
Chapter Eighty Three: Sexist client

Becca hopped out of the car as soon as they reached Atlas, not even waiting for Martino to open the door for her.

Why? Well because she had two hands and they work just fine so she didn't need to wait for him. Besides, she was still kinda mad at his annoying boss and saw this as her little form of rebellion.

She strode towards the elevator and rode it to the top floor of her office building. Approaching the door to her office, Becca opened it with her keycard and stepped in, flinching when she saw Navaya sitting on her chair again.

Navaya had her arms folded over her chest and her lips pursed, looking offended as she sat on Becca's office chair, waiting for her to walk in.

How she got into Becca's office this time was a mystery best known to her but here she was.

" Jesus, Navaya! Stop doing that." Becca gasped, her hand on her chest as she tried to calm down her poor scared heart. " You almost scared me to death."

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