
CH106 (336), Goodbye Ransei

Mr. Cameron stopped me a short distance away from my group, so I threw him a questioning look.

"Before I leave you to get swarmed by your parents and friends, I want to talk to you about a few things," he said and I just returned a "sure" since I did not mind.

"First of all, don't forget to make use of the academy points you have earned during and before the competitions. I remember you asking questions about the other habitats, so don't forget to exchange the visitation rights for them.

With the total amount of points, you should be able to visit quite a few habitats. Make sure you use up all your academy points, and if you have any points left over, then exchange them for some resources or information," he said with a smile.

"I've not forgotten it, but thank you for the reminder Mr. Cameron," I notified him.

"That's good then," he said with a nod before he went on with the previous conversation.

"I want to remind you that you have until the end of next week to decide which species you want to choose your pseudo-legendary from. Once you have made your decision, notify me, so that I can pass the information to the alliance.

I guarantee you that the 3 choices you will be given will come from a premium noble lineage, so you can be sure that they will be among the best younglings of their species. At least among those available to humanity," he assured and I thanked him.

"That's what I should do," he tried to wave me off, but I shook my head.

"That's more than what you have to do. Really, thank you, sir, for always taking care of me," I thanked him with all my heart.

"Don't mind it. I have made it my personal task to support and safeguard the seeds of the succeeding generations, so that they may germinate into pillars capable of supporting humanity," Mr. Cameron explained before he shook his head.

"Anyway, forget that, and let me finish my bit, so that you can move on to your group. They are already waiting for you," he said with a look in the direction of my parents and I saw them waiting for us after I followed his gaze, so I nodded in agreement.

"The last bit concerns your visit to the breeding center housing the Charmander eggs. I want you to pay a visit to my office sometime next week to talk about the exact date for our visit to the breeding center. I should have all possible dates ready by Arcday, so we can talk about it anytime after that.

Just stop by when you come over to apply for a visit to the other habitats. In fact, you can come to my office for those as well. No need to go to the administration office, it will go through faster if I handle your application personally," he offered and I thanked him once more for helping me so much.

"Sir, I know you say it's not a big deal, but thank you for always taking care of me. I'll make sure to visit your office on Giratiday, I should have made my decision regarding the pseudo legendary by then as well, so we can handle that on that day as well," I shared with him, unable to not thank him since he just kept helping me whenever he could.

"Good, let's do it like that," he answered with a nod before he pat my shoulder. "Alright, champ, go to your group now. We'll see each other on Giratiday."

He left after he said that, and I wished him a nice day before he was out of hearing range. Only then did I make my way to my group. They were obviously in seeing distance and had been waiting for me to finish talking with Mr. Cameron.

The people I passed on the way there congratulated me and I kept repeating a general thank you until I finally made it to my group. As soon as I made it there I got pulled into a hug by mom, and dad joined in as well.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie," mom said while hugging me. "I'm proud of you son, but I've always been proud of you, so that's not surprising," dad professed and mom pouted.

"I'm always proud of him as well. I'm just extra proud right now," she declared, and both dad and I had to chuckle at that. "We know," we told her at the said time and that was enough to make her happy.

"Anyway, I think it's time we gave the others a chance to congratulate Mikail as well," dad told mom and she nodded before they stopped the hug to make way for the rest of our group.

"Congratulations Mika/Mikail!" Came from everyone as soon as I turned towards them, and they took turns giving me a celebratory hug. That was obviously not all they said.

"You, my brother, made me, and I'm sure a lot of others as well, pretty rich," Yu declared after hugging me, while happily patting me on the shoulder.

"I'm happy that your trust in me got rewarded," I replied jokingly and we all laughed a bit.

Still, there were not only congratulations and praises. Some saw fit to criticize me for the ending of my fight.

"You've let your guard down at the end. You could have avoided getting electrocuted by simply levitating the sword at his throat instead of pointing it there personally," Erza chastised me and I accepted it without a retort since she was right.

I knew she was saying that for my sake, so it dulled the sting a bit. The others, chief among them Kinji and Aaron, agreed with her, and Ace could not resist throwing in a quip.

"Yeah, you could have avoided turning into a human light bulb if you had simply been a bit more cautious," he teased, and some snickered at his joke, while Weiss, who stood beside him, elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to release a yelp.

"Ha, ha, ha, really funny," I returned before changing the subject.

"My parents and I are going to stay in Fontaine City for the night, and only return to Rota around tomorrow evening. Do any of you plan to stay as well, or have you all already booked return trips for this evening?"

Well, seeing their reactions, it looked as if we were the only ones that would stay in Ransei.

"We've booked a return trip for 9:30 p.m," Ace said, and Uncle Roger confirmed it.

"Us too," Rose said, and most added that they had made arrangements beforehand to make sure they returned around the same time. There were only 3 exceptions to this.

"We've got to return earlier than that since we have a family task tomorrow that we need to prepare for," Akame declared and Coco agreed with her.

"Our return trip is at 7," he shared and we assured them that we did not mind accompanying them to the teleportation center.

"Well, I need to be there at 9," Yu passed on, and we agreed that we would simply wait until the reservation of the others on site after sending him off.

There were still more than 20 minutes till 4 p.m, so there was more than enough time to stroll around the city for a while before we had to send off Coco and Akame, so that's what we did.

I brought them around the city, showing them the places I had passed while going from venue to venue. We first visited a burger joint for a quick lunch, before checking out some of the stores. Some of us enjoyed that more than the rest, and I saw Yu buying a lot of souvenirs.

I mean everyone bought some keepsakes, but the guy bought way too many. He simply shrugged and said that he had to gift them to a lot of people.

At one point Yu pulled me aside and informed me that Professor Krane had shown interest in me, along with Champion Wes, so I could probably apprentice there if I wanted to, but I had already declared that I would be staying on the northern continent, so that ship had sailed.

Anyway, we spent the last hour relaxing at one of the city parks before making our way to the teleportation hub. I made sure we arrived there with 10 minutes to spare, and after bidding farewell to everyone the Doku siblings left.

We discussed what we would do until 9 p.m, and it was decided that we would go to a restaurant for dinner a bit before 8 p.m, and then make our way back to the teleportation hub from there.

The ladies had apparently already chosen the restaurant they wanted to eat at, so the men simply shrugged. It was one of the 5 top restaurants that had been recommended to me, so I did not mind as well. I shared that fact with the other men per telepathy, and they were happy that it was in fact a good restaurant.

It was decided that we would slowly walk there, and I told them that they should go ahead of me for a bit since I had to do something really quick, but that I would join them as soon as possible. Ace and Yu looked as if they wanted to say something provocative, but the other boys stopped them before they could say whatever they were planning to say.

Then they waved me off and told me to hurry up before they set off in the direction of the restaurant. Meanwhile, I began jogging towards the PokeStores to check up on the Pokemon that were supposed to arrive today.

I first visited the "Spring Water Oasis", and I did so without disguising or covering myself. I got recognized the moment I stepped into the store, and the staff asked how they could help me.

I told them I came because I heard they had received a batch of Eevee, and the lady confirmed that they had gotten a small batch just an hour ago, so I asked her to let me take a look at them.

She brought me to the back and had me wait in a guest room while she brought out four Pokeballs from another room. She released all 4 Eevee and told me that these were all the ones they currently had. Apparently, they were from the same batch and were in fact siblings.

She told me that 3 of them had 4-star potential, while the last one had 5-star potential. I checked each one, and it turned out that all three with 4-star potential had in fact deep green potential. Two of them were female.

'Species: Eevee

Gender: Female

Type: Normal

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Iron stage (mid)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Run Away, Adaptability

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal'

The only difference on their status board was that one of them had Anticipation instead of Run Away.

'Species: Eevee

Gender: Female

Type: Normal

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Iron stage (mid)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Adaptability, Anticipation

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal'

The last one of the deep green trio was a male, but he was not the only male of the batch.

'Species: Eevee

Gender: Male

Type: Normal

Potential: Deep Green

Stage: Iron stage (mid)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Run Away, Adaptability

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal'

The 5-star Eevee was a male as well, and his actual potential turned out to be light blue.

'Species: Eevee

Gender: Male

Type: Normal

Potential: Light Blue

Stage: Iron stage (mid)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Adaptability, Anticipation

Talents: None

Affinities: Normal'

Honestly, that did not surprise me all that much after I finished checking the potential of his siblings since I expected it to be close to deep green due to them being siblings.

Still, how the parents managed to create a batch of 4 eggs so close to each other was surprising. Most Pokemon preferred taking care of one or two younglings first, letting them grow up before working on more since more younglings meant more responsibilities and less private/quiet time.

Anyway, that aside, I directly told the clerk that I was going to buy them all, and after paying 10 million Poke for them in total, I left the store and made my way to "Izumi's Buddy Store" to check out the Aron.

Well, it turned out that they had gotten 5 Aron, but all of them were 4-star ones, and only one was decent enough in my eyes, even if I was reluctant to add him to my main roster for various reasons.

'Species: Aron

Gender: Male

Type: Steel, Rock

Potential: Green

Stage: Bronze Stage (low)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Sturdy, Rock Head

Talents: None

Affinities: Steel, Rock'

Still, I remembered that dad as well as mom mentioned that she really liked the Aron line and that she would like one in her team over a year ago, but she had not found one for her team yet.

So I decided to buy it for her. If the optimization of Utopia increased its potential to light blue, then I would hand him over to mom, but if it only raise his potential to deep green, I would keep him and nurture him for a bit until his potential increased to light blue before I handed him to mom.

I left the store after paying 1.5 million Poke for the Aron and hurried towards the others. Visiting both stores and buying the Pokemon only took me 20 minutes since I did rush quite a bit, so I was only gone for 25 minutes before I rejoined the others.


***A Big Thank You to Fertal for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. An patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of October the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

If the second goal gets fulfilled, the lowest number of advanced chapters available will be 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters will be 10.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 5/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Fertal for becoming a Patron***

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of October the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. An patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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