
You Have Fuc*ed Up Now!

I teleported to X-mansion midnight and picked the three girls up, then teleported near the Spider's base and went in.

"So, what did you call us for?" Gwen asked, in her suit with the other three.

"I asked Oracle to investigate Frankenstein's and what I found was... disturbing" I said and showed them video's of them selling people like slaves and drug trafficking. They were shocked by it.

"So we are going to take them down" I said. Jean, Wanda and Laura immediately became attentive as they wanted to do this for quite a while. What better time than now, when you're already angry at them?

"Wait we? You guys coming too?" Peter asked me while I gave nanotech bracelets to the three.

"Yes" I replied and the Enigma suit appeared on me without the mask, eyes and hair turned pure silver, "They harmed someone close to me, they will face the consequences." I looked and said at the stunned spiders, Peter's eyes looked like they would pop out. "You guys coming with me or not?" I asked and the mask appeared on my face.

They went silent for a while, when Miles slyly smiled and said, "You do have a plan right?"

"Why? I'm glad you asked!" I said sharing the same smile.

*Gwen's House*

Gwen's dad was going into the car for night patrol when he heard a voice behind him "You kept me waiting for quite a while captain."

George immediately turned around and pointed the gun, and tensed seeing the one who talked. Enigma was both, a blessing and a nightmare for NYPD. His constant exploits help them out, but the scar of him escaping still remains.

"What do you want?" George asked him.

"Help" He replied.

"Well, even you need help now?" He asked a bit surprised. They all know he is a lone wolf.

"Yes I do, but I am not in requirement of your help. Me and the Spider's are going to raid 8 locations, and all of them contain victims of human trafficking. I need your help to ensure their safety." I said.

"You always send information through hacking, Why the different approach?" He asked, still a bit unsure.

"Times are changing. And to deal with it we have to work together, face to face, not across a screen. Take this communicator, just press the button, and it will give you the raid locations, but only when you are ready, in order to avoid leaks. You can use it to communicate later. It's untraceable, so don't worry about any problems. We will be waiting for your signal" I said and walked away. George kept looking between me and the communicator, and rushed into the car towards the headquarters.

* Manhattan, Frankenstein's home*

"So that's where that son of a bi*ch lives? Bad taste." Gwen said, looking at the extremely gaudy villa.

The raids were a complete success, and we all left the proof we had gathered. But this time, we left our names respectively. I looked at the three girls. Jean was in a black and yellow suit, with a Phoenix on front as well as the back, with he hair colored black with the color changer, though it becomes a burning red when she uses her phoenix powers like her eyes. She wore a domino mask covering her upper face. It actually covered the whole face but the below part was left transparent. Due to static blocker in the masks, the photos taken would be blurry, so no one can take a definite picture of her. She took up Phoenix as her name.

Wanda was in a crimson costume which looked like the one from the show Wanda-Vision, with a full face mask that looked like mine, but crimson with white glowing eyes. She went with Scarlet Witch.

Laura was in a completely black suit with a black jacket over it, and a black mask covering her upper face which looks like Wolverine's without the helmet. Her mask was also full face but the lower left transparent. Their hair were electrostatically charged, so no falling and leaving DNA. She actually took my name Nightclaw which I had told her about, much to the jealousy of other two.

"We know they have metahuman guards as well so be careful. Spidey and Silk, watch out the back exit. Arachnid and Ghost, you will take out the guards, Phoenix, get any written proof they have hidden away, find other locations as well by reading minds, Nightclaw, cover for her. Me and Scarlet Witch will directly go for the main room. Are we clear?" I asked and they nodded.

"It's already 2 in the morning, so most should be drowsy, Spidey, I will leave the lights to you. Move out." I said and we got into action.

*3rd POV*

In the basement meeting room in Frankenstein villa, nine people are present in the room, four sitting and five standing.

The four sitting are Ryan, his dad, uncle and grandfather, the main pillars of Frankenstein family. The one's standing are the rupture force, metahumans that serve as main guards. The three on the left are Hollow, with the ability to produce poisonous bone spikes, Viper, with a self-strengthening ability, but extremely skilled with poisonous knives and Void, with the ability to produce Spatial rifts, to store an attack or object, and then release it. On the right are Tank, a mutant with high strength and thick skin, while the other is the leader of the squad Rupture, who has the ability to use energy to boost his physical ability and shoot heat blasts.

"Nothing has been going right today. And you, did you have to go for that girl? Now we have a problem with Knights as well." Ryan's father yelled.

"But dad, no one knew he was her brother. Everyone knew he was just a rich kid." Ryan argued.

"Shut up! You also did it in Osborn's mansion, and that is still trouble for us" He yelled back.

"Calm down, Ryan made a mistake, but it is solvable. Do we know where any of those kids live?" his Uncle asked.

"No, we are not going after any of them" The grandfather suddenly said.

"But father-" His uncle tried to argue but was cut-off.

"NO, if we do that, then the Knights will destroy us. Right now they are just trying to show dominance. But if we harm anyone, they will do everything in their power to destroy us. They treat the lives of their employees at a high value, and he is the acting CEO's younger brother. There is no way they won't do anything. Right now, we need to focus on what we have lost due to the police raid. Ryan will serve the punishment and get the school changed. This will teach him not to mess with those who are stronger, and after a while they will probably forget, we will get him out." His grandfather declared.

His father and uncle just nodded their heads, while Ryan was looking down in shame and anger. He had always gotten what he wanted and not getting her hurt his pride.

Suddenly all lights flickered and turned off, and the generators didn't turn on either.

"What's going on?" Ryan, being the most impatient asked, while the older member's frowned. Rupture started glowing and made a small sphere lighting the room red, to let everyone see.

"Boss, communications are jammed." Viper said after checking his communicator.

"We are under attack. Get in formation" Rupture said, and the five surrounded the family.

"Only one guy hunts in the dark... finally I get to fight him" Hollow said with a maniacal grin.

"Shut up protect the head, you battle-junkie." Void said on guard.

Tank stood in front of the door, but got blasted by a crimson energy ball that came through the door, landing him on the wall on the other side. The team went on guard, but suddenly felt a deep stare on them, as if they were being judged. It's intensity lessened on everyone else except Hollow, who was still getting it.

While they were wondering what it was, two people entered through the door, tensing them up. It was Enigma and another girl dressed like him, but unlike the electricity glowing on Enigma's gauntlets and boots, her hands were glowing with a wavy crimson energy.

Enigma stared at them for a while and said"... Frankenstein."

The old man narrowed his eyes and just said "Get him while we escape" and turned around. He pulled out a book revealing a secret passage and went in.

Hollow ignored the pressure on him and said, "I have been waiting to fight you Enigma. I will kill both, you and your girlfriend." He then turned towards her and grinned, "Or maybe not". The ruptures had a disgusted expression but knew what kind of person Hollow was.

But suddenly a kick smashed into his face and he flew back and crashed into the wall. They couldn't even see when Enigma reached him. Suddenly the pressure came back and Enigma said with anger in his voice, "I was planning to go easy on you, but..." Suddenly Wolf claws slid out of his gauntlet sparkling with energy,"... YOU FUCK*D UP!"

Hearing him say that sent chills down their spine, but they had their orders so stood up to fight. Rupture was going to send a beam at him, but got surrounded by crimson energy and dragged into tank, smashing to the other side of the room.

Hollow came out of the wall, bleeding through the head and headed straight at Enigma. Seeing this, he threw 3 explosive batarangs, but they disappeared in thin air surprising him, but he sensed the spatial fluctuation in the third guy who was behind the other two and narrowed his eyes.

Viper quickly reached him with his enhanced speed and slashed at Enigma, who avoided it and tripped him, but he did a forward roll stabilizing himself. Hollow attacked behind him, but got caught by his bone spurs, much to his surprise and stabbed him back with his claws. Void sent out the batarangs he had caught before, with some of rupture's blasts he had store before, but Enigma used Hollow as a shield, letting him take the whole blunt of the attack. Viper took the initiative and attacked, but Enigma sidestepped as if expecting him, and Viper's dagger got inserted into Hollow, making him scream more.

Viper tried taking the dagger out, but was destabilized, when Enigma suddenly threw Hollow at him, but before he could stabilize completely, a kick filled with electricity smashed into his stomach, sending him flying. Enigma then caught Hollow and threw him at Void, who barely avoided him. Before he could look back, Enigma was already in front of him and punched him right in the gut, smashing him into the wall. Before he could recover, Enigma turned 180 and smashed his elbow on his head, cracking the wall from the attack even more, turning Void dizzy. Then he pulled his hand and caught him by the neck, and choke-slammed him into the ground knocking him out.

Viper again tried aiming for Enigma's neck, but he ducked and caught his arm. Before Viper could overpower him, he got a shock-powered punch to his face stunning him. Enigma didn't let him recover, and kicked his knee, making him kneel, and lifted his left arm and twisted it. Before Viper could fight back, Enigma kicked his shoulder, dislocating it, making Viper scream in pain. When he gained clarity, lying on his back, he got punched right in his gut, leaving him breathless, and he blacked out.

Hollow had recovered by then, and saw Viper getting knocked out easily, gritting his teeth and looking at Enigma angrily. But when he met his eye, he felt the pressure again, scaring him. He tried fighting him but suddenly he felt his body... burning? He was confused but the feeling kept growing and soon he started screaming.

"AAGH, IT BURS! IT BURNS DAMN IT! WHAT DID YOU DOO?" His screams attracted the attention of Scarlet Witch, Rupture, and the barely conscious Tank, who was being thrown around all the time by her.

"You loved injecting poison in people torturing them slowly before killing them didn't you? My claws were laced with a far deadlier one than what you produce. Feel the very pain you put your victims through before you die." His words sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Wanda knew most criminals were scared of him, but had now understood why. Same was the case with Tank and Rupture, who got scared to their core hearing him. Rupture looked around and knew he could no longer win.

"Humph, if I can't beat you, then I will take you down with me." He suddenly started glowing brightly alarming both Scarlet and Enigma. Before he could explode, Scarlet surrounded him with her power, and threw him through the roof all the way into the sky, where he exploded with a boom, attracting everyone's attention. Seeing Rupture like that, Tank had already closed his eyes and blacked out.

*3rd POV end*

*Stay tuned for more..*

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