

"Oh my God that was so fun! Thank you so much Shiwoo for today. It really was such a wonderful first day." said Tristy and Shiwoo blushed.

"Oh it was nothing. I just wanted you guys to have fun, and I am so glad that you are so far."

"Yes we really are." said the others in unison, and I laid my head on his chest as he held me by the waist.

"Tally you better marry this man, because if you don't, I will." said Tristan and we all laughed as he pat him on the back.

"Oh don't worry bro. I will." I said and he looked down at me smiling, "well if you guys are done being kiss ass gold diggers I would like to get him to bed please. Good night."

"Good night." they said before retreating to their room, and Shiwoo opened the door to ours as he picked me up and I wrapped my feet around his waist as he carried me over to bed and gently placed me down.

"So about our wedding. I was thinking of a prate theme."

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