
Thank You For Your Support

I'm currently not in a situation where I am capable of the focus required for writing due to a family crisis.

My grandma has had cancer for a while and she has been deemed untreatable a month or so ago due to various other conditions she had even before she got cancer and got send home to stay there. On Wednesday nurses from the hospital came over for the routine check up and unfortunately they detected that my grandma had inner bleeding. Sadly, there is notji g that can be done aside from slowing down how much she bleeds, and they gave her 2-3 days at worst and 2-3 weeks at best before she moved on.

The news hit the whole family and everyone is down, including me. so the two chapter releases today and tomorrow will have to tentatively be pushed to the weekend instead. Hopefully, norhing worse will happen until then, and I'll have calmed down enough by then to resume writing.

Anyway, I wish you all a good week. Hopefully, it will be much better than mine is turning out.

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