
Chapter 5 - Skirmish between Heaven, Earth, and Hell (6/9)

sorry sorry I was not able to upload

so here's two chapters for today


Angels were strong against demons, demons were strong against humans, and humans were strong against angels.

"But enough boring talk. What matters is that the angel isn't going to be any help here."

Lucia tossed the sword aside.

"Two intruders. Possibility of capture…negative. Prioritizing examination of captured target."

The Springloaded also seemed aware of those compatibility issues, so it gave up on the demon. It quit battling the black water and turned all of its threads toward the girl it already had.

The wires were not mere fibers. They seemed to be autonomous machines themselves. They were already approaching their captured target and branching out their tips into something like a brush.

"Fwah!? ~~ Wait, hey!"

The split tips dug into the fibers of her clothing. Ange cried out in confusion, but it was too late. With each turn of the gears, the wire brushes mechanically pulled at the clothing.

Then there was a tearing sound.

"Ange… Wah!"

"~~~~~ M-Mutsuki, you idiot! Look the other way!"


Her uniform had already been cut down the front, so it was easily torn away and her skirt fluttered to the floor.

Except for her socks, the ribbon worn instead of a tie, and her hair ribbon, she now only wore her sports bra and spats.

The skimpy outfit may have been even more provocative than if she were nude. Even with the metal threads wrapped around her, she tried to shrink down her body to hide her chest and belly. Mutsuki quickly looked away.

Ange had superhuman physical strength, but not even she could tear through the countless wires. Even as she was disgracefully stripped in front of others, she could do nothing more than blush. Meanwhile, the machine continued its assault.

"Beginning to take samples…positive."

The finely split fibers pressed against her skin like ivy climbing a wall. Attack did not seem to be their goal, but goosebumps covered the girl's skin as they traced along her flesh.

"Heh heh. How pathetic. The Springloaded have plenty of ways to leave an angel powerless, so it'll make quick work of you."

Lucia sounded satisfied that the opponent who had nearly defeated him was about to be turned into a specimen.

"Do you get it now? I'm the only one that can protect you."

"Nwah… Wah. Um, stop."

"Eh heh heh. You were worried for me before, weren't you? I was sooo happy❤"

He returned to Mutsuki and moved his face in close. Mutsuki tried to escape, but the black water that had defended against the wires wrapped around his hands and feet, pinning him to the wall. After rendering him as much a specimen as Ange, Lucia leaned in and rubbed his cheek against him.

The beautiful boy gave off a strange smell that was not quite an essence of sweat. It was different again from Micha's sweet womanly scent, but it was just as alluring.

As that seductive aroma surrounded Mutsuki, Lucia rubbed his body against him with the same friendly smile as before. The androgynously soft skin gave Mutsuki goosebumps of his own.

"W-wait. Aren't you a boy? Stop that."

"Hmm? I am technically male, but what does that matter? Do you not like me?"

"Well, it's mostly that…I-I'm a boy too."

Mutsuki complained while feeling flustered from the adorable expression on the face below his own.

The demon boy had slender limbs and a slender build. His white collarbones peeked out from his tank top, as did the nape of his neck. His body was filled with a bewitching charm somehow different from a woman's.

Mutsuki had never felt any homosexual urges before, so he was confused by the pounding of his heart when the boy pressed up against him. Lucia seemed to have realized how he was feeling, though.

"Is it wrong when it's two boys? But I love you."


The look in Lucia's eyes was purity itself.

Despite who this was and despite the situation, Mutsuki's heart skipped a beat when he heard someone say they loved him. And while his mind went blank, Lucia grabbed his cheeks between his hands.

"My genes yearn for the bearer of the Serpent's Eye. …But that's not all. I fell deeper and deeper in love the more I investigated you. By the time I actually met you, you already ruled my heart."

Lucia brought his face in toward Mutsuki's defenseless face.

"I love you, Mutsuki-kun."


It was not a surprise attack like last time, but their lips pressed together.

It was a soft kiss with no tongue. His lips were not as plump as Micha's, but they made up for it with a sweet damp sensation.

Despite coming from another boy, Mutsuki felt no revulsion or displeasure.


It even felt a little good, so he harshly shook his head to escape.

Lucia looked up at him in displeasure. His lips were pouting, perhaps as a remnant of the kiss, and that made him look all the cuter.

"I'm not into guys… And, um, I-I don't think I can get along with you."

He knew how pathetic it was, but he was completely flustered.

But Lucia tilted his head in confusion.

"You don't think you can get along with me? Why not? Because the angels said so?"

"Th-that's right. You want the Serpent's Eye, don't you? So you're trying to pluck out my eye."

"Oh, what a pain. You sure are pure. Don't believe everything you're told."

For just a moment, his usual smile of enjoyment vanished and he shrugged.

"Didn't I tell you? God is the only perfect being in this world. No one else is always right, be they human, demon, or angel."


Mutsuki's blank look brought back the demon boy's mischievous smile.

"C'mon. She's starting to enjoy herself over there, so how about we get to know each other better?"

"Eh? Ange!"

Mutsuki had started to forget, but then he looked back to the girl captured by the spider.

"Hkh… Kh… Uuh…"

Ange was on her knees with her bound arms both stretched diagonally upwards.

She did not seem to be in much danger. The countless wires were only binding her arms while the extremely thin ones brushed across her skin.

However, her reaction was intense. Her sweaty brow was sharply furrowed as she desperately tried to endure something. Her limbs would occasionally give a jerk and her normally pretty soprano voice sounded pitiful as it escaped her tightened lips as low moans.

By focusing his ears, Mutsuki could hear what sounded like insects buzzing around even more quietly than the rotation of the clock at the top of the tower.


Ears, neck, collarbones, armpits, sides, navel, back, inner thighs, front and back of the knees.

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