
First Target 1

Since he hadn't had the time to properly see their ages, but from what he saw last night, it's a mix bag of young school girls, house wifes, and MILFS. All of them are hot and/or beautiful.

'But it doesn't explain how no one reported them missing or come looking for them for however long they been in his hands.' He thought, frowning heavily.

Digging up memories from the boss as he visit them one by one, feeding them a Food pellet to sate their hunger for now and check if they need healing. They did.

Soon Zach got his answers and wasn't happy about it one bit. About a half of them was taken in as collateral to pay back their husband's gambling debts they owe.

And the other half was either raped and filled with drugs, or outright seduced into loving them and the pleasure never got from their lover. Unaware they are being tape on camera for future blackmail.

Then they will be back demanding for sex again and again, each time more deprive then the last until they can't live a normal life without it and as a result, break off all relations with their families and into the arms of their abusers.

The group of women who were seduce into becoming playthings by their 'lover', he feels bad for them. They wanted to feel loved and attracted by their husband, but after a few years of marriage that spark fizzled.

So once a handsome man half their aged shown an interest in them, and made them feel desirable again, they can't live without it. Though it will take some time training her to be more 'open' sex wise, but once he think she is ready, he will introduce her to her fellow 'sisters' in a group size orgy.

And once she got used to being used by many men other than her lover, he will break her by revealing the truth to her as she would then lose herself to pleasure.

They are to be sold in a few days in a auction as their 'training' was finally completed yesterday and the boss was allowing a few buyers a 'taste' of the product before it was to be sold.

But the last two women he rescued, the mother and daughter pair, was just recently captured last night. They were taken to settle the husband's debt and collateral for the loan he got before dying 'mysteriously'.

Not that they would know that as he was saving it for a surprise for later once they were on the verge of breaking. But now he has to be the one who tells them and Zach wasn't sure how it will go.

Checking the time, he couldn't help but, "Tsked." '2 minutes. Not enough time.' He thought with a frown.

After sating their hunger for now, Zach turn around, and climb out from his trunk. Closing it and locking it, he then slide it under his bed before leaving his room.

He will be back later to talk to the mother/daughter pair as they aren't too broken as those other women and wouldn't be assaulted for sex, even though he would gladly fuck them, but not like they are now.

Zach knows he is being a hypocrite right now, after fucking his mom and her friends' last night after "influencing" them with his magic, but he doesn't want to "break" them until all they can think about is their next hit.

He has standards after all. Walking downstairs and towards the kitchen with a yawn, Zach greeted his mother, "Morning mom."

"Morning, honey." She said with flush cheeks and a wide beaming smile on her face. Though he couldn't fight back the grin as he notice she had a slight limp to her steps.

Although he would've preferred she walk bow legged, but this is the next best thing. What happen next, he did not see coming. Being blindsided by a pair of breast.

"How is our little 'man' this morning?" Mei says, squishing/hugging him between her breast with her teasing smile in place, but she had bite her lip to suppress the moan threatening to escape as Zach tease her back.

"Enough Mei, let us hug Zach too!" Kumiko pouted at Mei, stealing him from her grasp as she began smothering him in her breast too before he was stolen from her grasp into the arms' of Jun.

Not that he complain too much as this allowed him to grope, pinch, and touch where ever he desire like it was a normal thing to do. Which is actually true, but only with them as they are a part of the "family" as his mother says.

"Onee-sans, when did you get here and why didn't you wake me?" He pouted, once he wasn't being smothered anymore, making them coo at his cute pout.

"We arrive late last night and we didn't wake you as it was an adults only party." Jun explain, That just made him pout harder as he crossed his arms and look away from them.

"Oh, don't pout Zach. Once your mom says it's okay, you can join our adult party, okay hun?" Said Jun as she tried to console him, but he just continued pouting.

Suppressing the urge to smile at his antics, Jun stood up and walk towards the counter in the kitchen area and with a loud voice, just enough for Zach to hear, but not loud enough to wake his sisters'.

"Hey, Mitsuko?"

"Hm, yes?" She said, acting like she hadn't been listening to them for the past few minutes.

"Do you think Zach is mature enough to join our adult party we will be having next month?" Jun said aloud, making Zach perk up in his seat and ever so discreetly, inch closer to them, while ignoring Mei's, Yukie's, and Kimiko's amused stares and quite giggles as he did so.

"Well~..." She said, stretching it out with a smile on her lips as she saw her son standing right next to Jun, looking at her with pleading eyes. It made her tingle (wet).

"...I was planning on taking him to our party next month, but I want your guys opinion too. Do you think he should go?" She finally said, ignoring his wide eyed look of disbelief on his face as she address her friends.

Unfortunately, before he could even begin 'coaxing' them to let him join their party next month, his sisters' came one by one; having been woken up by the smell of food and their loud chatter.

"Morning girls." Jun and friends' said, bring them in for a hug as they greeted them back.

"Morning onee-sans/oba-sans."

'Ugh.' He couldn't help but roll his eyes as Sayoko decided to tease their mother's friends a bit, calling them aunties. Huffing in amusement, Zach decided to watch the 'fight' a bit further away, otherwise they would gain up on him.

Plus this is the perfect time to test out how the book works as they are all distracted. Sitting down, he summon the book from his soul space to his hands underneath the table.

Then using Telekinesis, he ever so carefully nip a tiny piece of hair from his mother, or tried to as she moved around too much.

'Stay still.' He thought, slightly annoyed with her and after multiple failures, he finally succeeded. 'Finally!'

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