
Chapter 5 Lawless

"So are we going to set sail?" Arch questioned as he stood upon the small wooden boat. It wasn't grand in appearance, but rather quite inconspicuous, being about 10 meters long and 8 meters high with a small bowsprit (the pole thing) at the front. The sails themselves were simple in colour and had no banner imprinted upon them.

Naturally this wasn't the usual ship used by the expedition team, but rather one Arch had chosen himself to allow them to have the most uninterrupted travel possible. After all if an island full of pirates saw a ship of a Kingdom, the first thing they'd do is raid it, and Arch wasn't too fond of the idea of having to deal with 1000s of pirates simultaneously.

"Anytime you want your Majesty." William answered, as he bowed slightly. Arch then indicated for them to begin their journey, and the boat quickly began sailing towards Lawless.

Atop the boat, there were 6 people including William and Arch. Firstly there was Bertram the navigator, he was a fat man with beady eyes, and a head of brown hair, he was making sure that the ship stayed en route to Lawless. He almost frantically looked at the eternal log pose, again and again.

Apart from him, there were the twins, Curt and Cort they were 2 blonde men who looked almost identical being a bit taller than Arch, they had murky brown eyes and were almost identical to each other if not for the colour of their clothes, Curt wearing red, while Cort wearing blue. They were the cook and shipwright respectively.

Finally there was Ugo, the ship's doctor compared to the other members of the expedition team he was much younger in comparison being about 19 years old, but that didn't mean he lacked as a doctor as he was quite capable for his age. The man had a head of green hair and emerald eyes the sparkled with curiosity whenever he looked at the ocean.

All of them save for Ugo had partaken in the expedition 7 years ago, so they were simultaneously quite excited yet nervous about this journey. "Your Majesty, what will we be doing in Lawless?" William asked as he still hadn't been informed as to what Arch's goal was.

"Hmm, I am still thinking about it myself, but I think I've finally decided." Arch pondered as his eyes seemed to flash with some ruthlessness. "By the way, there's no need to keep up the formalities while on the expedition, just call me Arch for now. Especially once we've landed in Lawless." He continued, hearing this no one had any complaints as they understood being exposed as royalty within Lawless would be trouble.

A day passed, as the group of 6 travelled towards the island of Lawless. Luckily they didn't have any incidents with the weird weather of the Grand Line, and they swiftly made it to Lawless.

Lawless was a huge island, with almost 100 ships of various colours and flags docked at the port of the island. One could hear sounds of laughter and cackling coming from the island as they neared the island.

Once they had docked, Arch quickly wore a hooded cloak along with a blank faceless mask, before disembarking the boat along with the expedition team. After entering the town, they immediately separated going to seemingly completely different places.

Arch himself went to a nearby bar where he sat down quietly as he listened to the surrounding conversations. "Damn the auction in 3 days is going to be huge, I even heard that the Boss himself will be showing off the merchandise this time." A pirate said, before taking another swig of beer.

"I also heard something similar...... and just between you and me, I heard something like it being a devil fruit." Another pirate whispered, drawing shocked gasps from the crowd, although he had whispered it, it was still quite easy to hear what he was saying.

'He must be a promoter.' Arch thought as he munched on the food in front of him. The food wasn't bad, but it was still rather bland. Arch then rose from his seat and sat next to the pirate he was revealing information about the auction.

Seeing Arch the man wasn't alarmed, and simply shot him a look. Understanding the implication Arch slid a bit of money towards the man. Immediately the man was delighted as a large smile appeared on his face.

"So friend, how are you?" The man asked patting Arch on the back. "I am fine, now about that devil fruit." Arch replied before placing some more money on the table. Listening in on the conversation the other men too had smiles on their faces hoping to get more information on the upcoming auction.

Naturally this man wasn't stupid, seeing the money he knew he was being bribed for more information, but why would he care about confidentiality he was a pirate, after all money was what moved him best.

"Ahem, friend don't you think that's too little for my troubles?" The man said, trying to get as much money as possible out of Arch. Hearing this Arch wasn't too pleased and flashed the man a cold look.

"I see, friend is a man of prestige, well then. From what I've heard the devil fruit is a paramecia type, and is grey in colour, its stalk a mix of black and white, but that's all I know." The man explained. Arch's eyes flashed with interest after hearing the information, and he swiftly slid the remaining money to the man before exiting the bar.

'A grey devil fruit? I've never seen one that fits that description I guess I'll have to check on the encyclopedia when I go back to the Kingdom.' Arch mused, before jumping onto the roof of a building.

His job here wasn't done, he still had to prowl the streets after all, if he happened to find a pirate crew who had attacked Tigria he didn't mind paying them back for what they had done. Alas Arch had no such luck but he did make some gains during his time scouting out the island, discovering some pivotal locations which would be important later on.

The group of 6 then gathered once again at a small inn at the outskirts of Lawless. "Its just as you've said the boss of this island is quite rich holding about 540 million in savings according to some people, but its probably a decent bit higher in reality." Bertram said as he ate some meat.

"Yes, we also found out that there aren't too many strong pirates around here, but there are definitely a lot of them. The most infamous of the lot, their boss in other words, is a pirate with a bounty of 300 million the notorious Vidar L. Picker. Although his strength shouldn't be as high as it once was, seeing as lately he's been sitting around doing nothing." Curt explained as beside him Cort nodded.

"I wouldn't underestimate him though, as he definitely has some means." Cort continued as Arch took in all the information before devising a plan. He wasn't going to just senselessly burn down Lawless, no no no, he was going to thoroughly destroy it.

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