

Hermione sighed, "Alright, then, I'll help you…"

"Who's 'that Ciri girl'?" Daphne suddenly asked. "It feels like I've been thrown out of the loop here…"

"You remember when I passed out in the forbidden forest?" Ed said.


"The girl's name was Ciri…" Ed explained, "I saw the ashen-haired girl along with a unicorn running from an army… and there were voices in my head telling me to help her."

"That's… totally not suspicious at all… what if it's a dark wizard or something?" Daphne said.

"Do you think that my mind is so weak that a puny dark wizard can make me see visions?"

"I mean, considering you've had nightmares since the start of the school year, then yeah, your mind is pretty weak right now."

Ed sighed at the statement. "I'm positive that it wasn't a dark wizard, okay? trust me."

Daphne raised her hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm just suggesting here, alright. I'll help you find this 'wild hunt'…" She then took one of the books and started reading it slowly.

Ed, however, kept eyeing Daphne strangely. "Why are you here by the way? Aren't you supposed to be at your home right now?"

"What? I can't stay at Hogwarts now?" Daphne asked rather defensively.

"I'm just asking Daph, no need to be rude."

Daphne sighs, "Sorry, my father and I are fighting… so I don't want to go home right now…"

"What about Astoria?"

"She's coming home."

Ed hummed and just read the book peacefully. The tree kept reading for hours, spending their time together rather blissfully, it feels like a Christmas evening. In between the reading, Hermione slowly came closer to Ed, eventually leaning against him, placing her head on his shoulder, when Ed felt her head, he wrapped his arm around her, making Hermione snuggle closer as she kept reading the book.

"I'm here too, you know…" Daphne grumbled, annoyed by the physical affection these two had shown.

"You can come here too, if you want." Ed said cheekily, joking about the situation, but Hermione took it the wrong way, and smacked Ed in the stomach.

"Ow! I was joking!" Ed groaned in pain, but Hermione just snorted in annoyance and snuggled closer to Ed, mumbling that it's not funny.

Daphne just chuckled at the interaction, but then she saw a boy come into the suitcase, and she'd rather not talk to him now.

"What are you guys reading about?" said the boy, who was Richard, who was wearing a blue jumper.

"Oh, nice of you to drop by after a long time." Ed commented while rolling his eyes.

"I was spending time with Cho, you know." Richard said, "Like you and Hermione right here."

Suddenly, Daphne stood up as she heard Cho's name. "I'm leaving." She said coldly. She then quickly came up the ladder, avoiding looking at Richard, and just bolted off out of the suitcase.

"What's wrong with her lately… she's always avoiding me." Richard commented, oblivious as always.

"You know what? At this point, you're beyond saving." Ed said, while Hermione nodded, which made Richard more confused. "Anyway, how about the broomstick design?" Ed diverted the topic.

"Oh, that." Richard answered as he threw a notebook at Ed. "I finished the prototype design. I need some supplies to actually make it…"

"Just go to the library and ask Gilligan, we have some things in the storage room."

Richard just hummed and took the notebook back. "Right, enjoy your alone time, you two." He then walked off to the library, leaving the two alone in the living room.

"So…" Hermione said to break the silence after Richard left. "We're all alone now…"

Ed chuckled, "We're alone almost all the time Hermione."

"Yeah, but we didn't do anything that couples would do…" Hermione grumbled. "You rarely kissed me after that Gilligan thing, at most in the cheeks or forehead…"

"I said that we're taking this slow, right? And besides, you never asked." Ed countered.

"Yeah, but I didn't think it's this slow… And making me, the girl, ask? That's just low in my opinion…" she further complained.

"I don't think it's that slow…" Ed said.

"It is, and it's really killing me to be honest, it feels like we're not really dating…"

"Well, the important thing is the feeling, right?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "That's like saying that you're not hungry even though you're malnourished."

Ed laughed lightly at Hermione's statement. "Well, what do you want to do?"

Hermione then stared at Ed, intensely, breaking away from his arms that she had previously held tightly, "I want a kiss." She whispered lightly as she bit her bottom lip, looking at Ed's.

Her heart is beating faster by the minute, anticipating what will happen next. And she waited, but Ed didn't say anything, which made Hermione frustrated and nervous.

But then, Ed suddenly made Hermione's face closer, his fingers on her chin; he stared at her brown eyes; he could see a glint of want and longing in it. his face is so close to hers he can feel her breath hitting his cheeks, her face is so red, and he leaned, his lips touched hers, Ed was looking for a tender kiss, but the girl was having none of it, she pressed her mouth so hard to Ed that he felt her front teeth hitting his and she shared in the peppermint taste of her saliva, her tongue wrestling his, and her fingers were starting to run through his hair, feeling it completely.

She then started to straddle Ed; she moved Ed's hand that was in her neck to her waist. She leaned closer to Ed, and he could feel her heartbeat beating loudly; he could feel her face radiating heat; he could feel her hair tickling his skin.

Then the two separated, panting for air as they had already done it for a few minutes. "T-That was nice…" Hermione whispered, her forehead touching his, her cheeks blushing profusely.

"That was a bit forceful, didn't you think?" Ed teased the girl, cupping her cheeks using his hands.

"You didn't break the kiss, which means you enjoyed it also." Hermione countered back; a smile could be seen on her face. "And besides, I deserved it; you rarely pay attention to me this month, only reading books."

"I know." Ed said as he pecked her lips once more. "I just had a bad feeling this Christmas…"

"Having visions again?" she asked worriedly, separating her forehead from Ed's, but still sitting on his lap.

"No." Ed shook his head. "But I just had a bad feeling… maybe the incident that I saw in the forbidden forest happens this month… it's snowing outside as well…"

"Just be careful…" She then laid her head on his shoulder, once more, burying her head to his neck.

Ed just hummed, and stroked her head, gently, comforting the girl.

"I know you said we'll take it slow…" Hermione mumbled to Ed's neck. "But can I cuddle with you tonight? Maybe your nightmares will go away…"

Ed sighed at Hermione's request, and nodded reluctantly. "Okay, but for now, only this night alright?"

Hermione nodded weakly, her head still on Ed's neck. "Thank you…" she mumbled.

"Well, lovebirds." Suddenly a voice sounded, startling the two. Hermione moved to the side of Ed, and hid her face to his shoulder. It was Richard's voice, leaning against the library door, smiling at the two. "I'm going to go now, it's quite late." He said while smirking.

"Just go." Ed grumbled, "You finished the prototype yet?"

"No, I'm not finished yet. I'll see you tomorrow."

Ed hummed, and Richard got out of the suitcase, leaving the two alone again. "That was embarrassing…" Hermione mumbled.

"What? You don't like to be seen with me?"

"No… I just don't like people seeing us cuddling or kissing…"

Ed hummed, "Are we sleeping here tonight? Or go to the dorm room?"

"Of course in here you idiot." Hermione playfully said, "I don't want Harry and Ron seeing us cuddling."

Ed chuckled, "Alright." He then attempted to stand up to get to the bedroom, but was stopped by Hermione, as she wrapped her arms around Ed's. "What are you doing? Let's go to bed, it's late."

"Carry me." She said innocently.

Ed rolled his eyes, and picked her up, giving her a piggyback ride.

"I'd rather you carry me bridal style…" she mumbled.

"Complaining now?" Ed raised his eyebrow.

Hermione giggled, and she kissed his cheek. "No, let's go to bed."

Ed then carried Hermione to his bedroom, on the way, Hermione kept kissing Ed's cheeks and collarbone, making Ed shook his head in amusement. When he entered the room, he placed her on the bed, and Ed then walked to the opposite side, and also lay on the bed.

Hermione then climbed to his arms, resting her head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. "Have you already wrapped the presents for the others?" Hermione suddenly asked as Ed wrapped his arms around her.

"I have, but not all." Ed answered, "I haven't sent our parents' gifts though."

"I'll help you wrap it, and I'll send the gifts tomorrow." Hermione stated, in which Ed just hummed.

Ed then caressed Hermione's hair, making her purr lightly as before.

"There we go again, the purr…" Ed chuckled, making Hermione hit him lightly, embarrassed by it.

The room then went to a comfortable silence, just two young people enjoying each other's company; they didn't sleep, only lying on the bed.

"You think this Christmas is going to be good?" Hermione asked suddenly, "I mean, you said it yourself; you had a bad feeling about it."

"I don't know Hermione…" Ed stared at the ceiling, pondering in his mind, "But my instincts are either right, or influenced by a fucking god owl."

Hermione sighed, "Just don't think about it… sleep."

Ed hummed, and he kissed her forehead. "Good night."

Hermione also kissed his chest. "Good night."

Both of them closed their eyes, drifting into the embrace of Morpheus, while embracing each other.

Ed's vision became black, his surrounding void, and he found himself in a dream again. The scenery changed, it was dark, really dark. Ed can hear the sound of rain, and the ground felt weird, but then he sensed someone near him. But he can't see him or her at all.

Ed then tried to use magic, but he couldn't, so he waited for the human he sensed to come closer. And the human did come closer. And he saw her, Ciri; she looked tired, but there was something different; she was looking directly at him, like she knows who you are, but strangely, she didn't say anything.

She strayed her gaze to the ground, and as lightning lit up the place, Ed and Ciri saw the pile of bones below them, making their faces pale.

"Bloody hell…" Ed murmured to himself. "Who did this?"

Ciri picked one of the bones off the ground and examined it in horror. Ed then saw the unicorn behind her. The unicorn looked like he was talking to Ciri, but Ed couldn't hear it, so he must've used telepathy.

Ciri then threw the bone in her hand; her face looked enraged and shocked, and she screamed to the skies, "Rouges! Murderers!"

Thunder then rumbled, but the scene turned black, cutting Ed from the next event that was supposed to happen.

"What happened to her?" Ed thought in his mind. "These dreams are getting weirder and weirder…"

The scene then changed again. Ed was now on a bridge. "Oh no…" Ed thought, it was one of the multiple dreams in a row again, "Please don't let me die… Hermione's sleeping with me as well…"

Ed then saw Ciri on a boat; her sword was drawn, and Ed also saw the same 'man' who he saw was talking to the unicorn in the forbidden forest before, he had also drawn his sword.

"I see…" Hissed the man. "You want to deprive us of your company?"

The man then slammed the boat, making it imbalanced. Ciri, however, balanced it by tilting it.

The man then attacked; she parried his slash in an instinct, but she could barely see, as it was dark. The exchange continued, the man cut, Ciri deflected, and from the blades, sparks flew.

"Where did you learn all this, Zireael?"

"You'd be surprised." Ciri smirked.

"I doubt you could overcome the barrier, did someone advise you?"

"Doesn't matter to you does it?"

"It does, and we will find out. We have our ways Zireael, but now, drop the sword, and return to us…"


"We are going back Zireael, Auberon is waiting."

"I doubt it, you overdosed him with an aphrodisiac, did you not?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He's dead."

He acted surprised, but not for long as he lunged at Ciri; the exchange continued; thunder and lightning vibrated the air as their boat passed through the bridge Ed was standing on.

"Surely you realize Zireael, that you are only delaying the inevitable."

"Auberon is dead. And I'm nobody and of no importance, it was you who told me that, so why?"

"Because that is the truth, you are a nobody, you mean nothing, you are a bug which I can crush easily, but if left alone, you will do irreparable damage to the most precious fabric, you are nothing, nothing but annoying."

The exchange continued, and the man was winning. "You dare take up arms against me, Zireael; it's too late to regret something like that. I will not kill you, but a few weeks in bed with bandages will do you good."

"Hold on." Ciri said, "I want to say something."

"What do you have to tell me?" The man laughed.

"That you will not fit under this bridge."

The man then hit the bottom of a bridge, and flew forwards; he lost his balance, and Ciri simply stabbed him in the thigh, but he didn't scream and lunged himself into the waters.

"Damn, that was something…" Ed commented from afar. "To think that she had a past like that…"

The scene then turned black again, and he was jolted back to reality; when he opened his eyes, he saw Hermione looking at him worriedly. Ed's shirt was soaked with sweat again, but thankfully, she didn't get soaked by it.

"Ed, are you alright?" Hermione whispered, "I woke up as soon as you were shaking, I tried to wake you up, but you didn't…"

"Sorry to wake you up…" Ed whispered back, "I think it's a bad idea for you to sleep with me… you'll lose sleep too if you stay here."

Hermione didn't say anything, instead she hopped out of bed and went to the drawer, retrieving some clothes for Ed. "Here, change your clothes." She said, "Let me change the sheets."

Ed took the clothes in her hand and moved away from the bed. "It's fine, Hermione, you can sleep in your room. I'll change it myself."

Hermione still didn't say anything; instead he retrieved a bedsheet from the drawer, and quickly changing the one on the bed. "Nightmare or Vision?" she suddenly asked.

"Visions." Ed said, "Two this time… about Ciri."

"I don't know how I feel about you dreaming about another girl…" she mumbled. "What did you see?"

"In the first one I was standing in a pile of bones…" Ed said weakly, which made Hermione gasp lightly. "Ciri was screaming 'Murderers!', and that's it…"

"And the next one?"

"Ciri, and another man fighting on a boat."

"That's it?"

Ed hummed, "But it was different. Ciri somehow knows that I'm watching her…"

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"I-I don't know… she knows I exist in the dream."

"That's… alarming…"

"Yeah, but that's the thing, she only knows that I'm watching her; she didn't do anything about it."

"That's even more alarming…"

Ed sighed, he pulled out his soaked shirt, and Hermione didn't look away; instead she anticipate it, but instead of finding abs, she found a huge old wound on his stomach, which made her frown. Ed sighed as he noticed her frowning, and just quickly wore the new clothes.

"Go to your room Hermione." Ed instructed, "I will just disturb your sleep."

"No, I'll accompany you."


"I insist."

Ed sighed in surrender; she was really stubborn about this, "Alright, let's go to the living room…"

The two then walked to the living room, but they were surprised that both of them saw Alan drinking tea in the room.

"What are you doing here?" Ed asked as he sat on the couch, followed by Hermione besides him.

Alan raised his eyebrow. "What? Can't I come here now? It's my home too."

Ed snorted, but then Alan smirked. "What are you two doing here? Did you two just come out of one room?"

Hermione just blushed, but then Ed just said casually. "We didn't do anything sexual if that's what you're referring to… anyway, what's happening in the council? When can I find my parents?"

Alan dropped the smirked and looked annoyed. "There are some things happening lately." He said, "So the voting for head council would have to be delayed, again…"

Ed raised his eyebrow. "What happened?"

"This girl happened." Alan then threw a file at Ed, and when he saw the content, he just shook his head. "Of course she'll be in trouble…"

It was Ciri's photo; there is not a lot of data about her.

"You know her?" Alan was surprised.

"I've been having visions of her. Ask Gilligan, I don't want to talk about it."

Alan hummed, "She's quite a dilemma, the council is separated because of her."


"She doesn't know much about the council of worlds." Alan informed, "So we didn't know if our laws applied to her or not. And there's one more thing, she was chased by a group of outlaws…"

"Does this outlaw was called the wild hunt?"

"How do you know that?" Alan was surprised once again, "It was one of their names that was given to them by their neighboring world; their other name is the Red Riders."

Ed hummed, "So you want to catch this outlaw?"

Alan shook his head. "It's hard, a quarter of the council of world's councilman is descended from the Aen Elle…"


"Yeah, Shit…"

Ed sighed, "So you're still deciding on how to deal with Ciri?"

Alan nodded, "We almost decided, the most popular solution is to bring her to the city of worlds, and introduce her to the multiverse, after that, because her blood and family is so powerful, she'll be given special permission to travel between space and time."

"What about me then?! Why didn't I get special permission?!"

"Calm down…" Alan said. "I'm fighting for it right now, and it is quite possible that they're giving permission to you too."

Ed sighed in relief. "Okay, then…"

Alan then looked at his watch again. "Woops. I'm late for a meeting, goodbye lovebirds."

Alan pulled out his teleportation device and teleported away from the place.

"That's new information is it?" Hermione suddenly commented.

Ed hummed, "Yeah, new information indeed…"

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