
Entering Apocrypha

After Jun vaguely explained he would be gone for a week or two. Just not to be suspicious, he used the Akashic Gate.

It could create an identity in the world for him if he so wished so he defined it as a magus hired to become a master in place of Shishigou Kairi and that he was the first master to be contacted and given his relic so he had time to plan out his approach to the plot.

Screwing with the summoning system to allow him to not only summon multiple servants but also summon for different sides was a cinch with his skill and knowledge so he was prepared to summon three Servants, two of which would be the same as the plot used to be.

Saber of Red, the Knight of Rebellion, Mordred and the Assassin of Black, the Serial Killer, Jack the Ripper would be those two while the changed one would be the Berserker of Red, the Amazon Queen, Penthesilea.

Jun did not want to risk things by goofing up the interview so he set it up to enter right after he had arrived in Romania for his identity. The advance payment he got was the same as Kairi, a jarp with a young dead Hydra, he was sure he find some nice uses for it.

Already in Romania, Jun simply went to a random forest and set up a magic circle for the summoning ritual, he did not really need the catalyst since he had previously acquired and recorded catalysts for each servant he wanted to summon today except for Jack.

To get the final catalyst he would simply send Nyxo to to Sagara Hyouma's location to get it before the fool summons Jack. After doing so, not even needing to say the sily incantation, in a flash of light, Saber of Red was summoned.

Mordred appeared from the light, fully clad in her armor. She removed her helmet, it becoming a part of her torso armor and jammed her sword on the ground before speaking.

"My name is Mordred! The sole and true heir of the King of Knights, Arthur Pendragon. So I ask you . . . Are you my master?"

"Haikami Jun. I am indeed your master." Jun introduced himself.

"Middle of a forest huh?" Modred commented.

"Problem?" Jun asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not at all! Just making an observation." Modred replied.

"So tell me Mordred . . . You claim to be the true heir of the King of Knights right?" Jun inquired.

"So?" Mordred responded.

"So why did you rebel?" Jun asked.

"The king . . . He did not recognise me . . . My efforts, my talents, all of it! So I showed him what his kingdom was worth!" Mordred shouted, kicking down a tree.

"Eeeeh? So what is the wish you want to entrust to the Holy Grail?" Jun continued to ask.

"I merely want to challenge the Sword of Selection the King of Knights once pulled from the stone." Modred reply.

"Isn't it obvious you'll succeed though?" Jun asked.

Mordred froze and squirmed a bit before smugly replying.

"Yeah, but if I don't' actually do it I can't rub it all over my father's face." Modred replied, hiding the fact she was very pleased with Jun's response to her wish.

"Anyway let's get going! Where's the enemy master?" She asked.

"Hold on a minute, I'll summon one more companion for you." Jun said.

"Wait . . . Another servant!? You can do that!? Ain't that against the rules!?" Mordred asked stupefied.

"Mor-chan . . . Rules are meant to be broken!"

"Mor-chan!?" Mordred squealed but Jun ignored her and summoned the Berserker of Red for this war and out of the light, Penthesilea appeared.

"He really summoned another one . . ." Mordred whispered dumbfoundedly.

"Queen of the Amazons, Penthesilea. I have come in answer to your summons." Penthesilea greeted.

"First of all, I need to make one thing clear. I am a queen. You may be my Master, but you'll need to be mindful of your behavior. Those who show disrespect will pay a price most dear." She declared.

"Oh you don't have to worry. I very much respect lovely warrior queens." Jun teased, trying to set her off.

immediately, Penthesilea swung at Jun before Mordred could even react to protect him but he dogged her non fully serious blow and toss her onto the ground with force.

Mordred who was about to strike and even Penthesilea who had just been thrown froze in shock and confusion.

'Even if that was not a serious strike . . . A normal magus should not have been able to not only dodge but even toss me.' The Amazon thought.

"Calmed down?" Jun asked.

"Indeed I have. And I must say I'm glad my master is so capable . . . But never again call be lovely beautiful or cute understand?" Penthesilea threateningly said.

"How weak." Jun said.

"What!?" The amazo's rage started bubbling up once again.

"To not be able to accept a part of yourself is weakness." Jun pointed out.

Penthesilea wanted to argue but Jun didn't let her as he continued.

"As someone who also went through that for a couple of years, despising my own appearance . . . I can understand where you're coming from but I was weak for doing so and so are you." Jun drove the point in.

"Your appearance?" The amazon inquired.

Jun then removed the Veil of Death's Secrets' effect and showed his real face.

Instantly, both Servants' hearts started beating faster but as valiant warriors both, they got it under control, Penthesilea better than Mordred.

Jun quickly replied the hidhind effect and the two girls managed get a hold of themselves, even somewhat ashamed for nearly losing control over a man's appearance.

"Right now, I hide it because it is a destructive weapon in and of itself but I've learned to accept it." Jun started, this time, earning Penthesilea's earnest attention.

"You are a powerful and noble warrior, a queen, a beautiful woman. These characteristics are all a part of you." He continued. The amazon struggled to accept that was of seeing things but she could somewhat see the logic of his words.

"If someone thinks of you a flower vase that is only good for looking pretty . . . Butcher them, simple as that. But never deny a part of yourself on the account of others, that is just giving others power over you that they do not deserve." Jun declared and the last part resonated deeply with her.

After all, as someone who saw her power and nobility as the most important aspects of her being, giving others power over herself without even realizing it was something she absolutely did not accept.

"Anyways, think about it." Jun said.

Penthesilea looked him in the eye, trying to figure him out with little success and then simply said.

". . . I will."

"Good! Then let us move on shall we?"

"Phew! Letting me me feeling this kind of tension right after summoning. You're quite the outrageous master." Mordred commented.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Jun replied.

"You already have a Servant?" Penthesilea asked.

"Yup! And I will summon a third shortly." Jun responded.

""A third!?"" Mordred and the amazon both exclaimed in disbelief.

"That's right, Assassin of Black to be precise."

"Not only can you summon more than one servant, you can summon for a different faction!?" Penthesileas asked with shock.

"What did I say about that Mordred?" Jun asked.

"Rules are meant to be broken!" She excitedly replied, very pleased with her master's behaviour while Penthesilea was slightly at a loss but decided to simply see it through.

Shortly after, right on cue, Nyxo arrived with the catalyst.

""What was that?"" Both Servants aksed.

'They can sense her huh? That's dangerous . . .' Jun thought.

"It was just my familiar." Jun said.

"Eh? Seemed quite powerful." Mordred commented.

"She is." Jun replied before beginning the summon of the last servant.

And then, from the light, the eternal loli, Jack the Ripper appeared.

"Assassin Jack the Ripper. Nice to meet you, Mother." Jack greeted.

Mordred wanted to laugh but stopped herself but Penthesilea felt a bit sorry and kept quiet.

Much to Jack's delight, Jun patted her and then he requested.

"At least say father."

At this Mordred couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing, earning her a dirty look from Jun and Penthesilea which made her stop.

"Father?" Jack cutely tilted her head before nodding.

"Right then. How about we get down to business and I tell you what I wish of you in the Great Holy Grail War?" Jun proposed.

Mordred and Penthesilea seriously nodded while Jack just hugged Jun's waist while doing the same.

"Jack?" Jun asked.

"We want to hold father." She replied.

"Alright then." Jun accepted it. He then projected a chair and sat don on it with Jack on his lap, making her giggle in delight which, for a nearly imperceptible instant, made Mordred jealous, thing she wanted that too.

After all, Mordred was actually about eight or nine years old as a fast grown homunculus made by Morgan.

Now though, it was time for business.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

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