
Chapter 631: Caitlain's Mission (1)

"So all this time, all the planets you've destroyed… were to try and save Theran?"


Somewhere within the airspace of Theran, Pirate Queen Xra's gigantic warship the size of several airship carriers hovered freely. And inside its war room—a literal war room—a holographic layout of the stellar system of Theran filled the entire area.

There were several people inside, they all remained quiet, however. The only voices that have really been sharing the space with the holograms were the voices of the themarians, Osk, Aerith, and Diana; mostly the latter.

Xra was not really interested in what they were saying, as she was just waiting for this war to be over. Elder Olseyir, on the other hand, could not help but look back and forth between the exchange of words; her pink robes, almost floating from her curiosity.

Elder Olseyir's curiosity, however, was not a match for Tedi, whose hologram avatar floated almost right beside Caitlain.

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