
CH22 (45), “Field” Trip And A Surprising Exchange

Mikail used the 20 minutes drive to Hope Hill to decide what to do once they were there.

Since they had guests, and one of them was his age, so he could not leave them to explore on his own.

This meant he couldn't actively search for any resources but that was okay, he could still take those he noticed through luck.

The last time he was at Hope Hill he could not check out the Vulpix and Sandshrew that he saw there, so he could do that now.

The fact that Rose's favorite Pokemon was Vulpix was a good excuse to search for them.

Any other Pokemon they came across would naturally be checked as well.

He told Rose as much before they arrived at their destination.

"Ne, Rose.

You know I saw Vulpix at Hope Hill."

Rose immediately perked up at that focusing totally on Mikail.


Can we go to them?

Can we, can we?

I wanna see Vulpix!"

She said at first to him and then to the two women they were currently sitting on.

For the duration of the ride, the mothers had taken their respective children on their lap, since there was not enough space for all of them otherwise.

His mother, Arya, was the one that answered her.

"Yes, we can.

We will stop at our picnic place for a bit and set up our things there.

After that, we can leave one of our Pokemon there to keep an eye on our things while we stroll around.

I am sure we will see the Vulpix during our stroll as well.

If they will allow you to approach them is an altogether different story."

Lily added to that to assure Rose.

"I will let Ninetales talk to them, I am sure that it will be okay."

Rose nodded, hearing her mother.

She gave her a peck on the cheek and thanked both women.

Once they arrived at Hope Hill, his father parked the car, and they walked towards the same spot his family went to the last time they were here.

The grown-ups set up everything at their picnic spot and they started their stroll after leaving Cell, the Magneton, Ursaring, and Exploud to look after the place.

The group began to leisurely walk towards the top of the hill.

The parents released some of their Pokemon to accompany them.

Lily released her Ninetales, while Arya called out Emerald and Rivers.

Thorn called out Ambipom and Wigglytuff, while Edward released Cyan and Agni.

Seeing them calling out so many Pokemon to accompany them Mikail suddenly thought about his lone trips.

'It seems I should be happy that my parents send out only 1 or 2 Pokemon to follow me from a distance when I go out if this is what they do normally.

This seems to be a habit from the time they were on their journey, and if it is important enough that they still do it reflexively then I should remember this and most likely adopt it as well.'

Mikail was certainly not complaining, because the adults were talking about things that happened during their journeys, which he found interesting.

Even if the presence of all the Pokemon was reducing the number of Pokemon they encountered, thus reducing the number of status checks he could perform, he was still happy.

As far as Rose was concerned, she was in a world of her own.

The little girl was ultra-focused on finding some Vulpix, and she kept looking around hoping to spot some of them as fast as possible.

They kept walking like this for about 20 to 25 minutes when they heard some buzzing noises.



All adults tensed when they heard that sound, which surprised Mikail a bit.

'Why are they getting so tense all of a sudden?

It's just the noise of a Beedrill.

I am not looking down on Beedrill or anything but a wild Beedrill should be a piece of cake for them.'

Mikail couldn't hold back from asking the question that came out of his mouth.

"Just a Beedrill, right?"

While he was posing his question, the adults kept attentively listening to the buzzing of the Beedrill.

Only after the noise vanished after getting farther away did they relax and answer his question, causing him to wonder about their behavior.

'There's no need to overreact like that, right?'

The adults looked at each other for a bit before his father started speaking.

"Son, you should never underestimate the danger a Beedrill can pose.

It could turn into a major mistake on your part to do so.

While it is true that most wild Beedrill could not be considered dangerous to trainers on their own, the situation changes when a swarm of them turns up.

That's exactly the problem when encountering a Beedrill, they are seldom alone.

Once you are surrounded by a swarm of Beedrill, they could exhaust you with their sheer number."

Mikail nodded at his father's explanation.

It made sense and he had even considered that point but he had thought that their Pokemon were strong enough even if they got surrounded by a swarm.

His father seemed to have noticed that he was still a bit dubious about their reaction, so he expanded his previous explanation.

"The reason we were so tense before was more because of a forced habit than real danger.

We know the strength and the vague sizes a swarm of Beedrill could reach here on Hope Hill, which is not enough to threaten us as long as no major change has happened to the Beedrill colony.

But in places where you don't have this information or in most areas inside forests, especially the Viridian Forest, this is a vital habit to have.

The swarms there could reach massive sizes and even alert the stronger one's so being careful is never wrong.

It's better to be too careful than to get hurt, alright?"

Mikail rapidly nodded, while thinking about Beedrill.

'Hmm, even Senior-class trainers speak with some form of reverence/respect when mentioning the Beedrill swarms.

How about I train myself a Queen or even Empress Beedrill and let her form her own swarm.

Better yet, I let her take over other swarms.

I can already see it, legions of Beedrill under my command waiting for marching orders and flying forward screaming for the swarm.'

Here Mikail nearly chuckled for a bit, but he managed to stop himself since it would have been weird if he started to chuckle after a serious explanation.

'Anyway, training one or two Weedle can not hurt.

I am sure I can make them strong and I already know that they have a Mega-evolution.

I am sure that together with some genetic traits, they will become really strong.

Note to self, keep an eye open for any good Weedle.'

Until now Mikail had a 'good if he finds one but no problem if he didn't' kind of attitude, but that just changed.

After his father's explanation, Thorn began to tell them one of their adventures.

"Edward, you saying that has made me remember our close escape in Fuchsia Forest.

We were surrounded by Beedrill as far as we could see and they kept exhausting our Pokemon by using swarm/wave tactics.

The strength of our Pokemon was superior but by the virtue of their number alone they were slowly grinding us down.

The even bigger problem was that stronger Beedrill could have turned up if we were delayed for too long."

Mikail was attentively listening to Thorn's narration and even Rose was curiously listening to her father instead of looking for Vulpix.

"Fortunately one of our comrades returned with some reinforcements after teleporting away with one of his Pokemon to get some help.

We focused on the same point, they from the outside of the encirclement and we from the inside.

In the end, we managed to break out with their help and fled the scene.

Hahaha, we got an earful about provoking the Beedrill so much that they formed a mega-swarm like that.

I will never forget the scene where all I could see was a sea of Beedrill."

Mikail saw that all adults were remembering that moment.

After hearing Thorn's description and sensing the things he left out from his tone during his narration Mikail affirmed his previous decision.

'Yep, I am definitely going to get myself a Weedle.'

Once Thorn was finished, they continued their stroll for another 30 minutes before they stopped for a bit at a small clearing with a few small boulders that could sit on.

His mother took out a few bottles of juice for everyone to drink while they were resting.

It was there that he managed to check out a few Sandshrew that were there as well.

'Species: Sandshrew

Gender: Male

Type: Ground

Potential: Orange

Stage: (mid) Iron-stage

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Sand Veil

Talents: None

Affinities: Ground/Earth'

That was the strongest one among them and the one with the best potential as well.

After everyone had finished their drinks and Mikail had told a curious Rose Sandshrew's species name, apparently that was the first time she saw one so she was curious, they continued their stroll.

They kept walking for another 40 minutes before the parents decided to return to their picnic spot.

To Rose's disappointment, they had not met any Vulpix until that moment, but they had seen a group of three Machop that were walking up the hill.

Mikail naturally did not miss the chance to discreetly check their status.

Unfortunately, their potential was pretty bad.

The best one was light orange, so Mikail decided to simply be happy that he had managed to check another "new" species for the first time.

They chose to take a slightly different way back.

Mikail did not know if it was because the world pitied Rose or if they were simply lucky, but they met a skulk of 6 Vulpix around 30 minutes after they started making their way back.

As soon as Rose noticed the Vulpix she released a high-pitched squeal, causing them to shift into an alert state.

Lily kept Rose from rushing towards the Vulpix and send her Ninetales towards them instead.

The Ninetales managed to calm them down and they were called over after a short discussion between the Vulpix and Ninetales.

Rose bound over as fast as she could and started going on about how cute and great they were towards the Vulpix.

In this case, the saying "flattery will get you everywhere" held true, because the Vulpix and Rose started to get along swimmingly.

While Rose was going around hugging and petting the Vulpix, Ninetales was talking with one of the Vulpix and the adults were following their conversation, occasionally saying a sentence or two.

The thing Mikail managed to get from what he heard, was that these Vulpix were from the same litter and that they were part of a bigger group.

There seemed to be 3 big groups of Vulpix on Hope Hill and a few smaller groups but there was not a single Ninetales amongst all of them.

This was also the reason why the Vulpix we're so enthusiastic towards Ninetales.

The Vulpix was asking if they had any way to allow the leader of their group to evolve since there were no natural Fire Stone deposits in the surroundings.

It said that they were willing to give them other things in exchange.

The adults exchanged glances between each other before Lily spoke up.

"I do have a way to allow your leader to evolve, but what can I get in exchange for it?

I think it would be better if you called over your leader before we continue."

The Vulpix agreed with her and went away to call over the leader, while the others stayed.

Rose, who had until now ignored everything else in favor of surrounding herself in Vulpix paused for a moment, looking after the leaving Vulpix, before shrugging and returning to her focus on the other Vulpix.

A bit less than 10 minutes later the Vulpix returned with another 5 Vulpix of which Mikail assumed one was the previously mentioned leader.

He was proven right when one of the bigger Vulpix started the negotiations with Lily and Ninetales.

They talked for some time during which Lily kept refusing Vulpix offer, stating that it was not enough to exchange for her material.

Mikail could see that Vulpix was getting increasingly frustrated with every refusal she received.

Yes, the Vulpix leader was a she.

He had checked her and she was at the (mid) bronze stage and had deep yellow potential.

Anyway, just as Mikail was wondering if she would snap, Vulpix forcibly calmed down.

She pondered for a bit, briefly looked at Rose before she focused on Ninetales and started a discussion with her.

She asked how Ninetales had been treated until now and how the humans it stayed with generally were.

It also asked how Rose was and how the situation of the family was.

Once she had heard what she needed to she restarted the negotiations.

Her offer to Lily was simple.

She would exchange the evolutionary material for one of her own PokeEggs, as long as Ninetales and Lily swore that they would take good care of the kit that came out of the egg and that they would help it get strong.

She was okay with them giving the Egg to Rose as long as they helped her take care of it.

Mikail was stunned when he heard Vulpix offer.

The fact that she was willing to exchange one of her own eggs surprised him, no matter how many stipulations she added it did not change the fact that she could not guarantee that her kit would be treated well.

At least he thought so until he saw the seriousness of Lily and Ninetales when they agreed to her demands, especially Ninetales.

He was not sure why but he just knew that Ninetales would do everything it could to make sure that the promises were kept.

As for the egg truly being one of the leader's eggs, Mikail did not doubt that the Vulpix would keep her word as well.

It was probably because of Ninetales and the respect she had for one of their species that was willing to help her.

Mikail saw no problem with the requirements anyway because the kit would become Rose starter if the exchange succeeded and almost no one treated their starter Pokemon badly, as long as they were not idiots or had a problematic character and the way was behaving around the Vulpix, the kit would be extremely adored.

Rose who had joined his side, after she heard her name being mentioned a few times, was listening to the negotiation as well and it seemed like she was about to explode from happiness.

Once Lily agreed to Vulpix offer, the Vulpix left to bring over the egg.

After she returned, Ninetales used her senses to make sure the egg was the leader Vulpix egg.

Ninetales gave her okay and Lily checked the condition of the egg.

The egg was declared acceptable and took out her evolutionary material.

From what Mikail could see it was not a Fire Stone, it was a dark red marble instead and he heard Lily call it a 'D'-class Lava Marble that could be used as a substitute for the Fire Stone.

It allowed the target to evolve, as long as it was not higher than the bronze stage, which the leader fulfilled being at the (mid) bronze stage.

Apparently, it may have also helped the Vulpix increase her potential if she had been at the iron stage but it would only allow her to keep her current potential.

When he heard that Mikail made a simple conclusion.

'An 'E'-class Lava Marble would have most lost likely reduced her potential after the evolution.

One has to use evolutionary materials that fit the target's stage otherwise one risks a degradation in potential.'

The leader apparently decided to directly use the marble.

She started to evolve as soon as she absorbed a bit of its energy after touching the Lava Marble.

This was the second evolution he was witnessing and it was still an unbelievable experience for him.

It was a thing of beauty and he was happy to witness this moment.

Mikail could see Rose vibrating on the spot because of her excitement at the happenings.

After the evolution was done a Ninetales stood at the place where previously a Vulpix had been.

The surrounding Vulpix congratulated their leader and the two Ninetales exchanged a few words before the newly evolved Ninetales left with its subordinates, leaving the egg behind as they had previously agreed upon.

Lily took the egg and put it inside an incubator she pulled out of her Silph Co. Bag, before safely stowing the incubator away.

Then she explained to Rose that the Vulpix that was going to hatch from that egg was going to be her starter Pokemon and Rose was over the moon once she heard that.

She jumped, she squealed, run up to Ninetales and her parents to hug and kiss each one of them.

Mikail, who had checked the egg while Lily was putting it into the incubator, was currently not sure what to feel.

'Species: Vulpix

Gender: Female

Type: Fire

Potential: Light Green

Stage: None, PokeEgg

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Flash Fire, Drought

Talents: None

Affinities: Fire

I know this is a bit petty but since I am the one with the second life, shouldn't something like this happened to me instead of Rose?

Well, I like Growlithe more than Vulpix anyway, so this is alright as well.

I can catch a Vulpix on my own if I want one later on, but I do have to say Rose is one lucky girl.

If they take good care of the egg then Rose can get a Vulpix with nearly green potential.

That means it would be not that hard for her to get a light blue potential Ninetales.

Well, let's congratulate them.'

Mikail and his parents congratulated them and they resumed their walk back after Rose calmed down for a bit.

They spent the rest of the day relaxing at the picnic spot.

They had their dinner there as well, his father took out the grill and they ate what he grilled, which was mostly meat.

About one hour after dinner they packed up their things and they drove towards the Hope Bus Station.


Another Hope Club member.'

Was the first thing that came to Mikail's mind when they arrived there.

Anyway, they brought the Field Family there, because their bus was leaving at 7:30 pm.

They said their goodbyes and Mikail had to promise Rose to call her at least once a week.

He heard his mother saying to Lily that she would make sure that Mikail kept his promise, so he knew that he was definitely going to keep his promise.

After sending off their guests, they returned to their home and Mikail went to bed after watching a movie with his parents.


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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 3/5 for this week.

This chapter is nearly 1.5 times the size of my average chapters.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


Azrail93creators' thoughts
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